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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
BY: Sheng Zujia
(Fudan University, Graduate Department of Genetics)
The formal establishment of the Somatic Science Society and
the publication of the Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, which
had been under consideration for some time, marks the birth of a
new branch of science. There are two unusual aspects to this
science. First, its contents and its name are not exactly the
same. According to its title, it should include anatomy and human
biology, but it does not. In the broad sense, somatic science
includes ESP and PK, Chinese traditional medicine and Qigong. In
the narrow sense, somatic science thus refers to research into
paranormal capabilities. The discussion in this article is limited
to the latter. That is, the human abilities discussed in this
article are not common biological functions, but are several
uncommon special physiological functions, that is, what is commonly
referred to as paranormal functions. Secondly, it is just because
of the special nature of the object of its research that somatic
science has not yet received wide spread recognition.
Some people believe that paranormal functions are magic tricks
and that magic is not a natural science. Here, I will use my own
experiences to explain that paranormal functions are not
witchcraft: 1, The special abilities of magicians are learned
though the practice of tricks, and some persons with paranormal
abilities have some natural paranormal abilities without any
training. This paranormal abilities are sometimes unknown even to
the person himself[1]. 2, A number of persons with paranormal
abilities have achieved these abilities through training, however,
this training is completely different from the tricks practiced by
magicians, so it is often called inducement. For example, in an
experiment conducted by the Electrical Engineering Department of
Fudan University , the ESP subjects were all average young girls.
After undergoing training for a short period of time, they were
able to break matches in a film canister without touching the
canister. It is hard to believe that they had learned how to open
up the film canister and break the matches and then re-close the
film canister without detection while being observed by many
people. However, it should be known that during the training they
may have made contact with the film canister, but did not have to
touch the matches themselves. The training was primarily limited
to concentration. 3, The tricks of the trade for magicians are all
fabricated by themselves. However, in the experiment mentioned
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above, we prepared the items. The matches were placed into the
canister after I had marked them, and I and the subjects sat
unmoving during the entire course of the experiments. No one left
the room. 4, The magician's tricks are always successful. During
the experiment, the subjects were successful at times and
unsuccessful at other times. Another example is the thought
transference experiment I conducted in my home. I wrote down three
three digits numbers and gave one each to ESP subjects. There were
only the four of us present, and no one left the room. The ESP
subjects then used thought transference to send signals to three
ESP subjects at an Electrical Engineering Department laboratory a
kilometer or two away. These subjects told an instructor who
remained at their sides at all times what signals they had
received. The instructors then immediately called me on the
telephone and informed me of what numbers the subjects had
received. On one occasion, all three numbers were correct, once
some of the numbers were correct, and on two occasions the numbers
were all incorrect. In this sort of experiment, trickery is
impossible. If some trickery were involved, why were the numbers
always correct? It is hard to believe that this was because they
were not good enough at their trickery or that they intentionally
missed some numbers to make it look like it was not magic.
Furthermore, during the match breaking experiment, even when it was
announced that those successful would win a prize, some of the
experiments failed, and yet succeeded when no prize was offered.
It is hard to believe that this was done on purpose. Can it be
stated that this is not experimental proof? However, the force of
common sense cannot be underestimated. I ask you, if a number of
girls are trained for a short period of time and then are able to
perform feats that ar impossible for a top magician to perform,
when the persons conducting the training were ordinary physics
professors who had not studied magic themselves, and when the girls
training was limited to concentration and not magic, is the result
of the training ESP or magic. It is not difficult to reach a
reasonable conclusion using commons sense.
Scientific experiments must be repeatable. As I have stated
earlier, with this lack of repeatability, can we believe that the
ESP experiments are experimental proof? At times, the failure of
the experiments are explained as resulting from the subject being
in an bad emotional state. Is this not just an excuse to cover up.
At other times, failure is explained as being due to the skepticism
of the observers. Is this not "it only works if you believe in
One must remember that in ESP experiment, there are both the
experimenter and the subject. In conditioned reflex experiment,
when a person suddenly appears it can cause a dog to lose a
conditioned reflex. It this happens with a dog, what about human
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beings? If this happens with conditioned reflexes, what about ESP?
However, what is more important is that in general, it is already
known that ESP abilities can be repeated, and furthermore, they can
be repeated in different areas, different laboratories, and with
different ESP subjects. Take thought transference for example. In
an experiment last Summer Vacation, four out of five thought
transferences between Shanghai and Changzhou or Taixing were
completely successful. As for experiment such as breaking matches,
I have also seen ten year old children in an elementary school in
Kunming successfully carry out this experiment after training. The
difference was that the object broken was a piece of chalk and not
a match.
Perhaps some people will say that they have personally
discovered some people who claim to have ESP abilities who were
tricksters. The tricksters fall into one of the following
categories: First, is where the person who claims to have ESP
abilities knows that he does not actually have these abilities, but
is only conducting a sham in order to get money or something else.
The second is where the person actually believes he has ESP
abilities. They are not subjectively making anything up, but
objectively are not genuine. For example, a person who claims to
be able to change the weather, and can cause the sky to be, clear
when the weather forecast is for rain. A strict statistical
analysis will discover that he does not genuinely have this
ability. The third is a person who actually has ESP abilities will
fake it at times. I have already pointed out that ESP experiments
are not always successful. Because of the psychological pressure,
when the experiments are successful, it is possible that something
is faked. Some children who pretend during the process of trying
to read characters with their ears belong to this category.
However, in the thorough transfer experiments mentioned before
conducted in my home, the only way this could be faked would have
been if I had told the persons receiving the thought signals the
three separate three digit numbers before hand. If we eliminate
any possibility of fakery, and still do not believe that this was
done through ESP, then the only answer was that the correct answer
was due to a lucky guess. However, the probability of guessing the
number was one in one billion. When such an event occurs one time,
it is worth noting. What about thought transference experiments
which are already achieving significant results like normal
physiology experiments?
Finally, perhaps some people will ask that even if these
phenomenon are not the result of some magical act my a magician,
since they are so undefinable, so at odds with modern science and
the objective world, how can it be called a science? Actually,
breakthroughs in natural sciences often have to go through a
process where it is difficult to accept them. Darwin's proposal of
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the theory of evolution was not initially well received. The
Morganists geneticists were called reactionary and idealists.
Furthermore, "a number of major historical scientific breakthroughs
were the result of the discovery of 'abnormal' empirical facts.
The difficulty in theoretical explanation of black radiation energy
distribution and the Michelson - Morley experiment refuting 'ether
drift' were all this sort of 'abnormal' events for classical
physics prior to the end of the 19th century." (Extracted from page
nine of the first volume of "China Journal of Somatic Science".)
It is no wonder that there should be debate over new things. In
the end, history will determine who is right. As for the debate in
genetics, there are scientific historians conducting research on
this in China and in other countries. The current debate over ESP
will provide scientific historians in the future with valuable
There may be people who will also say that even if ESP is not
some trick, even if these phenomena cannot currently be explained
or denied, do the accumulation of a number of phenomena be called
a branch of science. Actually, a number of phenomena can only be
called a branch of science when they can be theoretically strung
together. With this definition, it would be better to say that
somatic science has been born, but has not yet matured. However,
we should look at the work done in the past ten years. A number of
laws have already been discovered in the confusing array of
phenomena. For example, in experiments where characters were
determined using ESP, it was discovered that a "screen" appeared
before the forehead in the process of determining the character [ 2 ] .
It is worth noting that this sort of "screen" effect is not limited
to character determination. This "screen" affect occurs in the
process of in thought transference, PK, and automatic writing (see
page seven of this issue). There is now further knowledge of the
"screen" effect in thought transference. For example, in addition
to characters and words in the thought transference, the signals
also include the shape and color of objects. The form in the
"screen" is motionless, but because at different times the same
object appears facing a different direction on the "screen", the
person receiving the signals can tell from this that the object is
slowly turning (Wang Boyang et al). Currently, for short
sentences, though transference has been achieved at distances of
more than 1,000 kilometers (from Shanghai to Beijing). In short
distance experiments, signals of as many as 41 characters can be
sent. It is not currently possible to say what the limits for the
distances and amount of signals for thought transference.
Experimental results indicate that thought sensing uses the
"screen" effect, so visual signals can be transferred, while sound
and taste signals cannot (Wang Boyang et al). The results of this
res,earch illustrates that progress has been made in determining the
basis of phenomenon in ESP. This progress is slow because of the
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following reasons: 1, It is the biological function of ESP that is
being studied and not ordinary biological functions, so standard
research methods are lacking. 2, This is a branch of science which
has not been recognized. Most of its research and instructional
units are not formal named units. Because it is not a listed
science, it is not listed as a research topic funded by the
National Natural Science Foundation. 3, It is difficult to prove
the results. Although there is currently this publication "China
Journal of Somatic Science" in which the results of research can be
published, as long as this science is not publicly recognized,
public acceptance of the results of this research will be a
problem. 4, Also related to the points above is the fact that
there is a lack of newcomers among the researchers and the
researchers are usually working on their own time or are retired
There are major problems, but on one hand knowledge of the
patterns of ESP is gradually becoming more thorough and on the
other hand, there are a number of people who are conducting
theoretical explorations and have proposed some hypotheses. There
is no reason to doubt that some day there will be an explanation of
the principles at work in ESP, and that ESP will even have its won
system of theories. When this happens, somatic science will have
come of age. It is still an infant. What can we demand of an
infant? If we hope this infant matures as quickly as possible, we
must nurture it as much as possible.
What is the nature of somatic science? Most of those
conducting research into ESP were those studying physics. This may
have been because many ESP phenomena did not fit into the present
framework of physics and it confused them. It seemed that spacial
obstacles did not exist. Objects seemed to leave signals behind
after they were no longer there, and so on. It seemed that every
discovery attacked a traditional concept of physics. Therefore,
these physicists believed that new discoveries in physics might
occur in ESP research. Furthermore, all of these phenomena
occurred with human input, and it could be fairly well determined
that they occurred with input from human brain activity. Quite a
few scientists pointed out some time ago that the final barrier to
be surmounted by life sciences were the secrets of the human brain.
Since ESP is a phenomenon which occurs with input from the human
brain, then thorough study of these phenomena will of necessity
assist in an understanding of the human brain. For an example, new
breakthroughs in life sciences may also occur in somatic science
research. People have historically paid a great deal of attention
to boundary sciences. ESP research should lead to the appearance
of boundary sciences. Think about the several phenomena which
cannot be understood by current theories of physics such as
telekinesis which are all produced by interaction of the "thoughts"
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of a person with ESP abilities. Could this not lead people to
consider it from the viewpoint of boundary science?
Somatic science is a science which has difficulty in gaining
acceptance. It is also a very difficult science. Furthermore it
is a science which is very vulnerable to interference. ESP
training is very simple in form, as it is primarily meditation. As
for non visual recognition of characters, through concentration, a
"screen" appears in front of the forehead, requiring the characters
to appear on the "screen". The practice of Buddhism requires quiet
contemplation and meditation. Perhaps a "screen" also appears in
this process, and the image on the screen is misinterpreted as
enlightenment. Therefore, ESP has been tainted with superstition,
and people have even used this for swindling. In addition, there
is a definite relationship between ESP and Qigong, because both are
the result of an internal awakening. Qigong is a component part of
Chinese medicine. It is as valuable in practice as acupuncture.
However, in its long history, Qigong has developed into a multitude
of different schools with good and bad intermingled. This
conditions could have an adverse effect on somatic science
research. Even if they do not have any ulterior motive, a number
of publications which tend toward mysticism or religion may also
have a negative effect on the healthy development of somatic
science. All of this sort of things will cause a scientist to be
suspicious, to cause an adverse reaction, to cause him to raise his
guard against it or pass it by. However, if it is a branch science
worth devoting oneself to, then we should not refrain from carrying
out a worthy task because of a slight risk.
ESP research, in addition to its scientific significance, will
also have important applications. The possibility exists that
thought transference can be used as a sort of secure
communications. However, even more important is we cannot now even
predict what its applications may be. Basic research is conducted
for the purpose of exploring natural laws, and in general, basic
research within the framework of current knowledge often has an
unexpected effect on engineering technology[3]. I cannot believe
that such thoroughgoing research into the basic nature of man and
the universe can help but produce some profound effect on human
[1]. Song Kongzhi et al, "Research in Human Paranormal Abilities",
2(1989), p 59.
[2]. Shao Laisheng, Zhu Yiyi, "Research in Human Paranormal
Abilities, 2(1989), p 77.
[3]. Sheng Zujia, "China Journal of Somatic Science", 4(1989), p
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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
BY: Shao Laisheng, Yu Huihua, Shen Yunhu and Fang Linhu
(Fudan University Department of Electrical Engineering)
This article introduces progress we have made in the
study of thought transference in the past three years. It
also presents a preliminary discussion of the results of
our experiments. Currently we have achieved thought
transference at a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers.
The signals sent can be numbers, characters or images and
colors. The success rate of the experiments was also fairly
high. The results of different experiments indicate a
potential practical value to thought transference.
Thought transference is a means of communications between
people through no known means or human sensory organs. It relies
on a potential energy of the human mind to achieve long distance
transference of signals. The mechanism is still not clear. There
has been little research on this in China. It has been
systematically studied by ranking institutes in the United States
such as Stanford. However, because there are potential national
defense military applications, most have military or national
security organ participation, so there have been few reports made
We began by inducing the thought transference potential of the
personnel in the experiment. We conducted experimental research
for over three years. We fully determined the objective existence
of human thought transference. At the present time, we have
already achieved long distance signal transference over more than
1,000 kilometers. The signals transferred can be numbers,
characters or can be images or colors. The success rate of the
experiments was fairly high.
This article presents a preliminary discussion of the design
and results of the experiments.
During the experiments, the personnel were divided into two
groups, one for sending and one for receiving. Each group was
composed of from one to several research personnel and experiment
subjects and was at either point A or point B.
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The subjects of the experiments were young men and women about
20 years old. They were workers or farmers with a junior middle
school education. They did not have any ESP capabilities at first,
and ESP and PK abilities were induced. On this basis, through a
short term training in thought transference, they possessed thought
transference paranormal abilities. As the experiments went on,
their transference abilities, including their success rates in
experiments of transference distance and signal quantity, continued
to improve. All of the research personnel conducting the
experiments were instructors. None possessed any paranormal
Site Selection: Either ordinary laboratories or someplace
outdoors. The distances between the sending and receiving sites
were from several tens of meters to several hundred kilometers and
more. It was required that all signal transmissions by all known
means of communications between the two sites be cut off, including
all direct or indirect contact through sound, images and smells as
well as personnel traffic.
The transferred signals were generally written on paper.
These are called samples, and were usually prepared and provided by
persons at the sites who were not the research personnel or
subjects of the experiment. These steps were taken to avoid any
effects from interaction between research personnel, researcher
personnel and the subjects of the experiments or among the subjects
themselves as well as to avoid any type of trickery.
During the experiments, the research personnel at the sending
group would randomly select samples, having the subjects of that
group open up the samples and send out the information on the paper
(character, shape, etc). After several minutes or a little more of
entering into an ESP quiet stage, the subjects would state that
information had already been transmitted and the transmission time
would be noted down. The subjects at the receiving site would
"await" for the arrival of the signals at the appointed time. When
they received the information, they would write down on paper the
information they received and the time they received it and would
give the paper to the research personnel. Finally the researcher
personnel at the transmitting and the receiving group would check
the information on the samples and the information received, ending
the experiment.
In a great number of experimental studies, the ESP subjects
state that in the process of ESP or PK, a "screen" appears in front
of their forehead, and from the "screen" they can receive a sense
of the contents or the object to be moved. This is called the
"screen phenomenon"[2]. Before the "screen" appears, most subjects
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experience entering a quiet state. In thought transference
experiments, both those sending the information and those receiving
the information had to have the "screen" appear in front of their
foreheads in order for the information to be transmitted. We call
the length of time the "screen" flashes the transmission or
reception time.
1. Induction Experiments: Late in 1987, we induced seven
young men and women. They already possessed paranormal abilities
such as ESP. The information transferred was three digit numbers.
The senders would select any one of 15 samples. If all the
receivers received the number correctly, it was called a total
success. A partial success means that some of the receivers
received the number correctly. A failure means that all the
receivers numbers were incorrect. The experiment is generalized in
Table One. In 37 experiments, 38 percent or 14 experiments were
total successes. There were partially successes 41 percent of the
time, or in 15 experiments. This is a very high success rate.
HJ I5'j
1987.12. 8^'1988. 1. 19
1988. 1. 20^-26
1988. 3. 4^10
1988. 3.12- 4.13
(~ s1
~a[] 4`~f7 5
600 !
k.)A 11J
7 i 7
plc to,
3 YX
1. Stage: 2. First stage. 3. Second stage. 4. Third stage. 5.
Fourth Stage. 6. Contents. 7. Time. 8. Conditions. 9. Sending
and receiving group both in the same room, or inside and outside
the same room. 10. Sending and receiving group on different floors
of the same building. 11. Between the Fudan Union and Science
Building, a distance of about 600 meters. 12. Between Fudan
University and Hongkou Park, a distance of about five kilometers.
13. Results: 14. Total successes. 15. Partial successes. 16.
Failures. 17. Occasions.
2. Experiments in Transferring Different Information.
Illustration One are samples transmitted and received in a thought
transference experiment between the Physics Building at Fudan
University and Hongkou Park. The transferred information included
numbers, Characters and shapes. Illustration two shows the samples
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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
of two experiments between the Physics Building and Science
Building of Fudan University on 14 and 15 December of the same
year. The samples transmitted were randomly organized six digits
numbers written with red, green or blue ink pens. While the
receivers wrote down the six digit numbers, they also indicated
correctly the color of each digit.
4, Ul-
u c;
20043 3
f)-O .4A
Ok Iv
if". it r, CI/V/. 1. '(8r 1. 7
1. Sample sent. 2. Receiver group notations.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
i is 0.
4/(7574 s
( '1 lz 1 6M
.7 r3
I9k1,ii,l ~'~ 5
.4 -2t .%
170. /2. /g
1. Sample sent. 2. Receiver Notations.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
i~ et I J
Uf A
A -A YZ V 19 4
2 ~J~at
18, 43
21 . 35
52 SJ"f/
1itfi~~t -.~
2 'J~nf
18, 45
21 15
3 iJ.9f
18 . 44
22 . 00
{fI~: O
] 2
2 doff
18 ? 39
31 ~}
18, 40
21 22
42 ft
18, 45
21 15
1. Date. 2. Information. 3. Sender. 4. Transmission time. 5.
Receiver. 6. Receipt time. 7. Time differential. 8. I am Pang
Fei wishing you a happy New Year. 9. Pang. 10. Huang. 11. Two
hours and 52 minutes. 12. I am Ji Meiyun wishing you good luck.
13. Ji. 14. Zhang. 15. Two hours and 27 minutes. 16. I am Pang
Fei wishing you good luck. 17. Pang. 18. Yin. 19. Two hours and
30 minutes. 20. I am Ji Meiyun wishing ou a happy New Year. 21.
Ji. 22. Xiao. 23. Three hours and 16 minutes. 24. 900125. 25.
Pang. 26. Huang. 27. Two hours and 31 minutes. 28. Object:
a teacup. 29. Ji. 30. Zhang. 31. Two hours and 42 minutes. 32.
It is currently drizzling rain in Shanghai. 33. Pang. 34. Yin.
35. Two hours and 30 minutes.
3. Experiments with extended distances and the phenomenon of
time differential: Table Two shows the results of a thought
transference experiment in early 1990 between Shanghai and Taixing.
Tables Three through Five show the results of thought transference
experiments late int he same year between Fudan University in
Shanghai and the Beijing Institute of Aerospace Medical
Engineering. The experiments turned out very good. Illustrations
Three through Five are surprisingly long distance thought
transference time differential of up to several hours, and even as
much as 20 hours. Furthermore, in short distance experiments in
the past, the time differential ranged from several seconds to
several minutes, and this was believed to be caused by subjective
influences on the subjects and errors in marking the time.
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1770, (.L ,14
I1. if )y~ 3.3b
1. Sent from Shanghai. 2. Received in Beijing.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
VIya, fr.it3
1. Sent from Beijing. 2. Received in Shanghai.
-L "4 4k a P
ii. 140
1. Sent from Beijing. 2. Received in Shanghai.
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300090001-5
14 18,141 35
y ,3'i}_q
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20 ? 54
9t 2 dNff j
19 a 15,19 a 29
ftok m y
21 ' 0
119 R
it 1. 5 / ~8f
1. Shanghai sending. 2. Beijing receiving. 3. Date. 4.
Transmission time.
5. Information contents. 6. Name of sender. 7. Date. 8. Receipt
time. 9. Name of receiver. 10. Information contents. 11. Time
differential between transmission time and receipt time. 12.
Flowers are in bloom and the moon is full. 13. Wu Xiaohong. 14.
Midnight. 15. The flowers are in bloom and the moon is full. 16.
Pang Fei. 17. About ten hours. 18. Yin Xuefang. 19. Ji Meiyun.
20. About 24 hours. 21. Yin Xuefang. 22. Ji Meiyun. 23. About 25
hours. 24. Empress Heitao. 25. Wu Xiaohong. 26. Empress Heitao.
27. Pang Fei. 28. About two hours. 29. Yin Xuefang. 30. Ji
Meiyun. 31. About two hours. 32. Yin Xuefang. 33. Ji Meiyun.
34. About two hours. 35. I love my country. 36. Wu Xiaohong. 37.
I love my country. 38. Pang Fei. 39. About 1.5 hours.
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