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Publication Date: 
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP99-00418R000100150029-5 STAT The Washington Post The New York Times The Washington Times The Wall Street Journal The Christian Science Monitor New York Daily News USA Today The Chicago Tribune STAT Ex-CIA head Colby backs Franchot, hits `star wars' By Arlo Wagner THE WASHINGTON TIMES Democratic challenger Peter Franchot used former CIA Director William Colby yesterday to attack Maryland Republican Rep. Constan- ceMorella for voting in favor of the multibillion-dollar Strategic De- fense Initiative. Mr. Colby, who served as Central Intelligence Agency chief for three years, said the so-called "star wars" program is very expensive, will not work, and compels the Soviets to de- vise new weapons to overcome it. Mr. Colby said he is backing Mr. Fran- chot's candidacy because he is against "star wars." "I will do anything I can to help people get elected who are for arms control," explained Mr. Colby. But, he said, he is not registered as a Democrat or Republican and does not live in the 8th District; thus he will not be able to vote for Mr. Fran- chot. Mr. Colby's comments came dur- ing a news conference in the Mont- gomery County Council press room in Rockville. Contacted for response, Mrs. Morelia accused Mr lrotchot of "posturing" and distorting her con- gressional voting record. She said her Democratic opponent might as well be attacking other Maryland members of Congress, most of them Democrats, who voted the same as she on two "star wars" bills. "He plays with glittering general- Peter Franchot ities and he doesn't do his home- work," the first-term congress- woman said. Mrs. Morelia said she voted only for minimum research on the de- fense initiative, not deployment. SDI research frequently develops data valuable to other scientific and hu- man programs, especially at the Na- tional Institutes of Health, she said. Moreover, SDI research serves as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the Soviets, she said. Mr. Franchot said Mrs. Morella's votes on the "star wars" bills and amendments are examples of waf- fling on and straddling issues. Mrs. Morelia voted against amendments to increase SDI funding so she could say she is against "star wars;' but voted for bills of $3.1 billion and $3.5 billion, respectively, for research so she could say she favors it, Mr. Fran- chot asserted. "She wants it both ways. Well, she can't have it that way. It's not fair." Mr. Franchot also said Mrs. Morelia voted for military aid to the Contras in Nicaragua when she voted last December for a continu- ing resolution that authorized fed- eral government funding until Con- gress enacts formal budgets. Mrs. Morelia said the resolution included a provision to pay 65,000 federal employees. Members of Con- gress had to vote for or against "the whole package" even if there were provisions they did not like, she said. "Any reasonable person knows that. I would be uneasy about elec- ting anybody to Congress who doesn't know that," Mrs. Morelia said. Both Mrs. Morelia and Mr. Fran- chot said they favor the Arias Peace Plan, for Central America instead of supporting the Contras. Mrs. Morelia voted for humani- tarian aid for the Contras. Mr. Fran- chot said he would have opposed it. In 1973, Mr. Colby was appointed director of the Central Intelligence Agency by President Richard M. Nixon and served 18 months under President Gerald Ford before George Bush succeeded him as di- rector. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP99-00418R000100150029-5