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SECAEi ' Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002900230003-3 SG1 B KEY INTELLIGENCE TASK (91007) (S/NF/LIMOIS Describe activities and purpose of target area; provide backup sketches. (S/NF/LIMDIS) Source A Assessment. {DOI: 23 JAN 91): a. Site function is associated with unusual emanations and has numerous automatic functions: - High technology diagnostics. - Emanations may cause physical maladies (i.e., nausea, headaches), - Flashes of blue are relevant. ~ b. Object/equipment associations include: - Large pyramid or peaked shapes (Figure 1), with humming sounds and spinning motion. - Play be flaps on the object. - Bars and disks are also present, with rings (Figure 2). ~ - Many disarrayed thin elongated objects are present. c. Overall area is flat with features incorporated into very rugged terrain. (S/NF/LIPIDIS) Source B Assessment. (DOI: 23 JAN 91): a. Function is associated with storage and loading, possibly with under- ground aspects: - May have chemical munitions. - Shaking and vibration motions are associated, with some circular. motion. _ ' ' - Ceiling may have a sliding/opening capability, and may be made of very thin metal. b. Main object(s) have missile-like shapes. '~ c. Various smaller objects have fan-type shapes (Figure 3). LIMITED DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFIED BY DT DECLASSIFY ON OADR _ NOT RFlEASABIE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS WARNING NOTIGE -INTELLIGENCE SECRET fi1111RCES OR tJIET~iODS 11ilfOLVED ~l Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002900230003-3 ~~~~~ ~~x . SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002900230003-3 (S%NF/LIMDIS) Source C Assessment. (DOI: 23 JAN 91): a. Main function seems. to be related to mines: - Possibly mine assembly, mine/staging deployment. - Mines seem to be of a shallow surface type. b. Main site area is heavily dependent on a river or some type of water supply, though it is not near a river. - Area may have a natural mining function or once was a mineral mine. - Some association to "mile" or "Wile." - Area is in a Mideast country. A. Are the assessments accurate?(circle response) .' rce B Sou Source C Source A _ (1)-Yes (true) (1) ~ (1) (2) May be true (2 (2) (~`' ossibly true (3) (3) 4) (4) No (4) ( (5) Possibly not true (5) (5) (6) Unsure ~ (6) (6~ B. What is value of the Source A (1) Major significance (2) High value (3) t1f value. ow value (5) No value LINiTTED DISTRIBU3I.O~t Source(s)' assessments: (circle response) Source B Source C (1 )- (1) (2) (2) C~ (~) (4) (4) (5) ~s NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS WARNING NOTICE -1NTELLtGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED A roved For Release 2000/08 O~A-RDP96-007898002900230003-3 pp u~~ SG1A evaluation by Source.____ r tasked to either obtain or verify such data. ease p Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002900230003-3 C.' Evaluation of Source Information. Provide rationale/analysis which led to your evaluation of responses provided above. Include confirmatorylnew confirmatory data and whether collection requirements are currently_validated/ ,... - - ovide your written - - - Pl SG1J D. NAME rs~ ~~. OFFICE/PHO NUMBER 4 Enclosures. 1. Photographs (S/NF/WN) 1 Cy 2. Figure 1 (U) 1 Cy 3. Figure 2 (U) 1 Cy 4. Figure 3 (U) 1 Cy LIMITED DISTRIBUTION N4T RELEASABLE 10 FaREIGN NATIONALS - WARNiNG NOTICE - INTELLIGENCE SECfRET Sal-RCES OR METHODS INVOLVED Ufn~.' Approved -For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002900230003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08~CIA-RDP96-007$?R~,gQ;~'~~0~,,~~ Approved For Release 2000/08/Q$~ : CIA~'~~'6-007,~t002900230003-3 Appr or 000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002900230003-3 tt ~