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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
August 31, 2004
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Approved For Releas r3P S?GR? ~gt-2 )791 R000100040001-3"i"
Of the funds a%ailahic to the Derenw intelligence Agency, the Committee directs that
$500,000 be applied to the STARGATE program and that the tuner: 10 billets remain
assigned to the program. The Committee requests that funds be a; lied roughly equally to
foreign ass.essrr,ent. rese. j h and operational viewing. The Commi:lee is concerned that
Congressional direction in the past regarding the solicitation of users across the 1`71P and
DoD and development of joint programs with the Russians and Chinese has only been
sporadically pursued. The Committee remains perplexed b the obi ions reluctance of
support on the part. of the DIA leadershi (or this . ro ram
It believes,
for example. that liaison a.::vibes by program personnc v e : t ilar
programs in other nations sh.ould be pursued and does not accept the excuse that this
somehow compromises US intelligence activities. The Committee W'sa believes that the time
has come for a r4?e~'a;ua::~~~ of the classification of the existence of t is effort as well as he
results that have been obt:ir.ed over time. If the DIA has difficulty (::ling the billets that
have been set aside for this activity by DIA personnel, considerslion should be given to using
them for liaison purposes with appropriate user organizations. Thus, the Committee wises
renewed effort on the pat, of DIA to pursue the following work s:ht.dule in FY 95:
.''.:The DCI is requestt.::to .construct:a:retrospecti~'.a review i-.d.:echnieal analysis of t.u
data that. has,been.produced byy:the:.program. sinca;its.:incept on- )'.eats ago. This
includes an inver:or;r and ara:y sis of the. files held in the CIA. while it administered
the program as well as in DIA. The study should also address the compliance of the
program with Conosessional direction.
4 The DCI's: declassi ~:,tion :CA.i3'mit- . s;zoul,d, reti;ie~a': th.e..: ~.~'.~a}. arisi:n t.uu:of:this.
yprograr e-t~lraire:u'hat pans, of.. it, declassified and. be converted into an?
gpena-;orld` activiry .
i The.,Di.rectolz4f:,~I .is:le,initiate: further.contaett utth- indiviele. lr im?olved
e.,. .u, op n~ oriel, dec ss:fird.activ;ty o~ eoopervion
.between thetwa.?programs.,and.