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ST Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP99-00418ROO0100150032-1 Hmong Refugees Find Adjustment to U.S. Painful The Washington Post The New York Times A 12- The Washington Times The Wall Street Journal The Christian Science Monitor New York Daily News USA Today The Chicago Tribune Date - By DIRK JOHNSON Special to The14'ew York Times ST. PAUL - Under the tutelage of her American cousins, 8`-year-old Kia Lor is learning about soap operas, baseball, hair styles and even this odd custom, she confided, of painting one's fingernails. But behind her infectious smile and dancing black eyes, this little Hmong refugee has horrible memories of the jungles of Laos. Kia was shot eight months ago by Communists after her family had tried to escape into Thai- land. She survived by pretending that she was dead as the gunmen kicked her bleeding body. Her mother did not have to pretend, and neither did four of her brothers and sisters. "I want to be with my mother," said Kia, who came here last month to live with her uncle Yao Lo. "I should have died, too." "Please," Mr. Lo has pleaded, "don't say that anymore." More Hmong Coming to U.S. She is among an estimated 9,000 Hmong who arrived in the United States this year, the largest number since 1980. The numbers have in- creased as the tribal people have lost much of the hope of ever returning to the mountains of Loas and as condi- tions in Thai refugee camps have wors- ened under a resentful Government there. After California, Minnesota and Wis- consin have attracted the largest num- bers of Hmong, immigration officials said. More than 13,000 Hmong refugees live in Minnesota, including 2,000 who arrived this year, and perhaps as an equal number are in Wisconsin. The two states appear an unlikely destina- tion for the mountain tribespeople from Laos, given the states' cold win- ters and overwhelmingly white popula- tion. But the Lutheran social service agencies here, along with other church- affiliated relief organizations, and the socially progressive tradition of these states, have fostered a generally hospi- table environment for refugees. A sig- nificant number of the Hmong have moved here from other parts of the United States, including a migration from from Philadelphia a few years ago, where some of the Hmong were subjected to robbery and beatings that appeared to be motivated by bias. Still, the transition to American urban life here for the Hmong who had no written language until recent times, has been more difficult than for other Southeast Asian refugees. A majority of the Hmong here live in public hous- ing projects, and social service agen- cies express fear that much of the com- munity risks becoming trapped in a cycle of-poverty. "We're concerned about the poten- tial development of - an underclass," said John Petraborg, assistant com- missioner of the Minnesota Human Services Department. "We're having talks with leaders of the Hmong com- munity to encourage the idea of self- sufficiency." Kia's uncle, Mr. Lo, works for the Lo Family agency here, a private group that helps Hmong, Laotian and Cambo- dian refugees adjust to American life. About 6,000 refugees who belong to the group pay dues of 50 cents a month. For Kia, who lives in a two-story frame house with her uncle and his family, the standard of living is better than for most Hmong. Her uncle came to St. Paul in 1975, when many of the refugees were the better-educated Hmong who had worked for the United States in the Vietnam War. In Danger In Laos The alignment with United States forces left the Hmong despised and en- dangered by the Pathet Lao regime now ruling Laos. William Colby, for- mer Director of t e entra Intelli- gence enc testified in Congress after t o Vietnam War Fat the Hmong had fought so IoXafly they should ac- corded veteran's benefits unaer the G.I. Bill. Some 40,000 Hmong, who have es- caped into Thailand, are living in the Ban Vinai and Chieng Kham refugee camps. It was to one of those refugee camps that Kai's family, along with more than two dozen other Hmong, tried to es- cape. In the darkness, the refugees crossed the Mekong River into Thai- land on a raft, but were sent back to Laos apparently by Thai authorities. It was unclear why they were turned back. United States officials speculated that they had been unable to pay a bribe or that the Thai authorities had become reluctant to admit more refu- gees. In any case, the bodies were found riddled with bullets. Kia stayed by her mother's body for perhaps three days, until Thai fishermen found her wander- ing along the banks of the Mekong, dazed and filthy. Bugs had festered in the wounds on her arms and neck. After Kia was taken to a hospital in Thailand, she told workers that her 18- year-old brother, Toua, was at the Pan Vinai camp. The brother, who had left Laos earlier, was found, and hospital workers helped-him contact their uncle in Minnesota. Late last month, with the help of Senator Rudy Boschwitz and the State Department, Kia and Toua were flown here. Largely because so many refugees have settled in Minnesota, Mr. Bosch- witz toured the camps in Thailand in January. He tried to visit with Kia, whose plight had been called to his at- tention by the Lo Family, but when she saw Thai guards coming to get her, she became frightened and ran off. "There were many nightmsres,u Mr. Lo said of his niece. "But'che's going to be okay." When she arrived here, Kia was so frightened that she could not look at anyone, even her newfound family. But her nine-year-old cousin, Julie Lo, soon became a trusted pal. Kia now wears a pixieish hair style, a dime store's ring and a pink shirt emblazoned with the logo, "Cutest." The girls play baseball with some American neighbors and watch Julie's favorite soap opera, "Another World." They speak in the Hmong language, and Julie has taught Kia to write her name in English. In the fall, Kia will en- roll in the public school here, studying English as a second language. Kia smiles much more easily now. And she told her family she feels safe now because, "no one will kill me." Page (Z _. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP99-00418ROO0100150032-1