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Parapsychology Abstracts International ti
theologian) with a recognition of the diversity of spiritual
gifts (some will be used by God in deliverance situations
more than others); an emphasis upon the importance of the
Word of God as an agent in the process of deliverance;
and a healthy skepticism about the uncritical acceptance of
unusual abilities, or the reduction of the demonic to
psychological categories. Evangelicals have a lot to offer
in this area of ministry" (pp. 159-160). - DT
02625. West, Geoffrey C. Possession and the psychiatry
of pseudo-possession. Christian Parapsychologist, 1988
(Mar), 7(5), 160-172.
'The study of possession has been gravely hindered
by rigid attitudes, prejudgments with regard to the very
existence of spirits, and a too ready assumption that we do
or do not know when and in what ways they may interact
with human beings in the flesh so as to affect their con-
scious experience and behavior.
"As A o the existence of spirits, we can distinguish
three principal schools of thought. There is the very an-
cient spiritist explanation of any phenomenon not admitting
of received notions of natural explanation, of which
modern spiritualism is only one recent example of many
cultural manifestations. There is, secondly, within the
Christian Churches, a group of theological schools seeking
authority in the Scriptures and in the interpretation of
Scripture rather than in experience" (pp. 160-161).
there are the rigidly objective scientists, who class as su-
perstitions what went before, and do not believe in spirits.
The psychiatry of pseudo-possession is presented, in-
cluding the psychoses, neuroses, and behavior disorders.
All of these explain away what looks like possession.
Next he describes genuine possession, pointing out how it
differs from pseudo-possession. ----Three case histories are
given. He ends with a plea for openness to the meaning
of these experiences which is not being examined because
of underlying assumptions and prejudgments. - DT/R.A.W.
Semi-annual journal published since 1974 by the Parapsy-
chology Laboratory, University of Utrecht, Sorbonnelaan 16,
3584 CA Utrecht, The Netherlands. It is edited by Sybo
Schouten and is $10 per year. Coverage began in PAI with
Vol. 1(1)-1(2) in PAI 3(2): 01357-01372; Vols. 1(3)-2(2) in PAI
4(1): 01601-01628; Vols. 2(3)-3(1) in PAI 4(2): 01881-01908;
Vols. PAI 5(2):2)-302426-02438. (Al 1 of Othe 9forego foregoing are ) also ) in
02626. Boerenkamp, 1lendrik G. A study of paranormal
impressions of psychics. Part 1V. The second group of
experimental series. European Journal of Parapsychol-
ogy, 1986 (May), 6(2), 107-136. 5 refs; 14 tables
The aim of the analyses presented in this paper was
to study the effect of some variables on the content of ses-
sions with psychics. These variables were (1) the type of
inductor in nonfeedback conditions, (2) the existence of a
target person, (3) the social context in which the psychic
gives his or her impressions, and (4) the presence of the
target person. None of the variables studied had a sig-
nificant influence on the number of statements with posi-
tive paranormal value, i.e., spontaneous and specific state-
ments which are correct. Only about 1% of all statements
seem to be appropriate, but that can be expected by the
chance hypothesis. In view of the judging procedures ap-
plied, the low percentage is not supportive of a paranor-
mal interpretation. This result, combined with the results
Vol. 6, No. 1 June 1988
in the first subgroup of experimental series, implies that
research with psychics does not offer a more promising
research method than the methods employed most often in
parapsychology. Both the conditions in which the psychics
get minimal information (only an object of a target person
and no feedback) as well as maximal information (target
person present and feedback from the target person) have
a considerable influence on the structure of the behavior
of psychics as compared to standard conditions (photograph
and object of the target person and feedback from a per-
son related to the target person). Among other things; if
the psychics get minimal information, the number of state-
ments involving advice increases and the number of state-
ments preceded by a silence increases; if the psychics get
maximal information, the number of statements about the
future increases, the number of statements involving advice
increases, the number of statements preceded by a silence
decreases and the number of rhetorical statements in-
creases. - DA
02627. Morris, Robert L. Minimizing subject fraud in
parapsychology laboratories. European Journal of
Parapsychology, 1986 (May), 6(2), 137-149.
In recent years, parapsychologists have become in-
creasingly concerned with the detection and elimination of
fraud committed by pseudopsychics, both in field work and
controlled laboratory investigations. The present paper
focuses on the need to understand the motivations of pseu-
dopsychics, so that research units can develop strategies for
minimizing the likelihood that pseudopsychics will have
any interest in them. It is argued that researchers should
acquire expertise in the general strategies of pseudopsi and
in the specific tactics that are germane to whatever claims
are currently under investigation, should avail themselves
of guidelines and practices developed at other laboratories,
should consult professional magicians and other experts
where appropriate, and may even wish to interact with
computer-available expert systems developed by interactions
among knowledge engineers and relevant experts. Such
expertise should be involved in the research protocols of
the laboratory, and potential claimants should be made
aware of the existence of such expertise. Individuals or
groups may also wish to develop policies that will serve as
deterrents for pseudopsychics, such as a policy of full dis-
closure of the details of any detected fraud. Researchers
are also encouraged to consider whether their general pat-
terns of research are unusually conducive to the sort of
media attention that suits the needs of the aspiring pseu-
dopsychic. Some suggestions for specific strategies for dis-
couraging pseudopsychics while still encouraging others is
given, and a short reading list is provided. - DA
02628. Giroldini William. A physical theory for
paranormal phenomena. European Journal of Parap-
sychology, 1986 (May), 6(2), 151-165. 17 refs
A physical theory for paranormal phenomena is
proposed, in particular for telepathy and for psychokinesis
on small entities. The starting point of the model is the
phenomenon of "non-locality," which in recent years has
been confirmed by numerous specifically designed experi-
ments. Briefly, non-locality implies the existence of a new
kind of at-distance interaction between two particles based
on the spin conservation law. Two physical postulates are
introduced by means of which the author describes the
transition from a series of microscopical physical
phenomena to a macroscopical paranormal phenomenon.
The model proposes the hypothetical existence of electron
couples having a well-defined spin correlation (bosonic
couples). The author proposes a general mechanism for
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