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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CA-RDP96-00792R000500680012-6 "Two-thirds reduction is great.?.We're all for that, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., said during a Jan. 7 confirmation hearing for Defense Secretary-desig- nate Les Aspin. "But that doesn't reduce the num- ber of warheads that are out there by two-thirds. Quite the opposite. The numbers stay the same, and the two-thirds which are now off alert are put in a position where they're less secure." Roughly half of the U.S. nuclear warheads per- mitted under START II would be deployed at sea while 100 long-range bombers could be converted to conventional roles, according to treaty docu- ments and private estimates. Both sides made last-minute compromises that cleared the way for completing the treaty that was signed in Moscow on Jan. 3. U.S. negotiators acced- ed to Moscow's request to retain 90 SS-18 missile silos. The 10-warhead missiles must be destroyed under START II, analysts said, and cement will be poured into the silos to prevent reloading. Russian negotiators also gained an extension of a ventional roles while 94 B-52Hs are expected to, .carry nuclear air-launched cruise missiles or radar- evading Advanced Cruise Missiles with nuclear war- heads. A 20-plane fleet of B-2 bombers is expected to be deployed with nuclear bombs. START R's verification provisions will allow, for the first time, inspectors to confirm weapon loads carried by the other side's strategic bombers. The provision allows Russian inspectors their closest look at the B-2 bomber, but the United States will be able to conceal most of the plane with shrouds. U.S. inspectors also will be able to observe SS-18 silo conversion and missile destruction procedures. Dunbar Lockwood, an analyst with the Washing- ton-based Arms Control Association, estimated the number of weapons carried by U.S. strategic bomb- ers would decline from 3,700 warheads to 1,272 warheads, or 36 percent of the total permitted un- der START II. The United States also would be able to reconvert See START H, Page 22 U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology By BARBARA OPALL ~, ?r: Defense News Staff Writer WASHINGTON - The Russian- ;. government is perfecting mind- control technology developed in the 1970s that could be used to hone fighting capabilities of friendly forces while demoraliz- ing and disabling opposing troops. Known as acoustic psycho-cor- rection, the capability to control minds and alter behavior of civil- ians and soldiers may soon be shared with U.S. military, medical and political officials, according to U.S. and Russian sources. The sources say the Russian government, in the spirit of im- proved lJ.S.-Russian relations, is beginning to lift the veil of secre- cy surrounding the technology. The. Russian capability, demon- strated in a series of laboratory experiments dating back to the mid-1970s, could be used to sup- press riots, control dissidents, de- moralize or disable opposing forces and enhance the perfor- mance of friendly special opera- tions teams, sources say. Pioneered by the government- funded Department of Psycho- Correction at the Moscow Medi- cal Academy, acoustic psycho- correction involves the transmission of specific com- mands via static or white noise -6ZSMUNSSNSJJC 066T `LI-TI Xiunusf bands into the human subcon- scious without upsetting other in= tellectual functions. Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute. Moreover, decades of research and investment of untold millions of rubles in the process of psy- cho-correction has produced the ability to alter behavior on willing and unwilling subjects, the ex- perts add. In an effort to restrict potential misuse of this capability, Russian senior research scientists, diplo- mats, military officers and offi- cials of the Russian Ministry of Higher Education, Science & Technology Policy are beginning to provide limited demonstra- tions for their U.S. counterparts. Further evaluations of key technologies in the United States are being planned, as are discus- sions aimed at creating a frame- work for bringing the issue under bilateral or multilateral controls, Correction An undated paper by the Psy- chor Center, a Moscow-based e ment of Psycho-Correction at th Moscow Medical Academy, ac- the potential danger knowledges of this capability. The Russian ex- CONTROL, Page 29 . . See dramatically scaled down combat A page three article in the Dec. and radar systems. A family of ,,.. i 14-20 issue about agreement on EFA variants will be developed the European Fighter Aircraft de- allowing each country to choose %-Z"t velopment incorrectly stated that the level of sophistication it can : i the new EFA design called for afford. .'~l Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500680012-6 r --~ ---? --V ..._.v. ------------