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Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400240001-7 i
also discusses the historical and philosophical premises of
psychiatric interest in psychical research. Such interest
arose from a sound positivism whose method allowed a
free and wider view of natural phenomena. - DA/R.A.W.
03624. Servadio, Emilio. Psychic regression and birth-
connected experiences. Quaderni di Parapsicologia, 1986,
17(1), 126-135.
It now can safely be admitted that the fetus is en-
dowed with mental life, and that in the prenatal phase
many instances of ESP can occur between mother and
child. The author recalls the fact that between the
parents--especially the mother-and the little child, ESP
phenomena have been ascertained and described many
times. Then he points out that by means of various tech-
niques, it is possible to bring about age regressions in
adult subjects. The latter can go through infantile and
prenatal experiences. For example, it is possible for a hyp-
notized subject to talk, to draw, and to behave in general
as if he were 2, 3, or a few more years of age. The cor-
respondence with aspects and peculiarities of the previous
ages is sometimes absolutely striking.
Regressions to.even more precocious ages can be ob-
tained with the use of certain drugs, particularly LSD.
The author quotes at length the work of Dr. Stanislav
Grof, whose vast knowledge of the field is well known.
In fact, Grof has administered LSD innumerable times to
normal people, neurotics, and psychotics. In many cases,
Grof ascertained that his subjects revealed--through vivid
images and utterances--many occurrences belonging to their
prenatal phases. In some such cases, ESP phenomena have
undoubtedly been present.
In the last part of the paper, the author reports
about a case he treated with psychoanalytic technique
using LSD after some time as a help in the treatment.
Under LSD, the subject expressed a long series of impres-
sions and feelings, all related to his prenatal experiences.
Some of these impressions he later described in poetry.
The author has read two of the poems--one of them con-
nected with the birth of his first child. Finally, he
propounds a hypothesis he had already put forward in
some previous papers: That the ultimate origins of some
prenatal experiences perhaps could be situated in a
transphenomenal level of reality. - DA/R.A.W.
03625. Aiazzi, Pier Luigi. Psi communication: A
reality with two faces. Quaderni di Parapsicologia,
1986, 17(1), 136-144. 3 refs
In this paper we analyze some famous samples of
only partially successful experiments in which the ap-
pearance and disappearance of the psi faculty proves itself
directly related to the symbolic context of the evidence.
These examples include a famous experiment of E. Osty
with R. Schneider, a probable negative photograph of
thought realized with Sai Baba, and the description of
Kuda Bux and other firewalkers. With regard to the lat-
ter we have specifically considered the remarkable attempts
of certain experimenters to repeat the feat while holding
hands with subjects possessing paranormal faculties. We
make some observations concerning how mime, gestures, or
even the logic according to which experiments are or-
ganized can be decisive in determining the presence or ab-
sence of psi. We relate this aspect to the fundamental
structure of communication, and in particular to the double
aspect that each message has a process of communication.
Furthermore, we illustrate several comparative considera-
tions with regard to the figure/background dualism (Gestalt
theory) implicit in the simplest form of communication,
that is, sensorial communication, with regard to the
signifying/signified duality, as well as to the fonic-
emission/acoustic-reception relationship, connected with the
spoken form, and also with the wave/corpuscle duality in
N. Bohr's complementaristic conception of physics. In
parapsychology we recognize the effect of the same dualis-
tic structure in the complementary aspect of languages,
values, and patterns of behavior that exist between psi-
production and the scientific observation of the same: the
eternal oscillation between the two alternative structures of
thought--doubt and faith, omnipotence and limit, empathy
and logical objectivity.
Taking into account all of these aspects that deal
with the symbolic structure of paranormal experience, we
attribute an importance to the "message"-more suitable
than the traditional conception of "phenomenon"--
specifically to the nature of the message present in every
psi event. In the light of a last example-the famous sit-
tings of W. Crookes with F. Cook--we consider very sig-
nificant from a symbolical point of view where we discuss
the possibility of a more suitable experimental approach to
resolve the inner duality of parapsychology. - DA/R.A.W.
03626. Cozzi, Giorgio. Creativity in parapsychology:
Preliminary observations and reflections. Quaderni di
Parapsicologia, 1986, 17(1), 145-164. 21 figs
Dr. Cozzi discusses the subject of creativeness in
parapsychology, first making some preliminary statements
connected with the two different ways of thinking: verti-
cal (the left brain's logical rational functions) and lateral
(the right brain's typical imaginative-creative functions).
He presents the practical evidence for the different types
of thinking by showing classical patterns of perceptivity
problems, which are intended to displace logical functions,
usually moving in an analytic and sequential context, not
being able to come to a solution, if not for the interven-
tion of creative functions, that, because of their own na-
ture, are synthetic, simultaneous, and not bound by strict
schemes of cultural reference.
The audience was given evidence of the different
ways of thinking and observing games and tricks of percep-
tion, which for their comprehension and solution require
the skill of looking at things from different points of view,
and above all, the skill of going over those virtual lines,
which culturally, in our rational minds, connect each angle
of the observed reality. Since that is so, it becomes neces-
sary to revise the attitude of research of paranormal
Moreover, even the need of revising experimental
methodologies, knowing that they have to consider almost
certain right-brain action (lateral thought) while expressing
ESP and the difficult submission of sensitive subjects to
strict controls, which may force their own vertical thought.
The Ganzfeld technique, for instance, could probably
be improved by simply (de) conditioning the perception dis-
plays concerning vertical thought.
A part of the numberless consequences of an ap-
proach methodologically stated according to the orientation,
confirmed by the last 20 years of studies of brains, there
are stimulating theories attributing human evolution to the
division of the two cerebral hemispheres and their own
proper specialization. The author quotes Jaynes' bicameral
theory, which is intended to explain divinity's matrix with
man's inner voices at that time when the two hemispheres
were actually separated, for what concerns their functions
(this event has been tested by recent studies on
schizophrenic subjects with their brain surgically split and,
according to him, proved by historical evidence). Accord-
ing to Jaynes, environmental conditions favored the integra-
tion of the two hemispheres and also the left hemisphere's
Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400240001-7