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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 Challenging Problem to Modern Physics about study of qigong and paranormal phenomena Qingli Li China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing (Received Febru? Atomic Energy Science and Technology 22 (3), 381 (1988) At present, most of qigong (Chinese yoga) and related paranormal phenomena can not be explained by modern physics. It is necessary to create a new branch of physics that would incorporate "thinking field" and would deduce principles of motion in such a field and its interaction with matter. Clearly we are facing the arrival of a new scientific revolution. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 A159Xeq,f occurrences of paranormal phenomena are induced by some people while they are in a gigong state or in a similar paranormal state*. For example, Mr. Chao Chey Zhoun - an ordinary worker in a Beijing factory - gained, after qigong training, clairvoyance and mental telepathy skills and became a well know psychic healer in China [1]. In November 1987 the author participated in an experiment during which, by the emission of qi, a qigong master has altered the taste of a cup of liquor. This change has yet to be confirmed by a gas chromatogram analysis. Yan Xin, one of the most famous Chinese qigong masters, has cooperated with scientists in the famous experiment. By emitting qi from the distance of 2000 km, he has influenced chemical reactions and has changed molecular structure of the samples such as tap water, saline and glucose solutions, and other biological media. After the emission of qi, laser Raman spectra showed big changes indicating alterations in the molecular structure [2]. One may conclude that, at that time, the Chinese research of gigong has reached the molecular level. The most puzzling among various paranormal phenomena is psychokinesis (PK). PK shows not only that people who can induce it have paranormal abilities but, what is even more important, PK reveals a paranormal mode of interaction with and motion of the matter. On January 7, 1988, the author with his seven colleagues visited the Institute of Space Medico-Engineering and watched in person demonstrations by Mr. Zhang Baosheng - the most famous person, in China, with paranormal abilities. 1. Mr.Zhang extracted through the walls of a tightly closed bottle many medical tablets without any visible damage neither to the bottle, nor to the tablets. The tablets were in a clear glass bottle with a tight rubber plug. Part of the plug consisted of a fold-out rubber skirt providing a firm and difficult to remove lid. 2. Mr. Zhang transferred some candies and fresh flowers into a sealed envelope without opening it. 3. Mr. Zhang wrote some Chinese characters on the outside of the envelope and transferred these characters into the letter paper that had been previously sealed inside the envelope. Then, again without opening the envelope, he tore the paper in the envelope into two pieces end extracted one of the pieces. After that, prior to opening, the envelope was inspected and was found well sealed and not damaged. Next, candies and flowers were extracted from it. The torn edges of the two pieces of paper matched with each other. * Note from the translator: these states of the human body are measurably different from the normal conditions of being asleep or awake. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 Approved For Releas$~091/03JR7 : CIdA-RDP96-007928000200130001-1 y means o r. ang damaged a wor ing watch held by one of the visitors. It was reported to us by a leading member of the ISME that in recent years thousands of experiments have been performed showing that the demonstrated phenomena are reproducible and can be recorded by a modern equipment such as a video camera. These miraculous phenomena are neither a magic trick nor a superstitious fiction. They are scientifically verified experimental facts. After several years of research, somatic scientists have already found some rules responsible for induction of paranormal abilities. Right now, Mr. Zhang is not the only person in China with such abilities. A philosopher said: "Miracles are not against the nature, they are only against our understanding of the nature." Obviously, these miraculous phenomena raise challenging problems to modern physics. A series of questions has to be answered by modern physics. In the history of modern physics it happened more than once that a new phenomenon that could not have been explained in terms of the existing knowledge, became a starting point of a new discovery leading to important modifications of physics theories. The challenges to the classical physics through the discoveries of cathode rays, X-rays, radioactivity, and neutron produced the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Those new discoveries forced people to thoroughly change their point of view concerning the understanding of matter, rules of motion, time-space concept, and causality. It seems that qigong and paranormal phenomena have pushed physics into such a new stage of development. Therefore we may expect the arrival of a new scientific revolution. Among the many questions that the physicist have to answer are the following: 1. Is qi, as emitted by qigong masters, a new type of radiation? What is the nature of it? Is it a beam of particles or an electromagnetic wave? Does it have charge, or not? Can it be shielded by various materials, or not? Although some measurements show that qi has some infrared content, this content can not account for all the effects attributed to qi. In particular, it is impossible to imagine transportation and collimation of infrared radiation over a distance of several thousand kilometers. 2. What are the principles of interaction between various materials and qi emitted by a gigong master? 3. What are the limits on qi's impact on matter? Namely, since qi, emitted by a qigong master, can influence chemical reactions and molecular structure of matter, can it also have an impact on nuclear reactions and nuclear structure? This is an especially interesting question for a nuclear physicist. 4. Some individuals, like Mr. Zhang, can make objects 3 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 P Fork ase2OO1/0 G : DIAPR 8 0O7192R660264 `3GO( .'t-r nges to the bottle and the objects? 5. What are the properties of PK force? What are the principles of motion and interaction of matter under the PK force? It seams that under a strong thinking field the motion and interaction of matter obey completely new principles, unexplainable by modern physics and not yet studied at all. It is necessary to form a new physics system that would include thinking field. When thinking field diminishes, present descriptions by modern physics are correct - just like relativistic kinematic becomes classical when the speed of motion is much smaller than the speed of light. To solve the problems that were mentioned above, physicists should join somatic scientists and other experts and initiate a coordinated, comprehensive research that would utilize the advanced equipment and techniques of modern physics; including nuclear techniques. Measurements with various detectors should be made to determine: the attributes of qi emitted by qigong masters, physical parameters of paranormal abilities, substance attributes of thinking field, and principles of interaction between such field and the matter. In the search for a theoretical explanation of qigong and paranormal phenomena, D. Bohm's theory has been brought back to attention. D. Bohm worked in the 1950s at Princeton University, Physics Department. He thought that the statistical aspect of quantum theory was a result of the not yet revealed, hidden variables. Once the hidden' variables are found, the outcome of each experiment can be exactly determined, not just the probabilities of various results. D. Bohm also,pointed out that the uncertainty principle in quantum theory describes just the surface phenomena, whereas the molecules, atoms, and elementary particles all show temporal appearance in the universe. These appearances are not necessarily stationary. They interchange. The hidden variables play a role in a deeper layer of quantum theory, in a.super-microscopic world ?[10-34 cm]. In this super- microscopic world hidden variables have a self-organizing feature that makes one kind of particles become an other, of a different structure. Therefore, restoring of a torn card or causing the penetration of an obstacle may, as some suggest, be possible through the use of the self-organizing features of the super microscopic world. An other explanation relates to the hypothesis that ordinary people recognize only three dimensions whereas the space has more than three dimensions. People with paranormal abilities recognize and use the other dimensions while performing their surprising acts such as wall penetration. A well known Chinese scientist - Dr. Qian Xuesen - 4 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 considered a human body as a huge system. When combined with the environment, it would form a super huge system. According to statistical theory, every complex huge system has several relatively stable states. Under certain conditions a transition from one state into an other may occur. Also a human body has more than one stable state. According to the ability state theory, human body may transform, under some internal or external impulse, into the other state. This situation can probably be well illustrated using nuclear excitation model. For example, the ground state of the even-even nuclei has spin zero and positive parity JJt = 0+ but, in the.. excited state, the spin and parity may change, eg. into 3- or 2+. Although it is still the same nucleus its properties are different in different excitation states. Human body has similar properties. If it is in a certain excited state (namely in the qigong state) its properties are different from that of the ground state (normal condition). Apparently, modern medicine, physiology, or somatic science study the properties of human body just in the ground state. Therefore it is not surprising that such unusual properties of human body like high enduring abilities to pressure, temperature, voltage, and other paranormal features attributed to the qigong state and to the other paranormal states can not be explained by these sciences. Since the abilities of various qigong masters and individuals with paranormal skills differ, it indicates that they reach different excited states. Qi emitted by qigong masters can induce human body into an excited state. Also other external causes may bring about similar effect. It has been reported in the Soviet Union that after an illness a patient has gained clairvoyance skills. Sometimes transformation into an excited state can be induced internally (so called self excitation) through meditation and qigong practice. Just as the nuclear levels and spectra have been studied, in a similar fashion we should systematically collect the spectra of human abilities and determine the characteristic parameters of these states and conditions that allow for transitions between them. Relying on somatic research, the basic reasons for the occurrence of paranormal abilities can be understood. One can imagine that next below the first excited state there are some semi-stable states. People excited into those semi-stable states show enhanced, although not yet paranormal, abilities. In this way one can account for some common phenomena like the well known fact that in emergency people get quick wits, or that sleepwalkers, while in trance, are capable of actions beyond their normal achievements, or that some mental patients show strength much above the average. The mentioned phenomena show that a change in the mental condition prompts the body into some semi-stable state with a set of characteristics (abilities) different from normal. If the ability state theory of human body is correct, it can be predicted that efficient ways of exciting human body into the Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 .Bates cane2eee rou0nd0 j/Oad ng to tn6-0~19p ay o Of Oe1~0001more hignprrq miraculous achievements. Obviously, the recently verified paranormal phenomena have also raised challenging problems to philosophy and they are going to make a deep impact on it. Practice is the sole criterion of truth and is also the only way to discover truth. We believe that, once the comprehensive research of'paranormal phenomena starts, it will advance quickly and it will initiate a new scientific revolution with an unimaginable role in the future development of human race and society. [1] Chao Chey Zhoun, "Qigong induced my paranormal abilities", Youth of China, October 1987, pp. 40-41. (2] Xinghua News Agency, internal news report, July 1987 and Yan Xin, Li Shengpin et al., "The effect of qigong on the Raman spectra of tap water, saline and glucose solution", Nature Journal 11, 567-571 (1988). [3] D. Bohm, Phys. Rev. 85, 166 and 180 (1952). Translated by Qingli Li and W. H. Trzaska Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001; CHALLENGING PROBLEM TO MODERN PHYSICS _---ABOU'T STUDY OF PHENOMENA OF QIG ONG AND SUPER UNCTION OF HUMAN BODY LI QINGLI (ln,itilult of Atomic Energy. P. 0, Box 275, Pitijing) ABSTRACT At present, a lot of phenomena of Qingong (breathing ?exerci. es) and superfunction of human body can trot be explained in terns of modern physics theory. It is necessary to form a new physics system including n thinking field and to conclude principles of motion and interaetiurr of matter wider the thinking field. It means that a new scientific revolution is coming. Rey words Qigong, Breathing cxcrriscs, Supcrfunction of hunrr~n Lod , Thinking field. S Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 Ctt 1T Iicli g pro: iem to Modern pliyaics al.sctzt t t?.c' * rf (i.gong rnd paranormal phenomena Qingli Li China In stitut.e of Atomic Energy, Beijing i ,'r'?i,i..l:3:'~T i, E~3fi~i j Atomic Energy Science and Technology 22 (3), 381 (1988) At present, most of qigong (Chinese yoga) and related paranormal phenomena can not be explained by modern physics. It is necessary to create a new branch of physics that would of a ncorx,or.-Dtc t.lj Y"a t: Lt ri i (: " rl r' } 'r 5 p ) C. s r t. ~. a. C, l.. Ca f F f alC motion in such a field and its interaction with matter. Clearly we are facing the arrival of a new scientific revolution. 1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200130001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0200130001-1 ,omatiu research conLiucied in recent years iliic~:te Lhu occurrences of paranormal phenomena are induced by some people while they are in a qigong state or in a similar paranormal state*. For example, Mr. Chao Chey Zhoun - an ordinary worker in a Beijing factory - gained, after qigong training, clairvoyance and mental telepathy skills and became a well know psychic healer in China [1]. In November 1987 the author participated in an experiment during which, by the emission of qi, a qigong master has the taste of a cup of liquor. This change has yet to be conf:i.r: by a gas chromatogram analysis. Yan Xin, one of the most fan-,o . Chinese qigong masters, has cooperated with scientists in the famous experiment. By emitting qi from the distance of 2000 he has influenced chemical reac-ions and fla chan.jed l:~o] structure of the samples such as tap water, .-aline and glucose solutions, and other biological media. After the emission of qi, laser Raman spectra showed big changes indicating alterations in the molecular structure [2]. One may conclude that, at that. time, the Chinese research of qigong has reached the molecular level. The most puzzling among various paranormal phenomena is psychokinesis (PK). PK shows not only that people who can induce it have paranormal abilities but, what is even more important, ]ri reveals a paranormal mode of interaction with and motion of the matter. On January,7, 1988, the author with his seven colleagues visited the Institute of Space Medico-Engineering and watched in person demonstrations by Mr. Zhang Baosheng - the most famous person, in China, with paranormal abilities. 1. Mr.Zhang extracted through the walls of a tightly bottle many medical tablets without any visible damage neit_;-;r-j: ~_ } 1 t . r, i n : JlJ Jig I IiJ:7,f~1J, 4j,A1'?J' T ~%i ~'1 T I,Ilr r :~ I, i1 t 1 i", JfiL. I)Juii i'l ,4t1:7'kIt2),. lr t;iZ )t>t~ll';,' ~i~rtl%-' `~=TIIVJij",2-ii i f(, fl 1(=)?%.> J {' T~1'' { JJ1X1(AI"I`IISJ)J11U((~1~Li* JIi0{o i)JI' Q sue: 11iif]4-__,:(.[D[ f,,(I'JA arJjijLILiL" - A n I1 'r ,i:J 1 ; t'' #i' I': il,iPY ~f~~.fJI [.s ii!L1?ill n, 41'J' I'!l~ II i.'?;rt' :JJI' I-, iiuilli'1, _-K J iii:!J,fii1fl i'i i_~i il' tl ',,; 1t is, ` 1 9 ~' _ ;,,.?1:AIIJJI~it kW4i4'15 `i3~ A 1'1`lit.:1.1_~IPtIL )J 111 (1_I~1, :~~. ','_{ , *ik 1,1:J I' I i-' - I1'1 11 i.ct. -1 f"', ,J: i~J. 3 ( 7 1, rt _~~ 1,~ J. iI r;~J- JI . JM! E--11:'l;'; (JUiJJWj4cVJVllifll(l;J:1Si'J)Jii'L',, II'JA I`Y`_1?:;.'~ II 1,11 {,f I J" )lit:7i?(i~~~)(~~. 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