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Approved F Release 2000/08/11 : C A- P96-00792 '5g
e t
manner, t
chi promote major developments in somatic science. 1190)
e are basic changes in the study of somatic science, and this
MAGAZINE 13 1 19 90) 1
1. Qian Xuelin and others, NATURE f
2. Chen Xin, SCIENCE OF AIR AND MAN, cooperative conference,
(1988) 45
Qian Xuelin and others N SOMATIC CIENCE, PLA Medical Ablishing gency,
.1 neo1 1 Al ---_- ,~ no')N n1 5
4. Qian Xuelin auu v-,-o, .~...
5. Qian Xuelin and others, NATURE MAGAZINE, 4, 7(1988) 483
6. Yu Hefeng, SCIENCE OF AIR AND MAN, Sino-Japanese cooperative conference,
(1988), 53
7. Mary F. Asterida, THE PHYSIOLOGY OF STRESS, Human Sciences Press, New York
8. Qian Xuelin, ON SOMATIC SCIENCE, PLA medical Publishing Agency, (1989) 297
9. Ibid, 282
10. Ibid, 248
Chen Xin and others, ON SOMATIC SCIENCE, PLA Medical Publishing Agency,
1989) 176 ON TO CATASTROPHE THEORY, Cambridge University
12. P.T. Sanders, AN INTRODUCT
Press (1988) Translated into Chinese by Ling Fuhua, Shanghai Science and
Technology Contributions Press 1983)
14. lkJapdnebe/ --a
Medical Press (1975) 19
. nA A
The system theories of Chinese medicine are an important component of the
modernization of Chinese it
China and has attracted a
promote development ththYCoof the mmissionsonmChineseeMedicinenSystemdTheories
to strengthen ties, the Special
of the Chinese Society of Somatic
and specialty symposium to
discuss the direction and special characteristics of the specialty of system
theories in Chinese medicine and to study the system concepts in basic theory
in Chinese medicine, especially the concept of man as an open, complex giant-
scale system. The contact unorthis coPosteOffice Of04fiBeijce,
Society of Somatic Sciences, Zhang Ruiyun
Postal code is 100094.
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Approved Fgi'Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300410014-5
1. The Joint Testing Group for Somatic Paranormal Functions, RESEARCH IN
2. Song Kongzhi and others, JOURNAL OF CHINESE SOMATIC SCIENCE, First Issue,
(1990), 22
3. Lin Shuhuang, Zhang Chongqi and others RESEARCH IN SOMATIC PARANORMAL
FUNCTIONS, 1,3 (1983) 110
NOTE: Videotaping was provided by the Space Medical Engineering Institute.
Pictures were shot by Zeng YongQun.
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Zha-McConnell: 09-Jun-90 Parapsychology in the People's Republic of China
2. Targets must be sealed using tamper-proof methods--"irreversible" is the Chinese. term.
3. There must be continuous, on-site, multi-angle observation by experimenters or by video tape.
These requirements have led researchers to believe that their reported results are.real, and that
the effect is PK acting on the target. When the use of modern instruments becomes unavoidable,
it is believed that the experimental protocol must be arranged so that the subject is away from the
instruments and without knowledge of when or how the surveillance and analysis of targets is
4. Psi as a personally developable skill
It is assumed as a matter of course in P.R.C. that psychic ability, as well as other benefits, can
be developed through the practice of qigong. In the West, by contrast, the serious literature
largely ignores training and stresses conditions at the time of the experiment.
Although investigations of apparitions, poltergeists, hauntings, and survival of death (including
mediumship, channeling, and reincarnation) are not formally banned in P.R.C., these topics are
often considered to be sensitive, and thus are not reported as being formally studied because of
concern about their ideological inappropriateness under the compelling guidelines of Marxist
materialism. Moreover, researchers are comparatively ignorant concerning these psychic
research topics. Some experimenters briefly investigated such areas earlier, but soon became
targets for attack by Mr. Yu Guangyuan and others. It seems that no one has mentioned these
topics openly since then.
- References12
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Department of Physics and Astronomy Computer Engineering Center
University of Pittsburgh Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
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