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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1988
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700740022-7 4,WWWWW/NOFORN PROjECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AMY-METHODS MVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 8728 SESSION NUMBER: 00 DATE OF SESSION: 28 jAN 88 DATE OF REPORT: 28 jAN 88 START: 1010 _END:_ 1120 ME:....EICJDOI....OGY V vi EWER 1:DE1\11"i IER: 079 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: Determine remote viewer's ability to collect foreign intelligence against a :target document shielded from normal perception. Also, determine the location of the target structure in which the document is located. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Based on sketches and information derived from previous sessions, determine via AW the location of the target' structure. Map of D.C. with Map overlays labelled A and .D prepared fir thi purpose. Given the choice, 079 elected AW as the preferred methodology. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: The following is as literal transcript of the substantial content of the session. Data flowed continually and rapidly via 079. This is a Utility Assessment, a Dr Vorona special. The document is within a 35 mile radius "out of the office of Dr Vorona." The document is the result of a human intelligence effort acquired via people means. It is a technical document given to a military young man with the rank of "Colonel" (LAT2,?) or "Major". The document is stored in .a large thick building, a shelter (look up the word shelter, Fern). It is a low s':ructure, a thick, white building, with cameras - badges the badges are different from your (DI( ) badges. Cameras inside the structure/shelter - indications of Army involvement- an (ambience of intelligence atmoTphere) - Navy intelligence operates here as well. The building is located south of Dr Vorona's office not West (as your results to. data ::it to indicate). The (target structure) is not in Maryland; co south within a 35 mile radius. The document deals with "Biology - War-War-Biology" and involves Old techniques, new old ways, new parts. (TI-e document) talks about how physicF'"put in objects", old (myA1.1(Dcology) but dangerous. 4. (S/NF/EK) At this point, the session was interrupted and a I'' equest WO a made to retrieve a newspaper article from the previous session on Terry Waite. Results of this separate effort is at Encicsure 1. Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700740022-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 :CIA-RDP96-00789R003700740022-7 3.(S/NF/SK) SUMMARY CONTINUES; The document is in the third or fourth drawer of the safe in the brick white shelter, brick layered. The area where the document is stored is straight back in a small room. One can see the sace from the hallway. The concept of compartment (compartmenta A. on?) applies. The name "Dryer" (name of person?) . appears,important. The structure (target building ) is inside closed gates and associated with a military outlet (control point such as a gate). The presence of many military buses in Ule area was significant. The target structure is not the (projected) new, INSCOM building (Ft Belvoir), but three miles upward (north) of that location. As you go "out of the DIAC, go south on 95 - target is near the water in an old section of town.- Again, office and location is (about) 3 miles upward of the (Ft Beivoir) area. "Before Cameron Station ..... Parkway - Parkplace - Not on 395. Major players in this exercise (utility assessment) are Dr Vorona ITAC, FSTC, Rosslyn; Roselyn is aware, the document passed through there; Rosslyn is aware (of the document). We are good in dealing with issues related tc. people and events.' We are: honest, ethical, and pure; we wish to help; we have already helped. We have also helped you, Fern. Later, we will show you how we +it in the scheme of the ERV mode. Suggest you conduct one more ERV session with Angela; then place an appropriate map on the table (in the CRV room, and (we will) place an X (at the appropriate location. It is important that your (Fern) truths be recognized and that our truths be also recognized. Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700740022-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700740022-7 ENCLOSURE 1 TO REPORT OF 079 RE 8728 DTD 20 JN 88 -The Washington Post article on Terry Waite dated 20 January 1908 was retrieved from the Utility Assessment dated 26 Jan 00. Attention was to the 4th para G was told to read the article and stopped at the appropriate para. Highlighting in yellow was used to mark the para. Rudolf Cordes (man cited ion para) is with Terry Waite - He receives us also. He will be released after the first part of june and go home . He (Cordes will provide information that will help the US in the negotiations. . In reply to G's query it as determined that Terry Anderson, quieter than all of Hthem (Waite ,or Cordes?) will be the last to be released in AuguSt. He will lbe the last to be released (Terry Waite is to be released in August). Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700740022-7