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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450023-8
SUBJECT TITLE: Inter-Regional Scientific Conference - Problems of the Biological Field
AUTHOR: I. M. Kogan, Editor
of the A. S.- Popov All-Union Scientific and Technical Society
of Radio' Engineering, Electronics and Communications
All-Union-Committee on Energy and Information Exchange in Nature
Collection of Reports
Rostov Yaroslavskiy, May, 1991
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450023-8
The problems of that portion of "anomalous" phenomena, which are included in
practically all synonymic concepts of parapsychology, psychotronics, extrasensory perception,
bioinformation and so forth, in recent years have come to enjoy widespread popularity.
They have become the object of attention of the most diverse layers of the population, top
level scientists down to a popular audience. There are no elements of the mass media
which would not lend their facilities, time and coverage to these problems (and sometimes,
"problems"). On the other hand, at the scientific level public and professional groups are
working in this field, including some who have been involved in selecting the topics and
organization of this scientific conference. These include the sections on extrasensory
perception of the All-Union Committee on Energy and Information Exchange in Nature of
the Union of Scientific Research Organizations of the USSR, of problems of the biological
field of the Moscow City Administration of VNTORES, of general radio engineering of the
Central Administration of VNTORES; a scientific seminar is being held at the Moscow
State University imeni M. V. Lomonosova; a course of lectures is being given to students
of the N. E. Bauman M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and so forth.
Evidence of the great activity which the scientific community attaches to problems of
extrasensory perception is, in part, the series of all-union (in Moscow) and international
gatherings (in Moscow and Sophia), which have been held recently, and also future meetings
(conferences, symposia, congresses). The positive significance of these meetings is clear.
On the one hand they have attracted a large number of specialists, mediums (extrasensory
perceiving individuals) and people who are merely interested and have allowed them to
form a loose organization; on the other hand, meaningful fundamental scientific reports
have been discussed at these meetings.
However, such a broad, practically unlimited (even by problems of traveling abroad),
nature of the undertakings cannot be obtained without some costs. Quite respectable
scientific bases of well-attended conferences have sometimes been overwhelmed and
inundated by poorly controlled element of "prophets," "clairvoyants," "healers" and
"extrasensory perceiving persons."
We have intentionally used quotation marks to describe the indicated categories of
persons who have forced their way into the conferences. Genuine prophets, clairvoyants,
healers and mediums (without quotation marks) are worthy of all matter of respect,
attention and support (which we, unfortunately, do not yet have). But along with persons
who really have unique capabilities - genuine mediums, which of course are very, very few
(therefore they must be valued!), huge numbers of imagined "mediums" are abundant, who
consider themselves to be such whether out of self-deception, due to psychological disorders,
or. from a profit motive (it should be evident that "medium-ship" or "ability to heal" in the
hands of certain dishonest persons during the transition to a market economy will become
a very profitable occupation).
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This situation not only detracts from scientific development of problems of
extrasensory perception but it easily can in general discredit it. In order to overcome these
negative aspects of the situation which occurs in the study of extrasensory perception, at the
initiative of the A. S. Popov Moscow City Administration of VNTORES, which is actively
supported by all participating organizations, it was decided to hold this inter-regional
conference with a large number of participants. As one can see from the program and the
collection of its materials, only scientific reports, which have been included in the program
on a requested and competitive basis, have been allowed to be presented at the conference.
This does not mean that the program does not contain problematic and even quite "absurd"
(we recall the famous speech by N. Bor) reports. On the contrary, the criterion of
"traditionality," "general acceptance" in formation of the conference program was in general
The conference was devoted to the central fundamental problem of extrasensory
perception study (parapsychology) as a science, which studies phenomena which occur at a
distance, long-distance phenomena. According to modern physical concepts long-distance
interactions are evidence that in the space which separates the interacting objects (subjects),
there is a corresponding field. In the given case, when one is speaking of interactions with
the participation of biological objects, this field is related to the creation and perception of
the field, which is caused by processes in living nature. In other words, we are speaking of
a field of biological origin, and in brief of a biological field or, even more briefly, of a
biofield. This concept was used in naming the topic of the conference. In view of the fact
that all kinds of speculative insinuations surround the concept in term "biofield," it is
convenient at this point to specify the contextual meaning of this term.
By biofield we mean a field which is a system of different components, which are due
to the vital activity of living beings. If we stay within the framework of physical concepts,
then by a biofield we mean a system of different physical components, which are related to
the vital functioning of organisms.
By itself the presence of diverse field components of living objects which are well-
known by modern physics is obvious at the present time and has been convincingly
supported by experiments. In addition, it has not been disproved that such field components
can also be connected with living organisms, which are not yet known to modern physics;
from this standpoint a biofield can have its own specific features.
A more fundamental specific feature of a biofield arises from a definition of it
specifically as a system of different components. As a result of the interaction (linear and
nonlinear) of the large number of these components with one another the biofield in such
a complex system, as a biological system, can bring about new properties, which are not
present in each of the components separately. In this case a biofield will give rise to such
properties which can no longer be interpreted within the framework of the concepts which
relate to incomparably simpler systems at a physical level. As a result, within the framework
of even purely physical concepts we can approach biofield phenomena, which go beyond the
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450023-8
limits of the concepts of modern physics.
Finally, it would be naive to think that the great diversity of the surrounding world
and, in particular, long-distance interactions in it (particularly if we keep in mind living
nature and human beings) reduce exclusively to physical processes (and fields). In this case
we will come to the calm perception of the fact that a biofield should have its own specific
features, which in principle go beyond the limits of physical (and more broadly, physicalistic)
interpretations. Some reports, which are included in the program of this conference, are
devoted to such topics, including gnostic problems.
The organization of the conference program in some respects is not traditional. In
contrast to the majority of scientific conferences, where the first reports as a rule are
determining, and are fundamental and generalizing in nature, the organizing committee as
its initial premise decided to begin from the starting point that "facts are the air of science."
Therefore, the conference was opened up by a section which was devoted to experimental
research. Given the present-day conditions it is even more important that doubts regarding
the existence of reliable experimental observations will provide a richer diet for attacks on
The next section of the program includes various natural-scientific (including "exotic")
aspects of the phenomena under consideration and, finally, the third section is devoted to
philosophical and humanitarian aspects of the study of extrasensory perception.
Chairman of the organizing committee of
the conference, Doctor of Technical
Sciences, Professor I. M. Kogan.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450023-8
AUTHORS: Usenbayeva I. A., Karmanov O. Yu.
The possibilities of a human being to have a long distance influence by using the
"biofield" has attracted the interest of many researchers. We studied the influence of a
human biofield on the state of electrical stability of the heart during right ventricle
This study was conducted on a model of gradually developing hypertrophy of the
myocardium.. It is quite similar to the situation which develops in a human being during
development of the disease, because in a human being the disease usually develops
Modeling of right ventricle hypertrophy (R)H) was conducted on 7 mongrel puppies
of both sexes about 4 months of age by applying a ligature to the pulmonary stem freely,
without any constriction on a background of thiopental-sodium narcosis (30-35 mg/kg).
Breathing was maintained artificially using the DP-8 apparatus. Access to the heart was
realized through the fourth intercostal on the left side. Following application and
attachment of the ligature the chest cage was sewn up by layers. For one week following
the operation the animals were given antibiotics, and treatment of the wounds was carried
out. On the seventh days the sutures were removed. During growth of the animal there
should have occurred gradual narrowing of the pulmonary artery trunk, an increase of intra-
ventricular pressure and corresponding gradual development of right ventricle hypertrophy.
In order to monitor this process we recorded the EKGs in standard readings using a 6-
channel electrocardiograph machine, the EK-6T-02 at transport speed of 50 mm/sec.
Analysis was conventional. In addition, we determined the systolic pressure in the right
ventricle by the method of direct tensometry using the Stathem sensors made by Elema
company. For this purpose a siliconized standard catheter was inserted in the right jugular
vein of the animals to administer thiopental narcosis. Pressure monitoring was realized by
using the S1-68 type oscilloscope.
The condition of electrical stability of the heart (ESH) was evaluated from
determination of the tendency of the heart to fibrillate.
In order to determine the tendency of the heart to fibrillate a study of the vulnerable
period, the natural interval of the heart cycle, which ensures continuous induction of
repeated spontaneous depolarization, is prospective (1). Only during this period is it
possible to cause fibrillation experimentally by applying an electrical pulse. The electrical
current, which passes through the heart during the vulnerable period, will increase the
dispersion of excitability restoration (2). Therefore, the threshold value of the current,
which causes fibrillation, has come to be used as the index of "quantity of additional
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450023-8
inhomogeneity," which is required to develop it (3). However, in evaluating the electrical
stability of the ventricles, that is their tendency toward fibrillation, this index under some
conditions (for example, uniform myocardial hypoxia) can cause one to err (4). Therefore,
after studying the electrical stability of a hypertrophicized heart, in addition to measuring
the fibrillation threshold, we determined another parameter of the vulnerable period, its
duration, which in our opinion most adequately reflects the tendency of the ventricles to
fibrillate. As this period increases the probability of the onset of spontaneous and
experimental fibrillation also increases, because the probability of internal as well as
external stimulus happening during this period will also increase. One should note that
studies in which this parameter has been used to study the electrical stability of the heart
are very few in number.
The fibrillation threshold and duration of the vulnerable period of the heart ventricles
were determined under deep thiopental-sodium narcosis (35 mg/kg) according to the
method of Wolff and coauthors (5) in the K. K. Mishchenks and coauthor modification (6).
The essence of this method consists in finding the boundaries of the vulnerable period using
square pulses of current with force of 6 amperes and duration of 2.5 milliseconds and
fibrillation threshold by a series of 5 square pulses with duration of 2.5 milliseconds and the
same on-off duty cycle. The pulses were applied in a period of time which corresponds to
the wave of the T electrocardiogram. Following each occurrence of fibrillation with
subsequent defibrillation the study was continued only after restoring the initial rate of the
heart contractions.
It is necessary to note that the aforementioned studies were conducted in 3 stages:
I - in the initial state;
II - one year following the operation;
III - one year following the operation on the background of extrasensory
Extrasensory action on the experimental animal was carried out during
electrophysiological studies and had an average duration of about 1 hour; at this time the
palms of the operator were placed over the area of heart projection onto the chest cage at
a distance of about 20 cm. This set-up resulted in improvement of the condition.
During the experiment there was a considerable growth of the animals from 4.9?0.6
kg up to 7.1?0.7 kg or 45% (P