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Approved For Release 2000/WegA140141100789R0431-013062006-1
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No, (74 of 5 Copies; Series
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and
Applied Research Plan (U)
Edwin C. May, Ph.D.
Wanda L. W. Luke
10 May 1991
Science Applications International Corporation
An Employee-Owned Company
Presented to:
Defense Intelligence Agency
Bolling AFB, Building 6000
Washington, M4-0001
Submitted by:
Science Applications International Corporation
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
5150 El Camino Real, Suite B-31
Los Altos, CA 94022
2/ 0
do Innovative Technology Division
311 Park Place Boulevard, Suite 360
Clearwater, FL 34619
Classified by: RFP No. MDA908-91 ? R-0133
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5150 El Camino Real, Suite B-31, Los Altos, California 94022 (415) 960-5910
APPrerred EP RI ?20 OttiOVOIYaf' COCA titneltrititiVrOTisandatitibiufsin
Other SAIC
Approved For Release 2000/?g3cgiL0P6F-P101189R003100060001-1
(S/NF) The objective of this research plan is to suggest a systematic and scientifically rigorous investi-
gation of anomalous mental phenomena. The plan includes an integrated and multidisciplinary ap-
proach to both basic and applied research, and combines these with standard HUMINT practices to
accomplish the long?term goals for applications in the intelligence community.
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 1
AiiiibakU For Release 2000/085g:0OP R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/06ARRDP9-6-00789R003100060001-1
(U) With regard to this research plan, anomalous mental phenomena can be divided into two broad
(1) Anomalous Cognition: A form of information transfer in which all known sensorial perceptions are
(2) Anomalous Perturbation: The perturbation of matter in which all known physical interactions are
Anomalous cognition (AC) includes phenomena that are described in the parapsychological literature
as extra?sensory perception (ESP), telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition, while anomalous per-
turbation (AP) includes psychokinesis, teleportation, levitation, and materialization.
1. (U) Historical Background
(S/NF) Serious government?funded research of both these domains began in 1973 when the Central
Intelligence Agency initiated a modest effort to determine if a genuine phenomenon could be verified
and to assess the degree to which it could be applied to general intelligence problems. Through fiscal
year 1985, a variety of intelligence agencies from the military services and the Defense Intelligence
Agency had supported predominantly application ?oriented research programs at SRI International
for the intelligence community. Much of that support was minimal and/or sporadic and thus very little
systematic research was conducted.1 While the understanding of anomalous mental phenomena at that
time did not allow for reliable operational use, nonetheless, enough had been learned to suggest that
intelligence applications were possible and that applied and basic research should be conducted to
verify and support potential operational applications.
(S/NF') Beginning in fiscal year 1986, the Army Medical Research and Development Command initi-
ated a coordinated, 5?year, basic research investigation of anomalous mental phenomena at SRI In-
ternational. This program had three objectives:
(1) Provide incontrovertible evidence for the existence of anomalous cognition and anomalous pertur-
(2) Determine the physiological, physical, and psychological basis for AC and AR
(3) Determine the degree to which AC data could be integrated into the intelligence community.
(S/NF) The program was fully funded for the first two years; half funded for the 3rd year; and not
funded by the USAMRDC for the 4th and 5th years of their contract. The House Appropriations Com-
mittee, however, funded the 4th year (at the same level as the 3rd) through DARPA to the USAMRDC
contract. The 5th year of that contract, however, was not funded at all.
A Long?Term, integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 2
AppiNtleTor Release 2000/08/0: um-KuP9sallN003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/081?01-RDP96-00789R003100060001-1
(S/NF) Regardless of this uncertain support history, the SRI's Cognitive Sciences Program (CSP) met,
or partially met, its objectives.2 ?5 An information?transfer anomaly (i.e., anomalous cognition) was
found to exists, and it could not be explained by inappropriate protocols, incorrect analyses, or fraud.
The CSP was not, however, able to verify the existence of anomalous perturbation.6,7,8,9
(U) Significant progress had also been realized in meeting the second objective. Preliminary results
suggest that the central nervous system (i.e., the brain) of individuals with known AC ability appear to
respond to isolated AC stimuli. These responses are similar to those observed when their eyes are stim-
ulated directly.10
(U) In addition, two theoretical models have been constructed. The first one, a heuristic model, sys-
tematizes the data of over 600 separate experiments spanning 22 years of research that had been pub-
lished in the open literature. It suggests a possible physical transfer mechanism for AC data. 11 The
second one, a fundamental model, suggests that animals possess an additional sensorial system which is
sensitive to "information" directly.*
(S/NF) In addition to these major findings, the CSP realized a number of preliminary secondary find-
ings. They include, but are not limited to:
? Dynamic targets are statistically better than static targets in AC laboratory experiments, in simulated
operational activity, and in actual operations.
? Traditional psychological, medical, and behavioral screening methods are not successful at identify-
ing individuals with AC ability; however, surveys indicated that approximately 1% of individuals from
unselected populations do possess a robust AC ability.12
? A number of empirically based training methods were developed, but the results from these were pre-
? Anomalous Cognition does not depend upon distance or the time span between a target and an indi-
vidual with AC ability.15
It is beyond the scope of this report to provide a technical review of the 17?year history of SRI's cogni-
tive sciences program in detail; however, complete documentation and technical briefmgs will be pro-
vided upon request. In addition, Appendix H provides a complete list of documents that were produced
under that effort.
2. (U) Overview of the Research Plan
(S/NF) This document describes a plan which begins with the results and techniques of the earlier pro-
gram, and develops new concepts that are integrated into the general research community. In addition,
the plan suggests ways in which AC? derrived operational data might be integrated as general HU-
MINT information into the intelligence community. Because of the complex nature of the research
problem, the plan will be interdisciplinary and will involve a number of specific university departments
and government laboratories. By necessity, the plan will be long?term; however, a graduated approach
that contains significant technical and policy review is outlined in Section III. Second II describes the
plan, and supporting technical detail can be found in the appendices.
(U) Technically, this is referred to as entropy in the thermodynamic literature.
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 3
Aplilrifea. For Release 2000/08?F:ca&TINOEORAR003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/0
? CIA:RDr96-00789R003100060001-1
DriAl- I
(S/NF) The Cognitive Sciences Program (CSP) at Science Applications International Corporation
(SAIC) is currently engaged in applied and basic research in support of potential applications of anom-
alous mental phenomena for the intelligence community. Starting in February 1991, the CSP has initi-
ated a broad?based research effort to quantify the physics, physiology, psychology, and protocol
parameters that will increase the signal strength of anomalous phenomena to the point where it can be
easily integrated into existing intelligence methodology.
(U) For the purpose of this section, we define research that is primarily directed at improving the quali-
ty of output (e.g., analysis techniques, choice of target material, etc.) as applied. Research that is pri-
marily directed at understanding the nature of the phenomena (i.e., signal transmission,
neurophysiology, etc.) as basic. The applied and basic research domains are broad and contain substan-
tial numbers of items in each category. A block diagram of an overview of these items and a brief defini-
tion/description of each can be found in Appendix A. While this potpourri provides insight into the
breadth of the research into anomalous mental phenomena, it does not form the basis of an integrated
and focused research plan. Rather than a broad overview, in this section we provide a highly focused
and detailed research plan.
1. (U) Anomalous Cognition
(U) Given that the earlier program was able to verify the existence of AC and not able verify the exis-
tence of AP, the approaches to these domains will be considerably different. In this section we describe
the research plan only for AC.
(U) In a typical AC task, we define:
? Receiver?An individual who attempts to perceive and report information about a target.
? Target?An item that is the focus of an AC task (e.g., person, place, thing, event).
? Target Designation?A method by which a specific target, against the backdrop of all other possible
targets, is identified to the Receiver (e.g., geographical coordinates).
? Sender?An individual who, while receiving direct sensorial stimuli from an intended target, acts as a
putative transmitter to the Receiver.
? Monitor?An individual who monitors an AC session to facilitate data collection.
? Session?A time period during which AC data is collected.
? Protocol?A template for conducting a structured session.
? Resporm?Material that is produced during an AC session in response to the intended target.
? Analyst?An individual who provides a quantitative measure of AC.
? Speciality?A class of targets that is particularly successful for a given receiver's ability (e.g., people
as opposed to buildings).
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 4
ARRAig For Release 2000/0815gcakETA
Approved For Release 2000/0?gcaUgg
I :
These definitions will be used throughout this section.
(S/NF) Conceptually, the anomalous?cognition research plan is designed to:
? Identify individuals with natural or trainable ability.
? Train those individuals to improve and stabilize their output.
? Identify optimal target systems.
? Develop optimal data?collection protocols.
? Provide quantitative analysis procedures.
? Define and develop curricula for an intelligence community analyst training school.
? Conduct basic research.
The effort for each of these topics is designed to obtain results, within a timely manner, for basic and
applied research that are in direct support to intelligence applications. Each topic is discussed in the
following section.
1.1 (U) Major AC Topics for Research
(U) The research topics described in this section are primarily applied. No topic, however, is exclusively
applied or basic; rather, only the primary emphasis determines the research domain.
1.1.1 (U) Receiver Selection
(U) In considering research of anomalous cognition, selecting receivers who are potentially capable of
demonstrating high?quality AC is of primary interest. lladitional psychological screening methods
have not been particularly successful in the past, and general random behavioral screening is substan-
tially inefficient.16,17 A schematic block diagram and a detailed discussion of the approach for develop-
ing a receiver selection procedure can be found in Appendix B. The development phase is similar to the
implementation phase, except that during the development, the various selection piocedures will
change, whereas they will remain stable during the implementation. An overview of an implemented
selection procedure is provided here for clarity.*
(U) The first step of selecting a receiver is to identify individuals who would be ideal candidates for
possessing natural AC ability. Such individuals might be chosen from the general population at large,
chosen on the basis of special characteristics (e.g., neurophysiology), or drawn from specialized groups
such as photo interpreters. Past research has indicated that carefully selecting of populations can signif-
icantly enhance the likelihood of finding good receivers.18
(S/NF) A selected individual enters into a complete screening program which explores a variety of
physiological and psychological techniques. Criteria for accepting a given screening procedure must be
sensitive to potential receiver specialities. It is important to realize that each of the possible selection
procedures that are examined require careful, and sometimes lengthy, testing so that the selection/re-
jection criteria are statistically meaningful. For example preliminary data suggest that an individual's
response to a direct light stimulus may indicate AC ability. While these physiological responses can be
measured rapidly, determining the validity of this technique requires a large number of AC trials.t
* (U) All of the t op ics d iscussed in th is section require development, but the overviews p resen te d here w ill be of the implementa-
tions only.
t (U) In general, it is important to recognize that all of the AC research described in this section require extensive time and
resources to be statistically valid.
A Long?Term, integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 5
Appli*Fd For Release 2000/08S1ECIREITPA
I ?
Approved For Release 2000/17$/g3CUIT
. DPW 9R003100060001-1
(S/NF) A successful conclusion of this topic will include a series of speciality?dependent selection
manuals that can be used to optimize the staff of an operations unit, and provide addition receivers for
1.1.2 (U) Timining
(S/NF) Once a receiver has been selected, that individual must be trained for the laboratory environ-
ment, an operations unit, or both. Regardless of the end use, the initial stages of the training are simi-
lar. A schematic block diagram and a detailed discussion of the approach for developing a receiver
training procedure can be found in Appendix C. An overview of an implemented training procedure is
provided here for clarity.
(U) In order to assess the effectiveness of the training, a critical first step is to establish a baseline mea-
sure of the receivers native ability. This will involve a variety of standardized, speciality?dependent
AC tasks, and considerable research is required to identify them.
(U) Once the baselines have been determined, the receiver will be trained by a number of techniques
that might include lucid dreaming (i.e., the recognition while dreaming that the experience is a dream),
hypnosis, or biofeedback (i.e., the entrainment of specific physiology that is an AC indicator). As each
technique is added to the training regimen, resulting AC responses are compared to their respective
baselines to determine the degree of improvement. Those techniques that fail predetermined statisti-
cal criteria are abandoned for this receiver's training. In the event that all techniques fail to demon-
strate improvement, the receiver exits the program.
(S/NF) To assess the efficacy of the training for the operational environment, the receiver will partici-
pate in a simulated operational setting. The targets for this test?bed will be known in detail, and the
target types will be similar to those in actual operations. Therefore, detailed analysis will be possible
and a receiver's operational readiness can be determined.
(S/NF) A successful conclusion of this topic will include a series of training manuals that will include
acceptance criteria for individual operational AC?specialists.
1.1.3 (U) Target Selection
(S/NF) A trained receiver specialist requires appropriate targets. Research has shown that there are
meaningful differences among target types and that all target are not identically sensed by AC abilities.
Specifically, in the laboratory, targets that contain dynamic activity are sensed significantly better than
are photographs.18 Preliminary calculations involving concepts from thermodynamics appear to Con-
firm this finding. In the operational setting, a casual observation has shown that highly dynamic targets
(e.g., directed enei-gy systems) are rarely missed in AC sessions.
(U) The.target ? selection topic examines a number of possible target descriptions and establishes cate-
gories based on a variety of target measures (e.g., physical, emotional, functional, etc.). These mea-
sures are designed to indicated the degree to which a target may be sensed by AC. A block diagram and
a detailed discussion of the approach for developing a target selection procedure can be found in Ap-
pendix D, but for clarity, an overview of an implemented target selection procedure is provided here.
(S/NF) Regardless if a candidate target is intended for a laboratory experiment or for an operational
activity, the target analysis is identical. The target is parsed into its appropriate aspects such as func-
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 6
RIEW6gd For Release 2000/0SECCURIFNOMMR003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/0MWRI 9R003100060001 -1
tional or emotional content, objects, or related conceptual elements. This parsing constitutes a struc-
tural definition of the target which can be analyzed with regard to predetermined acceptance criteria
and historical performance. Establishing appropriate criteria and meaningful target aspects are sub-
stantial research issues. The previous program, however, had developed preliminary mathematical
structures that can be used to expedite the research in this effort.19
(S/NF) A successful conclusion of this topic will be specific guidelines for the optimal selection of tar-
gets for the laboratory and for the operational setting.
1.1.4 (U) Protocol Selection
(S/NF) Once the primary constituents of an AC session have been identified (i.e., a receiver and a tar-
get), a session protocol must be selected to optimize the data collection. Session protocols are exten-
sively discussed in the open literature, and the previous program had examined one specific aspect (i.e.,
feedback of target material to the receiver within and after a session) in depth.20,21 The requirements
for a protocol that is designed for a laboratory setting are considerably more restrictive than those re-
quired for an operational setting. For example, providing limited information to a receiver before an
operational session is complete might facilitate the acquisition of the desired data, but intermediate
feedback is completely restricted in a laboratory experiment. A schematic block diagram and a detailed
discussion of the approach for developing session protocols can be found in Appendix E. A conceptual
overview is provided here for clarity.
(U) There are four primary areas of interest for an AC session protocol. Some AC sessions are con-
ducted with the receiver in some form of altered state (e.g., a sleep and dreaming) while others are con-
ducted in a fully?awake business?like manner. The general state of the receiver may influence the
quality of the data, and it is likely that the receiver conditions will also be speciality and receiver depen-
dent. Similarly, the physical environment (e.g., temperature, geomagnetic field, etc.), how the feed-
back (i.e., target information overtly provided to the receiver), if any, is provided; and the mechanism
by which the receiver is directed to the intended target (i.e., target designation) will influence the quali-
ty of the data. In the protocol selection task, the CSP will design and conduct experiments to identify
and verify specialty dependent session protocols.
(S/NF) A successful conclusion of this topic will be a set of laboratory and task?specific operations?
tested protocols.
1.1.5 (U) Analysis
(S/NF) Having constructed a complete AC?data collection session (i.e., receiver, target, and proto-
col), the next important topic is data analysis. The kind of analysis required depends upon a posteriori
knowledge of the intended target. In the laboratory, all the possible targets, including the intended one,
are known in detail, thus enabling a detailed analysis. Yet in operations, only partial or little informa-
tion about the target is known.
(S/NF) The solution to the analysis problem is conceptually simple; all that is needed is an analytical
definition of the target and response, and away of comparing the two. The AC response usually consists
of a form of natural language (i.e., written and drawn material); however, a quantitative definition of
natural language is currently one of the unsolved problems of artificial intelligence (Al). Similarly, a
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 7
AagvId For Release 2000/0SECUENIFORN9R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/9R1M:RDP96-00789R003100060001-1
quantitative definition of all real targets, including types usually found in operational settings, is also a
currently unsolved problem in Al.
(U) In spite of these difficulties, an extensive literature exists on various successful methods of analyz-
ing laboratory AC data. Most of the techniques do not require quantitative definitions of responses and
targets, but rely on human judgement for the analysis. Dawes has shown, however, that complex judge-
ments are best divided between human analysts and computers.22 A recent publication from the earlier
program explores this idea by applying a sophisticated mathematical technique, known as fuzzy sets to
the analysis of AC data.19
(S/NF) An additional problem arises in the assessment of AC data for the intelligence community. A
detailed, high?quality example of AC data may have little value to an intelligence analyst, because that
information was known from other sources. Likewise, a poor example of AC data might provide a single
element as a tip?off for other assets, or provide the missing piece in a complex analysis, and thus be
quite valuable. Therefore the intelligence utility of AC data is only weakly connected to the AC quality.
(S/NF) The analysis topic, which is described in detail in Appendix F, extends these concepts to include
a wide variety of response mechanisms, including physiological (e.g., electrodermal). In addition, it
addresses both laboratory and intelligence application domains by suggesting research directions for
constructing AC specialty?dependent a priori estimates of AC quality. Addressing the utility issue de-
scribed above, requires close cooperation with elements within the intelligence community to establish
guidelines for assessing the value of AC data.
(S/NF) Although the analysis topic is long?range, a near?term successful mile post for this topic is an
enhanced application of fuzzy sets to laboratory and operational data.
1.1.6 (S/NF) An intelligence Analyst Timining School
(S/NF) The ideal circumstance for the use of AC data in the intelligence community would be to treat
the data as just another form of HUMIN'T. With more traditional forms of HUMINT intelligence ana-
lysts are trained to assess the data and to provide a global analysis when HUMINT data are fused with
information from other collection assets. AC data should not be treated differently. This research plan
includes developing a strategy to construct a curriculum for a training school which specializes in teach-
ing intelligence analysts about AC assets and provides guidelines for producing HUMINT intelligence
reports to be easily integrated with the rest of HUMINT data. As with other forms of HUMINT, it is
anticipated that this school will teach the special skills that will be needed by intelligence analysts who
focus on AC data.
1.1.7 (U) Basic Research
(U) All effort primarily designed to understand the nature of anomalous mental phenomena is defined
as basic research. Appendix G contains a schematic diagram and details about this research domain. In
this section we consider only the AC aspect, and the AP portion will be discussed below.
(U) Anomalous Cognition basic research contains three major concepts that, at a minimum, can serve
as a template for research. The target in the above discussions is generalized to be considered the
source of AC information. That information "propagates" across space and time to reach the receiver.
This aspect is called the transmission of information. Finally, the information is received by a detector,
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 8
RpRpgjed For Release 2000/?g6CULFMR003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/0gWRIMAR003100060001-1
an expanded concept of the receiver defined above. Thus, information from a source is transmitted
across space and time to a detector.
(U) Continuing the analogy, all psychological, and possibly all physiological aspects of a human detec-
tor (i.e., receiver) can be considered as the detector efficiency. This has the advantage of allowing the
basic research to parse out the general problem in potentially non?interacting subsections.
(U) Basic research on the source includes items that were discussed as part of the target selection topic
in Section 1.1.3 above. In this task, however, the CSP will compute various thermodynamic and other
physical aspects of various target systems and correlate the results with AC data.
(U) Basic research on transmission primarily includes general relativity calculations of possible 4?di-
mensional energy transmission mechanisms. Research has shown that it is possible to gain statistical
access to future unrealized events.24 This implies that information may propagate backward in time, an
idea that is a current topic of interest in the general relativity community. 25 If these physics speculations
in the literature prove to be true, then causality must have a slight statistical aspect. In other words,
usually effects follow causes, but occasionally physics allows for effects to occur before causes.
(U) Basic research on human detectors (i.e., receivers) has been the primary focus of the so?called
parapsychology research community. As the name implies, a substantial emphasis has been on the psy-
chological and/or personality variables and their correlations with AC performance. For the most part,
this has not been particularly successful. While there is substantial statistical evidence for AC, its corre-
lation with these variables have been weak or non ? existant. The CSP will focus its detector research
primarily on the central nervous system. As mentioned in the introduction, the preliminary results are
encouraging.10 The goal is to locate a set of neurons that may be evoked by AC stimuli (i.e., AC?
evoked response). The five other senses can serve as a model. If AC is sensed by an additional sensorial
system, it is likely that the early neuronal processing will be similar to the early processing by the other
(U) If the mechanisms of AC are understood, then in principle the human receivers might be replaced
by physical hardware. The very long?term goal of the detector research is to produce such a device.
(U) AC basic research is a long?term activity, but a near?term goal is to gain enough insight into the
central nervous system so that biofeedback like training can improve AC reception.
1.1.8 (U) Communication
(U) Research has demonstrated that by using appropriate protocols, it is possible to "send" and receive
a simple binary message using AC abilities.26,27 Usually the techniques involve a redundancy coding
scheme to enhance slightly above?chance guessing. For example, suppose the chance probability of
guessing the color of a standard playing card is 50%. Suppose also that an AC receiver is successful at
guessing the color correctly 60% of the time. In one experiment where the raw binary hitting rate was
60%, redundancy coding increased the hit rate to 100%. In that experiment, 50 binary bits were guessed
correctly without a single error.26
(S/NF) The CSP plan includes research to improve communications by AC techniques. The earlier
redundancy coding efforts were very inefficient, and modern communication theory can significantly
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 9
41341c1d For Release 2000/6SECREENE 9R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/0?ggi. gFIMR003100060001-1
improve the technique. Besides the possibility of a "secure" communications channel, it is possible that
kidnapped victims and POWs could "send" information about their circumstances.
1.1.9 (S/NF) Countermeasures
(S/NF) Countermeasures can be examined from both the AC and AP perspectives. If the basic re-
search about the source and/or transmission characteristics prove correct, then Countermeasures are
possible within the context of AC primarily through jamming and deception. Countermeasures will re-
main part of the application potential of the CSP's basic research program.
2. (U) Anomalous Perturbation
(U) The areas of research under the general heading of anomalous perturbation (AP) can be divided
into two broad categories: macroscopic and microscopic. Macro?AP involves a mental interaction
with "human?size" objects, whereas micro?AP implies an interaction with microscopic amounts of
matter including individual atoms or single biological cells.
(U) Research of anomalous perturbation is problematical in that the definition of AP is a negative one:
After all known sources of perturbation have been eliminated, what is left is defined as AP To isolate a physi-
cal/biological system completely from all known sources of perturbation is very difficult. Yet, subjective
and laboratory reports of large?scale, putative AP effects continue to appear in the open literature.
(U) The earlier program analyzed 10?years of research literature and found that a definite conclusion
about the existence of macro?AP is not possible, and concluding anything about it existence from the
"field" literature is even more difficult.28
(U) Also in the earlier program, many different physical systems were examined. After careful exper-
imentation, the program was still unable to confirm the existence of macro?AP in the laboratory.6,7,8
(U) In a related effort, a single quantum measurement experiment involving photons showed that con-
sciousness was not a necessary condition for reality.9
(U) Research of microscopic anomalous perturbation is more substantial. A recent report in Founda-
tions of Physics analyzed over 800 individual micro?AP experiments involving random number genera-
tors.29 In these experiments, it is generally claimed that an unknown micro?AP process perturbs the
generating hardware to produce distorted output statistics. The report further analyzed an extensive
set of alternative hypotheses to explain the robust, combined statistical result, and found that none
were sufficient to account for the data. However, the heuristic model, Decision Augmentation Theory,
has convincingly shown, that these effects are due to a form of AC rather than AP.11
(U) The main focus of this research plan for macro ?AP should be in the analysis of non?AP mecha-
nisms for the effects that are persistently reported in the literature. For example, what are the electro-
static conditions that must exist in order to move small objects isolated under a glass bell jar, or what are
the metallurgical conditions that might allow the the bending of rigid metal rods?
(U) The future research of micro?AP should begin with attempts to falsify the predictions of the Deci-
sion Augmentation Theory in a variety of target systems.
A Long -Term, integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 10
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3. (U) Integration
(S/NF) Research of anomalous mental phenomena must be integrated not only within its own commu-
nity, but, more importantly, within the broader range of physical and behavioral sciences. In addition
intelligence applications should also be integrated with that user community.
3.1 (Ii) Research Integration
(U) Figure 1 shows a set of descriptions that are specifically related to AC and AP research. The bi?di-
rectional arrows indicate that an exchange of data and ideas are possible between the disciplines shown
and the CSP. For example, some of the current ideas in meta?analysis of behavioral data that are popu-
lar within the psychology community came for the traditional parapsychological research communi-
ty.3031 Yet most all of the psychological screening techniques that are popular with the CSP were
developed within traditional psychology.
General Relativity Anthropology
Quantum Measurement Psychophysiology
Thermodynamics Sciences Psychoimunology
Statistics/Signal Analysis Cognitive Neuroscience
Neuro ?networks Cognitive Psychology
Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1 (U) Integration of Scientific Disciplines
(U) Recently the American Anthropological Association formed a new division, The Society for the An-
thropology of Consciousness, That division is establishing a technical journal to support anthropological
research of consciousness. The CSP plan includes collaborative research with members of this division
who may be able to contribute to the cultural dependencies of the AC receiver (i.e., detector efficiency).
(U) The psychophysiology of vision has already contributed to the earlier program.21 Much of what is
currently known about the mechanisms and techniques of subliminal perceptions comes from this disci-
pline. The CSP anticipates a collaborative effort with researchers at SRI International and Edinburgh
University in attempt to understand how the central nervous system process subliminal stimuli. This
should assist in the CSPs search for an AC evoked response.
(U) The relationship between mind and body is currently discussed in the research literature32 as well
as the popular press. Researchers at the California Institute for Transpersonal Psychology have been
active in investigating the role of mental attitudes and body chemistry. While there may not be a direct
link with AC, and exchange of techniques and experimental designs would be helpful.
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 11
Ali:khiNld For Release 2000/ISECREEDNUE 9R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/0?gCtFIWR. 9R003100060001-1
? (U) The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience contains at least one article of interest to the CSP each issue.
This discipline is where most of the cognitive work with the neuromagnetism is conducted. The CSP has
already discussed the possibility of a collaborative effort with researchers at the NIH.
(U) Stanford University has been conducting research on internal imagery. The manipulation and con-
trol of internal imagery is extremely important in understanding the source of internal noise during an
AC session and a collaborative effort with Stanford should yield immediate results in noise reduction.
(U) As was mentioned in Section 1.1.5 (i.e.,Analysis), artificial intelligence has been studying both ele-
ment with regard to AC analysis?natural scenes and natural language. While artificial vision may not
yield immediate results, some of the aspects of scene analysis would contribute.
(U) Neuronetworks have already been used successfully in AP research.33 These networks are particu-
larly good at recognizing subtle patterns in complex data, and are being applied in the subjective arena
of decision making in business. 34 In order to improve AC analysis, the CSP will conduct a collaborative
effort with other SAIC scientists who are active in neuronetwork research and with selected individuals
who have had success with highly subjective data.
(U) Statistics is the heart of AC research in that most of the results are usually in statistical terms. Hy-
pothesis testing has traditionally been the primary focus, but there are other possible approaches that
should be explored. Statistics researchers at Harvard have expressed interest in contributing to a CSP
research effort
(U) A major portion of the CSP's effort will be a search for an AC evoked response in the brain. Sophis-
ticated signal processing is required in that magnetic signals from the brain can not be easily character-
ized by standard statistical practices.1? Thus many of the traditional signal analysis methods are invalid.
Los Alamos National Laboratory has expressed interest in contributing in this domain.
(U) Classical statistical thermodynamics may be the heart of understanding the nature of an AC source
of information. As was mentioned in the Historical Background section above, a concept called entropy
may be related to what is sensed by AC. The CSP intends to collaborate with a variety of university
physics departments to calculate the appropriate parameters.
(U) Researching the nature of quantum reality involves understanding the mechanisms and definitions
of what constitutes a measurement. The earlier CSP publication provided valuable insight into the role
of consciousness in determining quantum reality; however, a number of single?neutron experiments
should be conducted. Researchers at an Austrian university in Vienna, have been studying the effects of
very slow neutrons.35 Their experiments are particularly suited for the study of conscious effects on
single particles.
(U) As was mentioned in Section 1.1.7 (i.e., Basic Research), physics research has indicated that it may
be possible for information to travel backward in time.25 The physics department at the California
Institute of Technology has been the center for this research in general relativity. The CSP will collabo-
rate with them to calculate time?reversed information flow parameters.
A Long?Term, Integrated,Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 12
J#KTed For Release 2000/SW413E1EN 09R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/0McgAl; -M9R003100060001-1
3.2 (SiNF) Integration Into the intelligence Community
(S/NF) In Section 1.1.6, we discussed how AC data in support of operational activity should be consid-
ered as just one additional source of HUMINT data. If the CSP, working with appropriate government
agencies, could by successful at that task, then the infrastructure already exists for seamless integration
into the intelligence community.
A Long?Term, Integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 13
AW:rd For Release 2000/SEC BUMF
Approved For Release 2000/0?gC. WNW 9R003100060001-1
(S/NF) This report has described a multi?facited, integrated, long?term basic and applied research
plan. If all the topics are fully implemented in parallel, the plan entails an effort of approximately 125
man?years over the next five years. This includes a prime contractor, a large variety of subcontractors,
appropriate hardware, support, and significant collaboration with appropriate government agencies in
support and development of intelligence applications.
(S/NF) The CSP recommends a graduated effort that builds upon the previous and current program
toward the fully implemented research endeavor in the next few years. The program provides for many
mileposts checks not only to effectively direct the research, but also to determine its level of effort. The
CSP further recommends that the government maintain significant policy oversight and direct that the
technical effort be closely monitored by a panel of scientific experts.
A Long?Term, integrated, Basic and Applied Research Plan (U) 14
APP6Wi1 For Release 2000/0NCE:WE R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100060001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100060001-1
I Anomalous Phenomena
II Cognition I
III Perturbation
1.0 Detector
2.0 Transmission
1.1 Basic
Central Nervous System
NeuroNet Models
Autonomic Responses
Inter?species Communications
Other Animals
1.2 Applied
Other Physiology (Skin)
Personality (BehavtoraJ/Seif Report?Q?Sort/MB11)
Perceptual Models
Psychological Models (Motivation/Emotion)
Selection (Direct/Correlational)
Environment?Physical (GMF)
Environment?Psychological (Set and Selling)
Environment?Physiological (Comfort)
Response Type (AudioNideo/Left Hand)
Redundancy (Multiple Pass/Multiple Detectors)
1.3 Mixed
Internal Noise Source
Training (Macroscopic/Operant)
Session Protocols
3.0 Source
1.0 Micro
3.1 Basic
Informational (Entropy/Meaning)
Other Thermodynamic
Vector/Scalar Potential
3.2 Applied
Human Sender
Demarcation (Coordinates/Beacon)
External Noise Source
Inverse (Search)
2.3 Mixed
Physical Characteristics (Size/Composition)
Type (Static/Dynamic)
One?in?an" (Forced Choice/Binary
2.1 Basic
Decision Augmentation Theory
Worm Holes (4?Dimensions)
Vector/Scalar Potential Propagation
Stochastic Causality
2.0 Macro
3.0 Mixed
2.1 Basic
Piezoelectric Strain Gauge
Restive Strain Gauge
Metal (Bending)
Pendulums (Linear/Torsion/Biological)
Mechanical Systems (Balls/Interferometers)
2.2 Applied
Inertial Systems
1.1 Basic
Nuclei (Mossbauer Effect)
Cells (Algae, Blood)
Bacteria (Mutation?Salmonella)
Quantum Systems (Neutron/Photon interference)
Crystal Structure
Molecular Structure (IR Spectra of H20)
Theory (Quantum Measurement/Zeno)
Random Number Generators (Electronic/Nuclear)
1.2 Applied
Magnetic Domains
1.3 Mixed
3.1 Applied
Living Systems (Humans/Fish?Behavioral)
Figure A.1 (U) Research Overview
1.-1.00090001.?00N68/00-96daN-V10 80/80/000Z eseeieN .10d peA0.1ddV
Selection Procedures
Self Report
Q ?Sort
Criteria for
Candidate Exits Program
Figure B.1 (U) Receiver Selection
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00310006000141
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100060001-1
Training Procedures
Lucid Dreaming
Practical Application
Specialist Dependent .
Failed Minimum Criteria Failed Minimum
for Acceptance Criteria
Procedure is Abandoned Receiver Exits Program
Figure C.1 (U) 'framing
1.-1.00090001.?00N68/00-96dC1N-V10 80/80/000Z eseeieN .10d PeA0.1ddV
Target Aspects
?4 Elements I-
-1, Concepts
Historical I--
Emotion Definition
?I Value I?
Entropy I?
'Pipe ?Specific
Threshold For
1-111 Target
Failed Minimum
Candidate is not Accepted
Figure D.1 (U) Target Selection
1.-1.00090001.?00N68/00-96daN-V10 80/80/000Z eseeieN .10d peA0.1ddV
Protocol Domains
---1,Target Designations
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100060001.
Figure Ed Ed (U) Protocol Selection
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100060001-1
? Physiology
Envrn. Condt.
Fuzzy Sets
Analysis Dimensions
?1 Elements
Rank Order
a priori
Figure El (U) Analysis
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00310006000111
Cognition Research Domains
Establish Criteria
For Evidence
Historical Review
and Analysis
Develop New
Conduct and Analyze
Failed Minimum Failed Minimum
Criteria Criteria
Reject Specific Concept Reject Specific Experiment
Support and Develop
Develop Application
and Theory
. .
Figure G.1 (U) Basic Research