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Approved For Release 2007/06/19: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100010182-2
t. Prince*.on ThCat Sam., 191St m. Lillian Martin, Oct. !6. Crop, It. to Capt. AUS. 1942-46: ETO. Diptomate Ant ud. rsycmauy w?,. -
rdaiaed to ministry Presbym. Ch.. 1918; pastor First Presbyn. and Neurology: fellow Am.. So. psychiat. asns.. Am. Pub. Health pres., chief exec. officer. 1971-: Prof. Physiology N.Y.U. Med. Sch.. 49-
Arm Soc., Ga.
hi. Cancer Soc., Med. Research fieCounld. Eng. Fellow Am. Ac A.XSF, Am.
ancis . Conte. N.J.. n. Ch ? Tyler P1. Presbyn. Ch., St. Louis, Assn.; taAGa. Pub. Health A cn.FScw Fulton Count)-
Cul. 1929-41. Corral Presbyn. chia, Assn.. p g p rio.
avers. Author Chrroolalo ra . f
, Cnuad Prebyn. Ch.. Buffalo.
mm's:, h.. Sarasota. r pasrtor et emus. Chri: Christian minister Uce. Home; 4425 HarristTr it NW 9Atlanta Mason: merm- Order GA 30327 O$ice:17sTrinity St A.A A.S., N.Y. cd. S cis.. The Arn..,Ei
;.A. : regional 1941-63. Mem. Bd. Beta .P Steroids, 1961; also papers. H6ntc.' SeawanhikaPI Oyster Ba5~`-lei
s Ac regional rep- . F:esbyn. Found. Mtrnm. Beta Theta Pi. ',SW;K[lanta GA 30334 11771
can Mason. Rotarian. Club: Ivy League (pres. Sarasota): BUSH, DONALD LEE, vet. med. exec b Aueusa, Me.. Mar. 10,
d5~3 Flower Dr Sarasota FL 33779 1920; s. Peter, Jr. and Winnifred G. (Hzrn g:ori) B.. D.V,M,.. Mich. BUSH, IRVING All.. urol. surgeon; b. N.)"C 'Tan. 19..194; s.
1\1ANN CHARLES SEVERN, lawyer; b. lndpls., June 19, State U 1944, M .S. in Pathogenic Pa -ssitolozy and Bacteriology, Arthur M. and Mitts (Guttman) B.: B. A., NA . U., 3954; M.D? chg..
Michael, Ronnie Steven Beth SDouglasch.w R artoz, rating June in., 23, rn. 1958;
,stgd Louis and Laura Blanche (Miller) . Y A.B., Ind. U.. o Phyllis J. henna Sept. 6. 1944: Children. Donald Lee. Med. children Sch-., Alan 1958; in.
a.. D ad. Sorbone. Paris. 1919: LL.B B.. Yalele, 1921, LL.M., Deb Debor ah ah., Leah, Johanna Karen. Jane F:ederica U.S. Govt resident surgery, resident urology Beth Israel Hosp., ing int, rn as 3,
., Dorothy Ford. Aug. 24. 1918; Harr in. -Charles eSJPark Davis &iCo...1946 48 a civilian vettt.. cdac for Army in Japan asst. adj. urology, 1963.66; fellow Sloan Kettering Inst., 1963.65, asst.
n F. (\7rs Charles Hicks). George Harp, m y Jeanne g clinician, 1965-66; clip. research trainee Mewl. Hosp., N.Y.C.,
June 19. 941. Admitted to Ind. bar, 1921. sine practiced in 1948.51, , A. in Uruguay', 1952: joined L.S. f n? service as et. 963-65. crin. asst. surgeon, research trainee
clin. asst surgeon James Ewing
pelmet film Sheffield Hotel. Carr & Scr field former ins[r. Ind. parasitologist, . Cep. chiefagri. and natua! yes urces ef ap n, dir. 1963- N.Y.C., 1965geo; attending urologist, geon daps wing
ch. Pres. Sheffied Hotel, Indpls., Fairfield Apts., Ft. Wayne, Haitian-Ain. Agri. Coop. Program, Haiti. ct ad- , chief gr. and County Ho_p., Chgo., 1966-.: phmn. dept. urology Cook
rn'cd with U.S. Army, 1917- 19: disc.. as c1a9p4t.2 Irf.; mem. nature! resources, food and agr. officer. also . et. avyea4~yrse Havana, County Grad. Sch. go. 1prof., ro prin. im'estigaor urology, med.
, 191 Q-4& disc.. 5Decorrtd Coil de Guerreeavec ImCuba, perial Vet. Seri es, Eh iop an 1959 -61: coordinator labs5edeptt et' sci. group Hektoen Inst. Med. Research, 1966-; asst. prof. urology
do \' G: I Div., 1.944-4. _ Nor group western U. Med. Sch., 1966.68; din. pro,, chief div. urology
de 'crmei!. Mem. Am., a P i. Clubs: bar Cassns olu., Phi Delta Phi, medicine Chas. Pfizer m r. ani inc.. chealth . head cfO. research and ch.
Med. Sch., ed Sc attend - urologist, .chi div. Mt. Sinai
o 1968-;
Soul bh& Sons. Inc Hosp., Chgo 1968-;cons. Oak Forest Hosp.. 1968. Valentine fellow
to drug
r,tat itN.Y.C., 1965 66; dirt resent c:h Er Research
;appn Psi, Sigma `as (Indianapolis). Contb r articles Athletic,
atom, Woodstock. N.Y. Acad. Medicine, 1964; Mosley scholar, 1958. Recipient Co., 1
vet. aw lour. Home; dia \oni !20 St Indianapolis IN 46208 Squibb d rnt19n67-6s8; Olin div. an n health Rohm a6-6 nd7Haas Valuable Service citation Chgo. Afed. Sch, 1958. Mem. Am. Urol.
Fidelity Bldg 6148 Indianapolis s IN 1N 366.03 Co., 1969--. Cons. S. Am. govts., 1951?61. Served as maj. Vet. Corps, Assn. (1st prize 1964, grand prize 1965, 1st prize lab. research 1968,
H IFYER, FRED SHERMAN. clergyman; b. Carpinteria, U.S. Army Res. to 1962. Recipient letters of commendation from Wirt R. Dankin hiss. award 1968 69, 72, Ise prize lab. research 1970),
oct. 22. 1899; s. August H. and Rachel (Sherman) B.; B.R.E., Japanese Govt., SCAP. 8th Army, Cuban Nat. Agronomists Assn. and AMA (John B. Mortise), award 1965, Hektoen medal for research
1970), III. Med. Soc., Chgo., N. Central urcd, sues., James Ewing Soc.,
n 17., 19:5. S.T.B.. 1927; anLitt.D., U, us Coll.. Col e? e tike, Pa.. 1957 [m Serlvice. Memf Am., Mich.. Me. sec med. a s~f[hadsl. Veterinarians A.C.S., Am. Med. Writers Assn., Am. Soc. Nephrology, Soc. U.
a iTress , F.be LL.D.. 27.1 g Urologists, Assn. Acad. Surgery, Am. Assn. History Medicine. Dec -Myrna D
eke) Alpha Psi. Office: Independence gMall W Philadelphia PA 19105 n Editoranchief Chgo. Med. Sch. Quar., 1958: cons. editor urology
editor Geriatrics Digest, 1968.
; ur
Fd S Bb a
Mashal!), earaa. Jour. Student A.M. ministry Methodist Episcopal Ch.. 1926; transferred to Home: Burlington IL 60109 Office: 1829 Harrison St Chicagd'.iLi
nod to minister
el. Ch.,
Dec. 8, E9116 $d.RWi? LeSee e ndmLany .(Holland) 60612 - -
on t
Ch Baldwya
1934; asso
Dh (N
ie.. Ma s. i924 _uram., 36, First Cogl. Ch.. Manchester. N.H., 1936-39, Mt. Pleasant McElroy; student George Washington U.. summer 1935; B.
1. Ch.. Washington. 1939-48. asso. minister. dir. dept. ministry State Coll. for Women. 1937; m. Peter Predenburgh, 3d. Dec. 27, ille Council Cdngl. Christian Chs., N.Y.C. 1948-57, Chyn. Nongl. 1962. (Sec. toldsrepns. bus., Tenn. Coal. ironJ& R.R. Co., subsidiary $0. 1912; s.. Roan VB. and lone (DuPu s)tB.; B.C.E., U. Ha. 1Fa_ 936; Aug. m.
polo Relief Study Tour. 19 del. First Assembly . Cof World Birmingham
. Aa., 1937-40- Nat- alai of C9-., Amsterdam, 5; mem. Gen. km div. Nat. Young Demoe rats 194l- 0t as t. sec. ony.You g Dems. Am.,n19 Ala. Lorraincalvin, 1, Hoyt., Ala P.,1936-37; Karen Mrs. bonald C. FeDept~ . Sur 3 yoc resident -56 r, U. .
Mains. 1939-67, 195 mem. life , and work di
6of Chit. rcgens gen. sof c. of in Ail and dir. 3chmn- dept. ministry, Nat. Co., 1 c44- (1st oson Day dinners ld Th o. A ti ), aten. Dem.
, asst. gen. set. of counm.. uncil and Washington Office, Nat. om 193- (1st woman o hold This posinon acting pres. engr. Glynn County, Ga., 14,18-: is sup[. Raymond Internet. Inc.,
-6!; sec United Ch. of Christ, N.Y.C., 1961-67; minister Pitt St. Young Dems. Am., 1944; sec. Dem. Nat Convs.. 1944, 48. 52, 56, 60. N.Y.C., 1946.58, mgr. test boring dept.. 1958.67, asst. v.p., 1961-68,
Briarcliff tly-`t 1968-71, Served
Cr., Sydney, Australia, 1967-69: dir. personal relations and 64, 68, 72. Life mom. Ark. Traveler, Bern S;_mz Phi. Baptist. Clubs: : mg 197 r. 1-. service contracts groupoup, Manor 966.7!. Planning v,p., d., fsr sr.. v.p, dir.,
scions Pigrim Place, Claremont, Cal., 1970-72. Merit. armed Maskers (Miss. Sate Coll. for Women). Jane Jefferson (life), National
cos coin. Nat. YMCA, 957.67. Bd.. goys., chmn. coin. on field Fe . Business and Prof.. Women's. Home: The Cliffs 1409 Lakeshore with AUS, 1941-45. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Am. Soc. Testing and
3 ons C.S.O.. 1 57-57. Home: Melvin Village NH 03850 also olumbus OH 43204 Office: Demo ;aa: Nat Corn Washington Materials. Club: Moles (NY.C.). F'some: 11723 Wood Lane Houston
ti Ma les
Plymouth Rd Claremont CA 91711 20037 77024 Office: 280l1 S Post Oak Houston TX 77027
lCOMBE. WILLIAM educator; b. Hamilton, Ont., Can., Feb. BUSH, GEORGE HERBERT WALKER. chmn. Republican Nat. BUSH, JOHN NASH DOUGLAS, educator; b. Morrisburg, Ont.,
1918; s. William Henry, , Jr. and Fthel (Minett) B.; B.A., U. Com.; b. Milton, Mass., June 12. 1924: a- Prescott Sheldon and 1920 M.A., 1921; Ph.D., Han'azd. I9 3; Sheldon traveling Tonto,. grad. Into, . May MA., 1945; -P awcn t !lira JonrRichardson) B. A. tie Econser)Yale, 1948:hi1m. Bar a pie ce, Ja las Mar. 2 1, IE96; s. Dexter C. and Mary E. {Na h) B.; B.A., U Toronto,
at 6, 1945; Harvard, in Eng. 1923-23; Guggenheim Mtml. fellow, Eng., 1434.35;
Kee, .vay 30. 194., ch ldrenD ( Litt.D., Tufts U., 1952; Princeton, :958, U. Toronto, 1958, Oberlin
Peter. Canadia e Martin, Lucy, Katherina, ; s m th. U. Co-founder, John Neil Corp- 93-5,in 9prDorothy Cot! 1959, Harvard, 1959. Swetbil're. 1960; Boston Colt., 1965.
6-64. cm . t-J 19553-59; pres. Z90ata Off
Sate U. Mich., 1968 Merrimack, thin =961+; L.Y..D., o.11t. U., 1962,
oo[ogi_4 Canadian Dept. Bale 1 bser-4 a in s. 950 2; Shore Cor, dir. Zapata 1a Petroleum
.,4, hmn td . 1964-66; mem. 90th-91st Marlboro Coll, 1966; m. net C1ryc,. Sept, 3, 2 S -son., Geoffrey
1945-48; research fellow Ha 1e atones 1
astronomy s Houston,
7 mbassdo, tth Dist. Tex., mem. Ways and Means nom.; U.S.
>homer _1s[968n Natt. U., 1952 2-68; 68 prof. astronomy a sae
Marlb. and tutor in et English.
"off prof.
?hw'esttra Lt 1963-;via. prof.. 195ll. G., 1970-. Chows articles chmnsHeartFund. Chin Rep. FattyRY.e..:ssCounty, Ter...731963-64; M 1927-25, assn. prof., 92S-4t prof..193 i-3be arise. prof.
U., 1936-377,,, ro, 193'?66, Gurney prof., 19$7-66.
tizen Dit. Council Canberra, 19_6.1 Asbury note E o ish, malt.
CiContbr. Nat. Conv.. ,68; Rep. candidste U.S. scratorfrom Tex., ,
0i, researh to So urs. ~Hoint: 123! As Evanston IL 4964, 0 Served to It. 9(.g.), pilot. USSR. World War ff. Decorated pientaward Am. Council Learned Soc. 19u Corr- fellow Brit.
02 D.F.C., Air medals (3). Home: 5161 PalLcde Lane NW Washington d.: mem. Modern Humnities rSar.tB once ur, Ciegon of Me]973,1ir Greek Poems, 1470, Vol. 2 Minor onglish Poems (with A.S.P.
ells. en972. Home: 3 Clement Circle
ndg. gen. Fleet Marie Force, 1968-. Mann. exec. tom., bd. goys. medal. Mem. St. Louis Soc. West Point (pres 1970-71). Assn. U.S Woodhouse and E W'eismipler), 1
Woodhouse m. Dccoratc
Arm h cmbattV,oBronnze Stard dal withlcoo batr V andngoldAsar, Pe egrie Soo. Am. Mil. Lane Cincinnati OH 45243 Office: Chemed Corp DuBois Cambridge MA 02138 (summer) Norwich 971. VT 05055
gion of Merit; Netherlands Order of Orange Nassau with swords; Tower Cincinnati OH 45202 BUSH, JOHN WILLIAM, govt. ofcl.; b. Columbus, 0., Sept. 17,
ron pucblikc KorWedA ea-, silver d Order Nat. Gra Merit, 2d
ss Republic Medal Cloud and and Banner with ith or Assn. Mar. 0,1G9377; s. Bernard Joseph and 4nne Josephine (Kelly) B.; 8.5., WilValiam Poly Insta 1931; m. Mary Elizabeth B.S. in Bus.
>vt. Republic China. Mem. U.S. Naval Inst., Marine ne fps A t tad,1J. June 4, 1932 (dec. 1958); children--"n Hayden (Mrs Richard L.
h, Jan. yAnn nOil Co. 1
axn (e t Marine Home: a 35 Pacific FF Dr Honolulu c Ell 9 CA 8 96610 U. Santa at a BClara, 1958; erkeley, 19 T9-61; CPh D _' laremont Grad. Sch., 1959;.Jean Jennings). g E 1(Mrs- Thomas h Standard a. Oil Bennett); m. 2d, Drothy
. 93 oDot y mst.
igts Fleet Marine Force Pacific FPO San Francisco CA 96610 Wentwo tth, June 15, 1960; h ldren- MiohseI Joseph, Patrick Kevin. n
stem iw c n BEVERLY, assn. exec., artist; Kelso, Wash., U Edward 19Mar 58-59; instr., thenbreesearchoasso. U.CaL at Berkeley, 1959-61 ro s aff 1694s6; dir. purchasing Ohio, 19 9-57,9dir, omme ce, 1959-61;
i ant Art Gt's Hgu Nat. (Hansen) . Stover; B.A., William U. Wash.; Personnel. ,dint Art Studennts Leaguee, Nat. Acadd. onsAr; m. WBush, m-. in Far Eat. Peace Corps. 1962-6=. sp . as t. to dir..,2exec. sec., 119772 Williams n. bd. O lJudge Cos Co U, St. net. Louis, 195 - Pan Am.
s 3 1944. Nat. tx. L' v59: e . Audubon wits, N.A D., Ka rams Nd Ill. U.,
an. Women I9Painterss. 1. 5.1 59: rep . Zetrts i Eta, Artists Equity 21 E DcKa 5; morn- dept. Pohl Sc., sac Ptaa Lort. Frog
Nat. Assn.
ssn., Inc-, c, ?956---. exec. sec., 1958-. Zeta Phi Eta. Hume: 3521E DeK,b, 1965.67; spl. asst to sec US. Dept Labor, 1967 68. acct. Ry. Congress Assn. Councilman, Portsmouth, 1931-44; Democratic P
P truce St Seattle W A 98143 Office: 229 Broadway E Seattle WA 1968; staff soArthur D. ittle. Itic.: dir. commerc and nominee for n, 19722-. fem. Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., Am. 1954. Home: 1409 Lakesho erDr Columbus OH 3204 Office; care
3102 Soc. Pub. Admmstrn.. Council on Urtzn Econ. Devel.. Alpha Phi American Bancorporation 140 E Town St Columbus OH 43215
for the BUSH, LAllRENS EARLS rat, educator, b. Martins. S.C., Mar. 24,
Tre USH, BURL HEBER, coll. dean: b. New Caasttle,U .. Dec. Ncrid. ecal ,1906; Oina mega, Phi Sigma Alpha. ors ty theme Snt A Bu nds in Gov Officeernment
Frank .S., Stand Ia.. a Belle (Ricker) B.; 1900; s. Laurens Ashley and Mary' Eh (Oswald) B.; B.S., The
a M.S., State U. Cleve. State rad. Advanced ise Program Aug. West, 16 The Peace Corps a study Open Organization, 1965. Citadel. 1919; S.M., U. N.C., 1926; smdent U. Chgo.. 1929; Ph,D..
1 19 937 D.Sc., E. StaU., 1972: on. Eloise Walker, Aug. Home: 631 1 Strawberry Hill iII Rd kd Concord MA 01742 Ohio State U., 1931; m. Winne Davis Keane, June 23, 1920;
I. 1932 32: children-Sign), gnp Eloise (Mrs. J.T. Brown), Susan Gertrude M children-Patricia Earle . Jerome Long), Edward Ashley. insti.
rs. P.M. Moriarty). Henry Veblen. Commd. ensign USN11929, BUSH, HENRY TATNALL, JR: infg- co. exec.; b. W'ilmington' U N.C., 1926-30, Ohio State 191-33; prof., chmn. dept. math.
dvanced through grades to cmndr? 1962: with power br. Office Naval Del? Feb. 9, 1911; s. Henry' Tatrzil z 19 Lydia (Moore) B.; B.A.. Coll St. Thomas St. Pau 1. 1933-U.,53; P math esearch. 1953-56;1nds1. officer Naval. Engring. Expt. Sta.. 1947- 51, Williams Coll., 1932; postgrad. Yale. 192-33; m. Anne Douglas
prof. emeritus. 1970-,h head ead dept math i953953 . chri n ept ma th. prof. North 7avy Electronics Lab 1960-62; design supt. San Francisco Naval McCoy, Feb. 7, 1941; chilhildren-Anne Douglas (Mrs. J. GlenCo. Inc., n Little prof. Coit Summers -41.. mDir. William ath - I,dwell Putnam math.
dir. sec.'shdept. 1966- : v.p edir. Unon Library competition for Math. Assn. Am., 1948.65. Mein. Math. Assn, A.
962a . engri. Long Beach (Cal.) Naval ., Cleve. iState U., 193; -41, Tatroill 3d.
962; mein. e. faculty Fenn Coll., ., Ohio. U., em. Am. gtor. Med. Center. Served to It. (bd. goys. 1947-49, past chmn. Minn. sect., chmn. to sect,
can a ngiiag, now emeritus. Registered es e. Er.gr Ohio. M em. CatalogPa ., E1961-7 , 1942. Trustee W'rimin Williams Alumni 1958.59). Sigma Xi, Pi Me Epsilon Intern. oat- council 1966.72). Bd.
exc. Engring Edn.. Am. Sot; A1.E, Cleve. ngring. Soc. Presbyn. Assn.r(exec. om9968.7 cAm. Soc Corporate Secs. (dir. 1968-11). editors Nat. Math. mag., 1935.45. Contbr. articles pofl. fours. Home:
Tome: 12405 Pomerado P1 San Diego CA 92128 Clubs: Wilmington, Wilmington Country- Home: 913 Blackshire Rd .408 Burr Oak Dr Kent OH 44240
RUSH, CHARLES KETTRON, JR., psychiatrist, state ofcl.; b. Wilmington DE 19805 Office: Du Pont Bldg Wilmington DE 19898
)wesboro. Ky., June 29, 1907; s. Charles Kettron and Lillie (White) 1936
BUS IN ELCOCK I,; M.D.. U. Louisville. 1929; m. Edna Mae Redme, June 18, N na 11928-s: Gilberts B. and Jean (E lc.: B ?B.ABrU~Cambridgef(Fag.), A aS Jan~S,I 9E 9; s. Oh crl.Fank1 n and iMarysEthel (Martin) B.;
iv. Mar. 1946); children-Barbara Ellen, Ch , 194ss Ketsolax ll. 2d Nancy Mae DeGraffi? Jane June 15, 1946; 1 son, James v. 11966);chi d eM-B.. B.Chir 1957, in. Alison n--Charles Fzbiz . Philippa, 1 l
Car ine; Aug. m. 2d, child to MichernGMee Hrt L., J N YCC.Jo 9423 mes ., Sa >
12-42; Gad. ntin s meatrinE in (11 .) Saty19e., .. 19, , Lo, Loui s 1472-;
ixon ( Stat in p psychiatry -l54; di Sttate ospSept. . stud 1 ojt supt. ton I., 1964r Sl d. R Ie.ch C ucil s hoAndrew. Georgia. Came
Chat Hosp., New Butte. Colo,, 19 -; Nat. Inst, Medicine Dixon (!!!.) )Sao Hash-. fins; dir. t. s. ctioy project Re-search, Lond nt1949-52: Commonwea h fellows U. Utah at resident anesthesiology C a1946-49 Ho Crested Orleans. Colo-.
Sychiat. Assn., 1953,56, chief insp., central al al inspection bd d., 1956-60; Md. Resew practice anesthesiology. Dallas, 1951-72; dir. dept. anesthesiology St.
?r 1461-64' commr- Mass. Gen. Hosp., Boron, 1452.53: research asso. Std.f iyLondo Paul HosP?, Dallas, 1951-72. Served as flight tssurge