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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1981
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000100140002-0 ACTION SHEET D I EI [ CONTROL NUMBER SUBJECT OFFICE SYMBOL SUSPENSE GRILL FLAME (GF) (U) DAMT oT$ Jan 81 ACTION REQUIRED To inform ZA of current status with regard to USAF FTD/SRI GF funds. MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD. (Describe briefly the requirement, background and action taken or recommended. Must be sufficiently detailed to identify the action without recourse to other sources.) 1. (S) BACKGROUND. On 27 Jan 81 USAF ACSI action officer informed MAJ Hay that the 50K FY 80 funds ZA authorized for GF through USAF FTD contract would be returned to Army. This decision was made by a Colonel Cade of USAF ACSI. COL Cade's decision was made based on his interpretation of USAF Chief of Staff decision to "stop all USAF activity regarding Project GF." 2. (S) DISCUSSION: Two attempts by MAJ Hay to have the USAF ACSI action officer have COL Cade's decision reversed have failed. MAJ Hay asked Dr. Verona of DIA to contact MG Marks and LTG Tighe in an attempt to have the 50K at FTD moved to SRI as USAF had agreed to do on 18 Sep 80. MG Marks is out of the DC area and will not be available until Friday, 30 Jan 81. Dr. Verona discussed the matter today with LTG Tighe, and suggested that he (LTG Tighe) contact MG Marks or Generalen (USAF Chief of Staff) to get the money moving to SRI. LTG Tighe informednt at it would be better for ZA to contact MG Marks or if that failed to have General Meyer contact General Allen about the situation. Dr. Verona suggested that MAJ Hay contact the SJA to determine if USAF might have legal commitments to SRI to forward the money as there may have been verbal agreements between USAF FTD and SRI with regard to the Army 50K. MAJ Hay will examine this issue, however feels the real issue is that USAF made a moral agreement officer to officerito accept the 50K Army funds on 18 Sep 80 with the agreed intent of both parties to forward the money to SRI for Army GF projects. 3. (S) IMPACT: If USAF returns the,fOK FY 80 funds to Army ACSI, Army will lose the money because there is no other contract with SRI that Army or DIA can use to send the money through. 4. (S) RECOMMENDATION: ZA contact MG Marks Friday AM 30 Jan 81 for assistance. If this attempt fails, ZA should contact General Meyer and request General Meyer contact General Al-fen to resolve the problem. APPROVE 41.,,, DISAPPROVE SEE ME i~"' +"-''} 4-' P M A ~'~ ~`- t t11.1 _ ? tinue on plain bond) IMPLICATIONS CINFO YES 0 NO PRIM FROGS YES NO LJ BUDGET YES NO COORDINATIONS APPROVALS OFFICE NAME PHONE INITIALS DATE akdC--2--1A y r A R DIV 2 $/ DIR r EX AC91 D13 CLA.SIDF IED BY IA DT SHOW ADD IT IONALCOORDIRAT ION ON REVERSE SIDE OR CONTINUATION SHEET ACTION OFFICER (Name, grade, phone and sig uref MAJ John Hay/50114 ACSI FORM 28, 13 Sep 7l4pproved For Relea - E CR 2 TblA-RDP96-OOMBROO0100140002-0 6 WHEN SEPARATED FROM CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT