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~~ ate o req e i e' a umber PURCHASE REQUEST 10 FEB 92 30 SEP 93 330/025Z/92 INSTRUCTIONS - ORIGINAL. AND 8 COPIES 4A. Authorized Approving Official or Designee (DIAM 44-2) S,A, Funds are certified available and have been committed Accounting classification 56. Amount Signature Director, R/D: $400,000.00 RNRme H, Office fo)~ & TI JOHN T B hao~av, 44 ~ ~1a ~ra~U~ t~aa, so~~4~1 c Y i and Signature of Designated Supply Coordinator Ext Name 46 , , . (DIAM 25-1) 5C. Name and signature of Certifying Official SG 1 J Signature SG 1 A Signature Type Name Date Type Name Date Office Symbol ODT-S 7A. Ship To: Di rector 76. Mark for: (ODT-S : SG 1 J DIA Estimated BA . Stock/Item No. Description of Supplies or Services Quantity Unit Price Amount RELEASE OF FUNDS FOR EXTERNAL RESEARCH $400,000.00 AND ANALYSIS. Sole Source Contract with SAIC for Phenomenological Res earch. 9, ^ Recurring requirement Source: $B. Total GSA Schedule Number (if known) __ $4OO , OOO ? OO Acquisition Plan No. 10. Action Office if External to DIA: Other: Interservice Support Agreement No: External POC: 11.Justificatian/Remarks The purpose of this request is to pursue general phenomenological research via the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Funds for this effort are in the approved FY 92 DIA budget as line item ~. ~ ~' for Congressional Directed Programs. This request identifies follow-on work additions to research initiated in a previous Congressionally Directed effort (MDA 908-91-C-0037). New research resulting from the same FY 92 Congressionally Directed action is identified in PR 330/025Z/92. 12A. Requisition Number/Other 13A. Coordinations ^CRRB ^SADPO DI-SF GC OOC-4 12.6 Logistics Branch Action OfficerJPhone No. ~~ OOC-5 RLE-2A RLE-2A OOC-2 RSQ Date Method 12C 1,3 Approvals ^ Not required ~ 13C. Budget Reporting Code . p (DIAR 44-4) H R400 uisition Office and Ac ti C q ng ontrac ^ Yes ^ No ^ Other: ~ Af A 12D. Received By: (Signature) 14A. Action Assigned To: 146. Date Contract Specialist: Oate Telephone No: e ; ~-00789R003000480005-2 ADVANCE~~/e~~~i" KeieaS@-1UU0/UtSll7Zi : C:IA-KDF'96C0~~~39R~O~~~TQ'~FBU/UD36~/ 1. PROJECT TITLE pHFNnMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 2. JUSTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION (ATTACH) SG1J 3. PROJECT MANAGE 4. ELEMENT BUDGET OFFICE SG1J 5. CONTEXT:a.. b., c. 6. ACQUISITION ACCOMPLISHED BY: [X] RSQ [ ] MIPR TO [ ] ISA [ ] OTHER? 7. PROPOSED TYPE OF ACTION: a. [ ] NEW CONTRACT b. [X] MODIFICATION TO CONTRACT c. [ ] ORDER UNDER REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT NO d. [ ] ORDER UNDER GSA FED SUPPLY SCHEDULE e. [ ] OTHER: 8. COMPETITION (Applicable to para 7a, 7b, and 7d (if ADP/TELECOM)): a. [ ] FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION b. [X] OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION, PURSUANT TO 10 U.S.C. 2304 (C) ( 1 ) 9. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONTRACT AMOUNT:$1,450,000 10. CONTRACT DOLLARS: a.[ ] O&M b.[X] R&D c.[ ] PROC d.[ ] OTHER GOVT FUNDS 11. SOURCE(S) OF FUNDS ($000, UNESCALATED): a. PROGRAM/BUDGET LINE NAME/DOLLARS:SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT #1 b. PROGRAM/BUDGET RECORD:SFF ATTACHED EXHIBIT #1 c. FROM OTHER AGENCY:NOT APPLICABLE 12. TARGET DATES FOR MILESTONES: a. AGENCY COORDINATION OF ACQUISITION PACKAGE BEGINS: 10 FEB 92 b. TRANSMITTED TO OC: 14 FEB 92 c. TRANSMITTED TO RSQ: 24 FEB 92 d. REQUIRED AWARD DATE: AUG 92 e. REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE OR PERFORMANCE PERIOD: SEP 93 13. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: THIS IS A CONGRESSIONAL MARK-UP PROGRAM 14. CONTRACTING OFFICER'S ECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE (COTR): a. RECOMMENDED COTR: SG1J b. DATE COTR COURSE COMPLETED: 1 MAR 91 (or) c. DATE COTR COURSE SCHEDULED: 15. FOR ABBREVIATED JUSTIFICATION FOR OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION: 16. SUBMITTED BY: 17. CONCUR: HEAD OF MAJOR ELEMENT: NAME/TITLE? NAME: SIGNATURE:? SIGNATURE? DATE: DATE: 18. CONCUR: OC/AGENCY COMPETITION 19. CONCUR: ASST DEP DIR FOR ADVOCATE: PROC: NAME: NAME: SIGNAved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-R~8Rnn3nnna~nnn5_~ DATE: DATE: ~"Nc~_o SUPc~ I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000480005-2 b. (U) Subcontracting Competition: The same basic reasons for this other than full and open competition for SAIC also apply to subcontractor selection. There are only a few individuals/facilities available that have any established expertise for supporting a portion of this unique research area. It would not be timely or cost advantageous to the goverrmtent for the Contractor to pursue competitive action for the highly specialized support that may be required. 11. (U) Technical Certification: I hereby certify that the supporting data under my cognizance which are included in the J&A are acxiurate and earnplete to the best of mY ]~xxaledge and belief. Name: Date: Title: Signature: 12. (U) Requirements Certification: I hereby certify that the supporting data under my cognizance which are included in the J&A are accurate and cxn~lete to the best of my lalawledge and belief. Nom; Date: Title: Signature: 13. (U) Fair and Reasonableness Cost/Price Determination: A detailed technical and cyst proposal will be required from the contractor, SAIC. Prior to award, the Government will conduct an in-depth analysis of all technical and cost aspects of this requirement. Based on the outcome, a fair and reasonable cost will be negotiated. Therefore, I hereby determine that the anticipated cyst for this contract action will be fair and reasonable. 14. (U) Contracting Officer Certification: In acx.~ordanc~ with FAR 6.303-2 (a) (12) , I hereby eextify that the facts and representation under my cognizance, which are included in this J&A, are accurate and complete to the best of my }~iawledge and belief. NAME: Contracting Officer SECE2E'r/NOFC3RN 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000480005-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000480005-2 Based on the foregoing justification, I hereby approve the pros-urement of p~ON~TOLOGICAL RESFARC~~ AND ANALYSIS on an other than full su~j~ coimpetition basis pursuant to the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c), herein availability of fiuxls, acid provided that the services and/or property described have othexwise been authorized for acquisition. Signature: Name: _ Title: _ S~CR~r/NOFORN 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000480005-2