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Si Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP99-00418R000100150031-2 Franchot, Morella Exchange Fire on `Star Wars' Challenger Says Vote Demonstrates `Waffling Incumbent Says Charges Will Backfire By Jo-Ann Armao Peter Franchot, the Democratic challenger in Maryland's 8th Con- gressional District, held another of his trademark news conferences yesterday to attack the voting record of Rep. Constance A. Mo- rella-this time criticizing the first- term incumbent's record on funding for the Strategic Defense Initiative. Morelia, in what also has become ritual in the campaign, defended her record and accused Franchot of dis- tortions, all the while portraying herself as busy at work while her opponent is meeting the press. Franchot, an acknowledged un- derdog in his bid to unseat Repub- liban Morelia, has adopted a strat- egy of striking hard, often and pub- lidy against votes she cast since her election in 1986. One Montgomery County political analyst likened Franc-hot to "a heat-seeking mis- sile," saying that Franchot did a bet- ter job of attacking Morella's record during last week's debate than she did in defending it. Morelia conceded that she is somewhat on the defensive, forced to respond to what she calls Fran- chot's "glittering generalities." about her record. But she said she is confident her message that she is an independent voice who deserves reelection is getting before the vot- ers and that Franclot's strategy will backfire. Franchot answered charges that he is distorting Morella's record by quoting President Harry S Truman that " 'my opponents say that I am giving them hell. Actually what I am doing is telling the truth and it is so bad they think it is hell.' ' Yesterday's news conference had all the markings of a Franchot me- dia event-the freshman state del- egate from Takoma arc was late and interest in the event a n piqued by the announcement that former director of central into li- ence William Colby would be rp esent. Franc of has previously shown a penchant for props. Colby, who headed the CIA from 1973 to 1976, said during the news conference that he knew Franchot from when Franchot worked as an aide to Rep. Edward J. Markey (D- Mass.) and that he wanted to work for the election of candidates who would further arms control. The issue-funding of current Stategic Defense Initiative pro- grams, known as "Star Wars"-of- fers a good example of Franchot's standing charge that Morelia "waf- fles" by voting both sides and of Mo- re)la's response that Franchot con- fuses independence with inconsis- tency and that he doesn't present the whole picture of her votes. Franchot took issue with Mo- rella's 1987 and 1988 votes oppos- ing a Democratic amendment to a defense appropriations bill that would have authorized just $1.2 billion funding for "Star Wars." Sup- porters of the amendment spon- sored by Rep. Ronald V. Dellums (D-Calif.), which was opposed by President Reagan, said that it would have eliminated $3.6 billion in SDI funding while still providing money for basic research. Acknowledging that Morelia has also opposed measures to increase SDI funding, Franchot argued that "Morelia is waffling again, trying to be all things to all voters. If she The Washington Post $ -~ The New York Times The Washington Times The Wall Street Journal The Christian Science Monitor New York Daily News USA Today The Chicago Tribune Date agrees with the experts who say that 'Star Wars' will never work, she should vote for the Democratic amendment which would curtail the program." Morelia said she favors SDI re- search but is opposed to its deploy- ment. She said a vote for the Del- lums amendment would have been "irresponsible" because it would have eliminated the basic research that she sees as a spinoff benefit. Morelia said that the full House vote was overwhelming in opposi- tion to the amendment, with many Democrats opposing it. Morelia said that she opposed efforts to increase funding closer to the $5.8 billion favored by Reagan and that the $3.1 billion she even- tually voted for was a compromise. Morelia also pointed to her en- dorsements by Peace Political Action Committee, an organization headed by the Rev. Robert A. Drinan, and Women's Action for Nuclear Disar- mament. Michelle Robinson, exec- utive director of Peace PAC, said Morelia's SDI votes were weighed and she had "a tremendous voting record on these issues for a first- term Republican ... and we look to see her continue that voting record." Franchot dismissed the group as "some national organization that no one ever. heard of and which is des- perate td endorse Republicans to show it is bipartisan. The group en- dorsed Morelia before Franchot en- tered the race based on her voting record, but Franchot said he later sought the group's endorsement. Page Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 CIA-RDP99-00418R000100150031-2