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-,oks, and a ues- rs. - nce: -ork: 290- 311 iting the mints and is at . In ium- eapia and ium- "hap- pari- sible _)ther The ch it ailed ;e of -ccur- both ^ ob- -pon- and ,lica- 183- ledge 4e is as a ather our work 2). ce - The :s at- . the ,s of -iatter and r in the -: the s the the look- t not ience been and )rder. show other e ef- +'ider Approved For Release 200/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000700110001-8 tional love. The implications of NDEs for Christianity is the subject of Chapter 8. Chapter 9 looks at the positive effects NDErs exercise on the lives of nonexperiencers, to whom they direct the love of the Light they were imbued with by their experience. The 10th chapter deals with the meaning of NDEs for those who have not had any sort of transcendent or death-related experience and have not been influenced by anyone who has. Some of the more sig- nificant findings of an educational experiment -- the Love Project - which he conducted with eral classes are presented. 1,& this project he attemptedif provide his stu- more loving and in a context not ope that "the NDE . might provide a ut should "participate ac- Materials for the Love society is the locus of conceptual o r and how facts are made fact-like in spite of their h an creators. Finally, and this is a cor of the I point, I have tried to explain why the ve of ev is described here is so little known. If we al ha the image of the core set before our eyes then t ould be no facts. The privacy of creation is what ntains its sanctity and its A Postscript discuss the w implications of the book for science educati, science po uestions, foren- sic science, public inq ies and the role ientific ex- pertise in the institu ns of democratic soci?tlyft it con- cludes with some ex pies of the way that an understand- ing of scientific ch ge sheds light on political processes. A methodological pendix follows. - DT/R.A.W. a Spiritus rst ea ers [n exrco?; grapy: apter notes: 224- ;rapes I Olos_ saiy; Inde:K: 245-256; 17 tables This is a report of an intensive investigation of the successes and failures of Spiritualist healing in a rural set- ting in Mexico made by an anthropologist. In the course of the investigation the natives insisted that she participate in the rituals and undergo initial training as a Spiritualist healer. The author summarizes her work as follows: "The two interrelated tasks of this book have: been (1) to demonstrate the ways in which an alternative healing sys- tem succeeds and fails to heal, as perceived by its patients, and in which one rural segment of a complex society ex- presses and manages illness, and (2) to describe the inter- action between a therapeutic regime and the historical, so- cial, and economic forces of the larger society of which it is a part. I have identified the people's recovery requisi- tes, explored the beliefs and practices of an important al- ternative health-care delivery system in contemporary Mexico, and have analyzed its impact on the clientele within a personal and societal framework. I have unveiled a folk Mexican cognitive model of recovery, which I postu- late is rooted in the history of its bearers and is fostered by current ecological conditions." There are useful chapters on "Spiritualist Healing Techniques" and "How Spiritualist Healers Heal." Several appendices present background information on her research. A glossary, extensive bibliography, and an index enhance the book's usefulness. - DT/R.A.W. 02565. Flynn, Charles P. After the Beyond: Human Transformation and the Near-Death Experience. Englewood Clif( NJ: Prentice-Hall, "1986. 190p. Bibliogra- phy: 181-183; Inde 185-190; 4 tables;- This book is1ltout the spirt$ual impact of near-death experiences (NDEs). NIt looks at what many NDErs have had to say about life, death, and love. In the first chapter Flynn provides an overvk w jf the book. Chapter 2 ex- amines the NDEs of a n be r of persons. Chapter 3 deals with the difficulties a pcnenced by NDErs in getting people even to listen to tb it stories, let alone accept them as valid. Chapter 4 j conce-rtged with the difficulties NDErs have in incorporating their experiences in their lives. Chapter 5 exa Ines some of the value transforma- tions that NDErs u 'jcrgo and presents two in-depth, ex- tensive case studies of major changes fit .the lives of two NDErs. The sixt chapter covers researli aimed at dis- covering whether a brush with death without an NDF leads to transfo ation. Various religious aspects of NDEs are examined Chapter 7, which emphasizes how NDErs adopt a theocentric attitude centered in a God of uncondi- 4--11 1I annihilation through Aro ~ ved For Release 200,0/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000700110001-8 the Light" (p. 8). Toward Omega by sayiri sively for the coming of tively in its emergence" (p` Project are included in the Love Project ces opposit d by K lands of Science. Buffalo Anthology of critical (parapsychology included). original research, critical vestigative reports. All edits. Book I deals Paranormal." Under t with psi phenomena Psychic Trade," 6 on of Life and Deat "Inquiries Into Fri varied subject which it lacks. - various pseudosciences y published in the The a ith "Skeptical 'Inquiries Into the head there are 7 articles dealing e Science," is is a test of d thms. Book II mainly on para- inal Choice: Playing the Survival G synoptic view of psi, su biological theory. Part a way in which we ex Part 4 is about near-d routes to Mind at Lar mechanism, triggered crisis of transformati "part of a larger cl he calls Messengers From Mind at Larg'. Part 6 is on the possibility of globs near-death and transformation. There is much in this b #k about the meaning and significance of parapsychological phenomena. - R.A.W. resents an outline of the idea