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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 20, 1998
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R003000400008-7.pdf89.41 KB
1. BACKGROUND: Ap roved For Release 2000108108: CIA-RDP 2. DESCRIPTION(Expected Capability): 3. MISSION REQUIREMENT SUPPORTED: a. Source of Mission(DCI goal, Defense guidance, JCS, Other): b. Impact of Disapproval: 4. CONTEXT: a. Relationship to Ongoing or Proposed Projects: b. Managerial Perspective(DIA goal or objective supported: c. Accordance with Agency ADP Planning, if applicable: d. Government Furnished Space(Yes/No; if yes, give location): 5. PROPOSED TYPE OF ACTION: Full and Open Competition. Other than Full and Open Competition: a. Cite the authority in DIAM 44-2, Chapter 5, Section E., Paragraph 17 b. Attach Justification for Other than Full and Open Competition in sufficient detail for determination of acceptability, signature not required. Other Gov't Agencies(i.e. GSA,Federal Prison Industries, Blind). 6. Identify separately priced optional tasks and optional years included with the basic contract approval. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-REW96-00789R003000400008-7 ADVANCED ACQUISITION PLAN(AAP) NO. PURCHASE REQUEST(PR) NO. FY1990 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000400008-7 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) (Date Prepared) 2. ELEMENT BUDGET OFFICER (Name/Office Symbol/Telephone Number) (Name/Office Symbol/Telephone Number) 3. ACQUISITION ACCOMPLISHED BY : [ ] RSQ [ ] MIPR [ ] ISA [ ] OTHER (NOTE: If other than RSQ complete blocks 1 thru 5 and 7 a, b, c) 5. CONTRACT DOLLARS: PRIOR YEARS FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 OUTYEARS a. Appropriation: O&M R&D PROC Other Govt Funds (2) Program/Budget Record Line Name Proiect# EU RC PE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000400008-7 b. Total Estimated Contract Amount (Include cost for total effort in Statement of Work) c. Source of Funds (1) Program/Budget Line Name/Dollars Line Name(s) A ro FY90 FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94 OUTYEARS Ev 'U~) fL AAP NO./PR NO. Approved For Release 2000108108 : CIA-R 96-00789R003000400008-7 6. RECOMMENDED CONTRACT TYPE a. Fixed Price (Type) b. Cost-Reinbursement (Type) c. Other 7. TARGET DATE FOR MILESTONES a. Completion of acquisition-package preparation b. Complete coordination within Directorate and others as required_ c. Transmitted to OC d. Transmitted to RSQ e. Award date f. Required delivery date or performance period 10. APPROVED/CONCUR (Signature and date) CONCUR: HEAD OF MAJOR ELEMENT CONCUR: OC APPROVED BY: ASSISTANT DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PROCUREMENT: (Signature and date) (Signature and date) Ifa, Approved Fr'R9fetaiee2 Nl ): CIA-RIP96-00789R003000400008-7