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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000100480002-4
Exploratory Research in Remote Viewing
As a result of the experimentation carried out on what might be
termed micro-abilities, Swann expressed the opinion that the insights
obtained had strengthened a macro-ability which had been researched
prior to his joining the SRI program; namely, the ability to view remote
locations. In order to test the above assertion, SRI researchers set
up a series of experimental protocols on a gradient scale of increasing
The first step toward the proof that such an ability might exist in
principle was completed in our laboratory in a series of experiments with
another subject in which target pictures were successfully received where
the subject was separated from the target material either by an electrically
isolated shielded room or by the isolation' provided by East-coast/West-coast
distances. This data is presented in Appendix 1.
Global Targets-Training Mode
For the first experiment, considered to be a training mode, 100 tar-
gets on the earth's surface, ten per day for ten days, were chosen at ran-
dom, often by different experimenters. For each ten-trial session, the
experiment would begin with the subject (Swann) being given a target loca-
tion by latitude and longitude only, for which he had to provide an imme-
diate response of what he saw. Following his response, some brief indi-
cation was given as to whether there existed any correspondence between
his description and the target location. The next coordinate was then
Scanning by Coordinate
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given, etc. until all ten coordinates were exhausted. A run of ten
coordinates was always completed in less than thirty minutes for the
entire run.
The results obtained, during the training mode are summarized in
Figure 1, where a least-squares fit to the data is shown by the solid
lines. Detail for the final run (Run 10) is shown in Table 1. We
must, of course, point out that the results of such a training mode
can be taken as indicative only, since, even under the carefully con-
trolled experimental conditions in force, a) an individual could, in
priniciple, obtain good results on the basis of memory,. and b) given
the hypothesis of extraordinary functioning an individual could, in
principle, obtain the data subliminally from an experimbnter who knows
the target location. The final evaluation must, therefore, rest on
the analysis of the double-blind targets used in the concluding demon-
stration-of-ability tests.
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out of
10 trials/run
RUN out of 4
10 trials/run 2
out of
10 trials/run 2
~- ?
i I I I? I i i
2 4 6 8 10
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Table 1. Run 10, SCANATE Training Results
Target Response
45?N 150?W
,Ocean, beautiful blue-green waves,
sun shining, ship toward north
2?S 34?E Sense of speeding over water, landing H
(eastern shore, Lake on land. Lake to west, high elevation.
Victoria, Africa)
Not many trees, patches of snow, marsh?
64?N 19?W
(20 miles ENE of
Mt. Hekla volcano,
60?N 90?W
(Hudson Bay)
30?S 0 0
42?N 105?E
Wind blowing there, night, telephone N
wires. Land, flat place with fields;
Open water, stands of pine to north H
City, snow on ground, city to north- N
east, factory to south
Ocean, Atlantic, deep blue water H
28?S 137?E Islands, Land mass to east, west. H
(Lake Eyre, Australia) An open sea, night
H--Hit; good description of area in near vicinity of target.
N--Neutral; some possibility of correspondence.
M--Miss; clear lack of correspondence.
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Demonstration-of-Ability Tests: Double-blind Sponsor Coordinates
In order to subject the remote viewing phenomena to a rigorous test
under control of the sponsor, a request for coordinates was transmitted
to a scientist of the sponsoring agency. In response, SRI personnel re-
ceived the first set of coordinates, hereafter referred to as the Vir-
ginia Site.
Virginia Site (Swann)
Date: 29 May 1973, 1634-1640, Menlo Park, CA
Protocol: Coordinates 38?23' 45-48"N, 79?25' 00"W given by Dr. H.E.
Puthoff to subject I. Swann to initiate experiment. No
maps were permitted and the subject was asked to give an
immediate response. The session was recorded on video-
Swann Response:
"This seems to be some sort of mounds or rolling hills. There is
a city to the north (I can see the taller buildings and some smog).
This seems to be a strange place, somewhat like the lawns that one would
find around a military base, but I get the impression that there are
either some old bunkers around, or maybe this is a covered reservoir.
There must be a flagpole, some highways to the west, possibly a river
over to the far east, to the south more city."
The map of Figure 2 was drawn.
On the following morning Swann submitted a written report of a
second reading.
30 May 1973, 0735-0758, Mountain View, CA
"Cliffs to the east, fence to the north. There's a circular
building (a tower?), buildings to the south. Is this a former Nike[
base or something like that? This is about as far as I could go with-
out feedback, and perhaps guidance as to what was wanted. There is
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something strange about this area, but since I don't know particularly
what to look for within the scope of the cloudy ability, it is extremely
difficult to.make decisions on what is there and what is not. Imagination
seems to get in the way. (For example, I seem to get the impression of
something underground, but I'm not sure.) However, it is apparent that
on first sighting the general location was correctly spotted." The
map of Fig. 3 was drawn.
Virginia Site (Pat)
As a backup test, the coordinates were given to a second subject
who appears to possess similar ability in casual testing, although with
perhaps a lower signal-to-noise ratio. The task was presented to the
second subject independently of the first, both to prevent collaboration
and to prevent any sense of competition. Since the second subject, a
businessman, wishes to remain anonymous for the time being, he shall
be referred to simply as Pat.
Date: 1 June 1973, 1700, Menlo Park, CA
Protocol: Coordinates 38?23' 45-48"N, 79 0 25' 00"W given by Dr. H.E.
Puthoff to subject Pat by telephone to initiate experiment.
Pat Response:
On the morning of 4 June 1973 Pat's written response was received
in the mail.
2 June 1973, 1250-1350, Lake Tahoe, CA
"Looked at general area from altitude of about 1500' above highest
terrain. On my left forward quadrant is a peak in a chain of mountains,
elevation approximately 4996'. above sea level. Slopes are greyish
slate covered with variety of broad leaf trees, vines, shrubbery, and
undergrowth. I am facing about 3? - 5? west of north. Looking down the
mountain to the right (east) side is a roadway, freeway country style-
curves around base of mountain from S.W.-swings north for a few miles,
then heads E.N.E. to a fairly large city about 30-40 miles distant.
This area was a battleground in civil war-low rolling hills, creeks,
few lakes or reservoirs. There is a smaller town a little S.E. about
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15-20 miles distant with small settlements, village type, very rural,
scattered around. Looking across the peak, 2500-3000' mountains stretch
out for a hundred or so miles. Area is essentially wooded. Some of the
westerly slopes are eroded and gully washed - looks like strip mining,
coal mainly.
Weather at this time is cloudy, rainy. Temperature at my altitude
about 540 - high cumulo nimbus clouds to about 25,000-30,000'. Clear
area, but turbulent, between that level and some cirro stratus at 46,000'.
Air mass in that strip moving W.N.W. to S.E.
1318 - Perceived that peak area has large underground storage areas.
Road comes up back side of mountains (west slopes), fairly well con-
cealed, looks deliberately so. It's cut under trees where possible-
would be very hard to detect flying over area. Looks like former mis-
sile site-bases for launchers still there, but area now houses record
storage area, microfilm, file cabinets; as you go into underground area
through aluminum rolled up doors, first areas filled with records, etc.
Rooms about 100' long, 40' wide, 20' ceilings with concrete supporting
pilasters, flare-shaped. Temperature cool- fluorescent lighted. Per-
sonnel, Army 5th Corps engineers. M/Sgt. Long on desk placard on grey
,steel desk-file cabinets security locked- combination locks, steel rods
through eye bolts. Beyond these rooms, heading east, are several
bays with computers, communication equipment, large maps, display type,
overlays. Personnel, Army Signal Corps. Elevators.
1330-Looked over general area from original location again - valleys
quite hazy, lightning about 30 miles north along mountain ridge. Temp-
erature drop about 6?, it's about 48?. Looting for other significances:
See warm air mass moving in from S.W. colliding with cool air mass about
100 miles E.S.E. from my viewpoint. Air is very turbulent-tornado
type; birds in my area seeking heavy cover. There is a fairly large
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river that I can see about 15-20 miles north and slightly west; runs
N.E., then curves in wide valley running S.W. to N.E.; river then runs
S.E. Area to east, low rolling hills. Quite a few Civil War monuments.
A marble colonade type: "In this area was fought the battle of Lynch-
burg where many brave men of the Union and Confederate Armys (sic) fell.
We dedicate this area to all peace loving people of the future- Daughters
On a later date Pat was asked to return to the Virginia site with
the goal of obtaining codeword information, if possible. In response,
Pat supplied the following information:
"Top of desk had papers labeled:
File cabinet on north wall labeled:
Operation Pool --- (2nd word unreadable)
Folders inside cabinet labeled:
14 Ball
4 Ball
8 Ball
Name of site vaguely seems like Hayfork or Haystack
Col. R.J. Hamilton
Maj. Gen. George R. Nash
Major John C. Calhoun??"
Urals Site (Pat)
After obtaining a reading on the Virginia site, Pat volunteered that
he scanned the other side of the globe for a Bloc equivalent, and found
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S G1A one in the Urals ati Idescribed as follows.
"Elevation, 6200'. Scrubby brush, tundra type ground hummocks, rocky
outcroppings,'mountains with fairly steep slopes. Facing north, about
60 miles ground slopes to marshland. Mountain chain runs off to right
about 35? East of north. Facing south, mountains run fairly north and
south. Facing west, mountains drop down to foothills for 60 miles or
so; some rivers running roughly north. Facing east, mountains are
rather abrupt, dropping to rolling hills and to flat land. Area site
underground, reinforced concrete, doorways fo steel of the roll-up
type. Unusually high ratio of women to men, at least at night. I see
some helipads, concrete. Light rail tracks run from pads to another
set of rails that parallel the doors into the mountain. (See Fig. 4)
30 miles north (5? west of north) of the site is a radar installation
with 1 large (165') dish and two small fast-track dishes."
The above reports were submitted to the sponsoring agency for
evaluation. A second set of coordinates was requested and obtained,
hereafter referred to as the Island site.
Island Site (Swann)
Date: 21 July 1973, 1708-1730, Menlo Park, CA
Protocol: Coordinates 49?20'S, 70? 14' E given by Dr. H.E. Puthoff
to subject I. Swann to initiate experiment. No maps were
permitted and the subject was asked to give an immediate
response. The session was recorded on videotape.
Swann Response:
"My initial response is that it's an'island, maybe a mountain
sticking up through a cloud cover. (Experimenter checks, gives posi-
tive feedback.) Terrain seems rocky. Must be some sort of small plants
growing there. Cloud bank to the west. Very cold. I see some build-
ings rather mathematically laid out. One of them is orange. There is
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i iii ii101111111111111-01-1111
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something like a radar antenna, a round disc. (Subject draws map during
report.) Two white cylindrical tanks, quite large. To the northwest
a small airstrip. Wind is blowing. Must be two or three trucks in
front of building. Behind, is that an outhouse? There's not much there.
That's all, I think, for now". Swann submits map, Fig. 5.
On the following day, 1152-1215, the identical protocol was followed
for a second reading. Again, no maps were permitted. During this reading,
Swann described following the coastline of the island, drawing segments
on 8k" x 11" pieces of paper as he went, resulting in Fig. 6. when the
pieces were assembled.
"It's not completely dark there, sort of orangish light. If I look
to the west, hills; to the north flatlands and, I think, airstrip and
ocean in the distance; to the east, rolling bumpy grasslands with bumps;
to the south is - - I can't see anything to the south. I move north
to the coastline and follow it around. That's point A (begins to draw
map). Point B, rocks sticking up out of the ocean, breakers on them.
Point C, little cluster of buildings with wharf, boats. Point D, jutty
of land sticking out. Point F * is sand basin, river coming through,
lot of birds. Point E, brush of small trees. This is fun (laughs),
first time I've ever done this. (Following E) almost a straight coast-
line, cuts in rocks, beach. Then curves back. I see to northwest a
mountain rising, snow on top. Area G is irregular. Point H is a high
cliff, Point I is a promontory, Point J has big breakers, K is a bay,
L is area I drew yesterday (circles area, draws airstrip and buildings
for orientation to previous map). That will do for today. May be a
lighthouse (on tip?). I lacked courage going around Point G.
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/J r te,,~'
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SCAN ATE, 1971
W-1245 wNr
tl9d ;d
20 z w,
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Analysis of Results (Double-Blind Sponsor Coordinates)
For security and logistical reasons, the results obtained with
the double-blind sponsor coordinates are being evaluated separately
at the sponsor agency. (See attached supplement.)
As an additional control with regard to the experimental protocol,
SRI. personnel have noL been informed before, during, or after of any
details of the target series parameters, including the hit-miss profile.
However, SRI personnel have been informed that in each experiment there
have been at least some categories of information in which the data
exceed any possible bounds of coincidental correlation', and exceed any
possible bounds of acquisition by known means. It has also been re-
ported that some of the data possibly constitutes "noise" in the signal,
but it has usually been difficult to negate totally any information given
by the subjects.
Therefore, we are led to conclude from this portion of the study
1) a channel exists whereby information about a remote location
can be obtained in the manner described;
2) as with all biological systems the information channel appears
to be imperfect, containing some noise along with the signal;
3) while a signal-to-noise ratio cannot as yet be determined by
SRI personnel with regard to sponsor-controlled targets, a
semi-quantitative signal-to-noise ratio could be determined
with additional experimental effort.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000100480002-4