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d For Release 2000/0p/10 : CIA-RDP96-001,89RpO3800340001-3 November 1985 PSI COMMUNICATIONS EXPERIMENTS (U) Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-091898003800340001-3 PHASE I (U) (U) Phase I will examine the effects of increasingly delayed feedback on performance. The proposed experiments will be performed using a computerized binary search program (, which can easily be linked to a "real world" coin flip task and requires no extensive evaluation. Feedback will be provided on a trial-by-trial basis according to the following schedule: (1) Twenty-five binary choice trials with immediate feedback (2) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by one hour. (3) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by two hours. (4) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by four hours. (5) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by 24 hours . (U) If degradation in functioning does not occur as a result of increasingly delayed feedback, then the global feedback experiments proposed in Phase II can be initiated. P If degradation of performance does occur, then the decay rate should be identifiable, and it should be possible to determine whether the decay rate is subject-specific or universal. In any case, to ameliorate this situation, Phase I proposes that a new technique known as bracketing, which has been hitherto untested, be applied in order to provide closure for experiments in which degradation of performance has occurred because of feedback delay. Specifically, bracketing refers to the performance of identical experiments with immediate feedback directly before and after the delayed feedback experiment, in the same manner as "on-line" check experiments have been employed previously in operational remote viewing. The hypothesis under consideration is that these bracketing experiments may serve to provide ' We have chosen 25 trials in each condition, because at the observed hit rate of 75%, 25 trials are sufficient to demonstrate significance. Approved For Release 2000/ 8/10 : CIA-RDP9 -00789R003800340001-3 L Approved For Release 2000/08/10 c CIA-RDP96-0b789R003800340001-3 space/time anchors for the subject, thereby defining a discrete location in space and time for reception of the delayed feedback information. This experimental series will also yield information, incidentally, concerning the veracity of the "on-line check," prior claims being that on-line checks with known targets can accurately provide calibration for those experiments in which feedback is delayed or nonexistent if bracketing is unable to address the delayed feedback signal attenuation problem, then other new concepts (presently uknown, but perhaps focussing on making the feedback more of an "event") will have to be applied successfully before the Phase II series of global feedback experiments can be initiated. * 'It is logical to assume that if trial-by-trial delayed feedback experiments fail, global feedback experiments will also fail, because they entail delayed feedback by definition. Approved For Release 2000/0 /10 : CIA-RDP96-007189R003800340001-3 INTRODUCTION (U) f One potentially important aspect of psi phenomena is that no methods exist currently for shielding or jamming the psi "signal". The implications of this are quite apparent--namely, that a psychoenegetic method of communication may be impervious to Irt+er.{'~_-rence- and may represent, therefore, a truly secure channel for message-sending. Traditionally, the major impediments to deploying a psi communications system have centered on the difficulties inherent in receiving highly analytical information baccurately and reliably. From a basic research perspective it is believed, at present, that degredation of psychoenergetic reception of analytical information may be at least in part attributable to: ? The analytical nature of the information, which has traditionally been a difficult area to address ? Delay in presentation of feedback to the percipient ? Displacement phenomena occurring as a result of requiring the percipient to perform multiple tasking with global (as opposed to trial-by-trial) feedback. The aim of this white paper is to explore how these problems in psi ...0000 communication might be addressed by research, with the ultimate aim, if successful, of conceptually replicating Czech researcher Milan Ryzl's experiments, in which five three-digit numbers were correctly identified by subject Pavel Stepanek (cf. Appendix A). The area of psychoenergetic message-sending is not being addressed currently by any of SRI's clients( given the relative dirth of informationq we would like to propose a shift in emphasis towards foreign experimental replication by initiating a careful investigation of the Ryzl experiment. (U) Of the three fundamental "problem areas" ennumerated above, the analytical nature of the information is, perhaps, the easiest to address in communications experiments--i.e., the psychological biases inherent in the reception of numbers can be 11 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003800340001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/1 CIA-RDP96-Ot7 9R003800340001-3 screening FIGURE 1 FLOW CHART DEPICTING RESEARCH PATHS FOR DEPLOYMENT OF PSI MESSAGE-SENDING CAPABILITY 4 Approved For Release 2000/08 10 : CIA-RDP96-0 789R003800340001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00 89R003800340001-3 PHASE I (U) (U) Phase I will examine the effects of increasingly delayed feedback on performance. The proposed experiments will be performed using a computerized binary search program (, which can easily be linked to a "real world" coin flip task and requires no extensive evaluation. Feedback will be provided on a trial-by-trial basis according to the following schedule: (1) Twenty-five binary choice trials with immediate feedback (2) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by one hour. (3) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by two hours. (4) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by four hours. (5) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by 24 hours . ? (U) If degradation in functioning does not occur as a result of increasingly delayed feedback, then the global feedback experiments proposed in Phase II can be initiated. P If degradation of performance does occur, then the decay rate should be identifiable, and it should be possible to determine whether the decay rate is subject-specific or universal. In any case, to ameliorate this situation, Phase I proposes that a new technique known as bracketing, which has been hitherto untested, be applied in order to provide closure for experiments in which degradation of performance has occurred because of feedback delay. Specifically, bracketing refers to the performance of identical experiments with immediate feedback directly before and after the delayed feedback experiment, in the same manner as "on-line" check experiments have been employed previously in operational remote viewing. The hypothesis under consideration is that these bracketing experiments may serve to provide We have chosen 25 trials in each condition, because at the observed hit rate of 75%, 25 trials are sufficient to demonstrate significance. Approved For Release 200 /08/10 : CIA-RDP 6-00789R003800340001-3 t Approved For Release 2000/08/1 : CIA-RDP96-007 9R003800340001-3 FIGURE 1 FLOW CHART DEPICTING RESEARCH PATHS FOR DEPLOYMENT OF PSI MESSAGE-SENDING CAPABILITY 4 Approved For Release 2000/08 10 : CIA-RDP96-0 789R003800340001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10: CIA-RDP96-0789R003800340001-3 PHASE I (U) (U) Phase I will examine the effects of increasingly delayed feedback on performance. The proposed experiments will be performed using a computerized binary search program (, which can easily be linked to a "real world" coin flip task and requires no extensive evaluation. Feedback will be provided on a trial-by-trial basis according to the following schedule: (1) Twenty-five binary choice trials with immediate feedback (2) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by one hour. (3) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by two hours. (4) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by four hours. (5) Twenty-five binary choice trials with feedback delayed in each case by 24 hours . ` (U) If degradation in functioning does not occur as a result of increasingly delayed feedback, then the global feedback experiments proposed in Phase II can be initiated. I If degradation of performance does occur, then the decay rate should be identifiable, and it should be possible to determine whether the decay rate is subject-specific or universal. In any case, to ameliorate this situation, Phase I proposes that a new technique known as bracketing, which has been hitherto untested, be applied in order to provide closure for experiments in which degradation of performance has occurred because of feedback delay. Specifically, bracketing refers to the performance of identical experiments with immediate feedback directly before and after the delayed feedback experiment, in the same manner as "on-line" check experiments have been employed previously in operational remote viewing. The hypothesis under consideration is that these bracketing experiments may serve to provide ` We have chosen 25 trials in each condition, because at the observed hit rate of 75%, 25 trials are sufficient to demonstrate significance. Approved For Release 2000/0 /10 : CIA-RDP96 0789R003800340001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10: CIA-RDP96-0789R003800340001-3 space/time anchors for the subject, thereby defining a discrete location in space and time for reception of the delayed feedback information. This experimental series will also yield information, incidentally, concerning the veracity of the "on-line check," prior claims being that on-line checks with known targets can accurately provide calibration for those experiments in which feedback is delayed or nonexistent if bracketing is unable to address the delayed feedback signal attenuation problem, then other new concepts (presently uknown, but perhaps focussing on making the feedback more of an "event") will have to be applied successfully before the Phase II series of global feedback experiments can be initiated. * *It is logical to assume that if trial-by-trial delayed feedback experiments fail, global feedback experiments will also fail, because they entail delayed feedback by definition. Approved For Release 2000/98/10 : CIA-RDP96-00 ; 89R003800340001-3 Approved For Release 20001p8110 : CIA-RDP.96 00789R003800340001-3 - if DISCUSSION (U) ! The applications-oriented research proposed in this paper has been aimed ultimately at a statistically streamlined, conceptual replication of Milan Ryzl's work with subject Pavel Stepanek. Given the encouraging beginning we have made in a pilot series with one subject, to whom trial-by-trial feedback was administered on a binary choice task, it is important to determine how such functioning is maintained in the global, delayed feedback arena that is typical of the world in general. Some of the parameters that might be uncovered in the course of the proposed research program may also have important implications for other areas of-psychoenergetic applications such as remote viewing. i Should the Ryzl experiment be able to be replicated in the proposed fashion, the implications for a Ireliable psi comunications system are apparent in terms of potential. Approved For Release 2006108/10 : CIA-RDP 6-00789R003800340001-3 1