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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 8, 2000
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Publication Date: 
December 10, 1987
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R003700850003-6.pdf86.93 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700850003-6 WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED ORN - HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) --------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 8728 ---------- SESSION NUMBER: 2 DATE OF SESSION: 07 DEC 87 DATE OF REPORT: 10 DEC 87 START: 1310 END: 1401 METHODOLOGY: CRV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: See tasking cover sheet, attached. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: The monitor informed the viewer that the object (previously perceived in session one) was a safe, and that the target was a document within it. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: The next session will concentrate upon the tangible and intangible concepts associated with the document. 6?? SG1J , USA ORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT DECLASSIFY ppAA Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700$50003- Approved For Release 2000/08/10: CIA-RDP96-00789R003700851@O03-e STATES GOVERNMENT m.emorana DATE1 7 Dec:erill:ac?:-rr" y 1987 REPLY TO ATTN OFl SUfJECT1 8E8f::iIl,)N SUMMARY (1;/8) SG1J gum V:i. Ole i?::?; t :} t1'1 f:i??'t?. I"i 1. i"i f::1 a::' .I. `::> e:? 1 ii t I"'i t:;:o safe t.1"i e? k: I"1 e;. > and l d t . V cl r" :t. ti c- t::t .t .t m y 'f't::}I"' '1-:1"it? 0+ 't::It:::os?i:i:i on. i i::) "t t::: e:? it was c::k t..t'L. '1:: I 1 at l i?1 e:? ci r.:} c- t .t rri e:? 1'1 'l w :> t. h F?? i:. L; :i. c-)4: r"ic;;i a . l?? 1"1trr. ci c;k?_ t..l rr1E?.'r'... .. t t_ . r i F tYi r ~:. c:k i~ I'" t"1 Ua :i. I'l f>j :'ci c:.. "i ct i'" ~: ~?a and f:?s:i :C c:::c:at..t1. cl 'f i r) cl r"~c:k c:;i:ar"caraI?iS:i i. r'i ..:I-kO ci(::)c-:Ltfn en'L i t. :if:::I. 4 , '1:.1?1c:at..t:?1("i waf tl-iat {-it::;rni' {::>c?1-ktoI att.c:-? lal?ic::i'l-.iai?ar iittol"i:ii riiasty L:;t?:+ 1:: e: I:a'k: wit:-J-) dc)ct>tfnc.?r'i'L. b f I?Y e ; ? r'' c , w t s-i 'l I"1 t : : ? ? f eel :I. - [ - . 1 n g 't:. I"; c:? c:i c:i t::: t..t rr; rr:+rl 't:: dc; es not r' e::' f:: c.U:?::'fii .1. ri'f or +t.:?a y.,~ I.+ "rrka..i.early 1.:u ft i c. i ve:. it. It t t Ill I.:Uff"c:. a. n f tar"ITIa'~'t: a. c:ar'lt l.l. in r'1 l_tr" i . The f.:c:;n't:.t'1"i'L?i c:+ ~::l")c.: I-1t:1c:::t..lrYlt?I"i't:.iii !iiiei?erYi:i 't::f::; l:a(ii? t":itot::)l.t't:: its i 1 f:: l''i i i"1 e tiii y r" Ff? C:1 t"4 i. i"' (}? rYi e? f"Y L f:'ii y and pr c:k I:a e r" t :i. o si:i . It ii: iaci?sii... ?L-.c:) cJc: