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Approved For Release 2007/08/21 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100010151-6 THE ?IASIIV'GT ON 5 Nove.alh er 19 ` 5 cpolitics' at CIA Feared:. s yWalterPincus and Laurence Stern S'lasn nylon ?dst Stmt :Yrirers - Warnirgs that the- ap- kno:tlet!?e of-his background rn:-;'.rnent of George Bus;! and ext -riercei^ this field. multi lead to election-year. He said Bush's appointment manipulation of the sup could well "compromise the. posedly nonpartisan .Cer.tral independence of the CIA.;' Intelligence-' Agency were s~~irc ed yesterday-on C1pi!ol- Bush, interviewed in Peking Hill ar,d.withia theintelligence by Reuter, inadvertently may con, munit have added fuel to the con- ryas the comment . of Sen . Frank Church_.(D-Ida:.o) : appointment meant his political career was over.. "Once they. wedsto give for-.. Bush currently heads the U.S.. mer national party.-chairmen liaison otfice'in China. pcctm-ister generalship -t;:e :President. Ford in his press.. lnost:'. ohtrcah_ and ,.least . _ p conference Monday night alsos: sensitive, job in-governrr_r:;. fed. the.corcern with the, ob-_ Now- they have: given. =`s servation that he did not think.. former party chairman either Bush. or Dn o ald most sensitive: and: less political agency. Church, chairman Senate CIA 'invests=__: committee, said he we--'_ obliged to vote again : . confirmation of - Bush. GO'? national chairman during :Je 19-,21 presidential: camc_iz' "based on my presen_- Rumsfeld, his nominee as -Defense Secr etary, could be . eliminated from "con- sideration by anybody" for the vice presidency. - - . An illustration - of the - specific- sort oft worry the appointment has generated - -! was provided -tr.' c?re Senate intelligence investigator. - "Richard Helms (former CIA director) kept- sa in; 'no... to overtures from the White House in June, n, t - t the CIA assist in the--cover--up in the Watergate case. Whatever else you may say about nim,2? Helms refused. -SW"hat- do -you suppose George Bush would have said to thePresident? The CIA has always been uneasy-with directors ap- pointed from outside the in- - telligence field. but as one- experienced CIA man said- yesterday. "We thought they, would have gone civtside-the- political arena. at least until e ated after; he election. bv.. Congress and the ad- 'He said there had been some'- thought that David Packard,` who recently resigned -:as President Ford's finance chairman, might have made a better choice than Bush. . A-top Senateaideraisedthe question of how much in- telligence information critical of-admintsti-adcn policy will -- top job was held by as out- conflict over the politically controversial ABM Safeguard system as well as Soviet missile strength during the early years of the Nixon ad- ministration. go to Capitol Hill Once Bush takes over. In recent years, CIA -has: been available for. briefings and has supplied its daily, intelligence summaries to key committee members and staffs- "A professional in telligence agency can do that," the aide said, "but Bush is a member of the ad-' ministration -team in. an election year and is not a professional intelligence man." . Illustrative of the issue of the CIA's integrity in in- telligence reporting was the CIA assessments were sharply at odds . ._: those of t're Nixon i~t't?ite Now -e a rd the Defense Departmenft. Helms was willing to testify- on 'Capitol 'Hill-saga-inst then- Deferze Secreta,r.. Melvin R. Lair - - '~ Colby risked t~ e ire of the Ford - Whiite' House and Secretary. ofState Henry A. Kissinger by going before congressional comm;tte,~s and testifying about past excesses of the CIA. The impending Senate Armed Services Committee hearin -s . on i3ush'- nor; ination are e:~Dected to become the forum in which the issue of the CIA's political independence will he d b Iinstration - -The position' of deputy CIA director takes on new im- portance with the ap- pointment of a non- professional outsider tike Bush. In the past the No. ?~2 man has been a CIA insider and taken a strong hand in running the agency when the Lt. Gen. Vernon Walters, the current deputy and?a . political appointee of former-, President - Nixon, said yesterday he intended to consult the White House to find out if President Ford %,antshimtostay. - Approved For Release 2007/08/21 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100010151-6