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erg sco e vui. z e 3 - v~ ~~~ r i_ a .., .. ?,a ?~ ~~~.~~~ TT~..~,'~~~~ri yr L1i.~.: ;~ ~ ~t~;Yr"~L~:..:: ~ ._ .._ STAT ~~ A~~O ~~"~~'~i~r~~~3T ~fl~ ~~~~~T~~~ ~ Against the background of the spate of stories Tha center line of AF{O interest in this matter circulating on the rationale fior and impact of the stems from its conviction that a viable human intal- impending reduction in CIA's Directorate of Opera- ligence capability is the indispensable complement Lions, ;ha AFIO President sought a meeting with a to other collection means. Thus, Ar-1O is gratified by Senior Agency representative to elicit the basic the assurance from the senior official of the U.S. facts. Admire{ Turner and John Slake (Acting intelligence community thatthe programmed reduc- Depu~ f Director} received ms on 78 November. tion in the clandestine services does not portend any The Admiral assured me that the reduction repre- de-emphasis of the role of human intelligence. sented ~o change in philosophy as to the importance Policy statement is one thing; implamenta.tion is of human intelligence in the overall scheme of quite another. AF10 accepts- at face value then things, that its role was recognized to be as vital as evaluation of the leadership echelon of the C13A that ' ever. He explained that the reductions in the Opera- the reductions can be accomplished without de- tions Directorate structure were concentrated leteriousaffectonc{andastine intei{igance collection a~most exclusively in the headquarters element (onL}t~ capabilities, Ilona the less, two aspects of the ` a: - cis:are-soi;tae~liminated:with_th o`~jective-.of' developing-~a}?moraw-streamlined.~re= sponsiva-and professionally-=cha{langed~+staff:~He further stated that the reduction was an Agency initiative, not mandated by any external authority; and that, in large measure, it conforms to a plan con- ceived in the Operations Directorate itself prior to the Admiral's appointment. The essential difference is. that whereas the original plan was to reduce the size of that Directorate by some 1300 positions over six years {with minimum "people" impact), the decision vvas to eliminate 820 professional and semi-professional positions prior to the end of 9978, tvi.h none planned after that date. Parenthetically, the douviing of rate of reduction heightens the "psopl3' impact. The Agency strength will not be reduced correspondingly as substantial new require- ments exist elsewhere in the organization. The A:~mirai stated that the selection of the par- sonnei is 5a terminated early next year was in accord ~; iith standing Agency regulations. On the other ;,and, he vas frank to admit that the notification Y,-acedures left something to be desired.` a=mpioy- ment t?r,^?ination dates would be adjusted, on a Case-by-case basis and to the extent feasible, to mitigate hardship. Overall, the Admiral was con- vinced t^at the reduction could bs implemented +.?tit`aut adverse impact on the Agency's clandestine aparational intelligence and counter-intelligence call=ctian capability. Pc~ISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of wormer Intelligence Officers, Sui;a 303A, 5723 V~Jhittier Ave., t`1tcl.ean, VA. 22i~9. ~i10n9 {70317?0-0320. Editor: David Atlae Phillips Assn.ant Editor: Pat Stringham Asss'~nt Editor: Douglas I3laufarb Ar;y material herein may be reproduced if attr,~~uced to the Association of Former Inte/ligence On`icers. PERISCOPE is distributed N~ide/y in Wash- ing;an ~~iith copies delivered to the office of each mem3er of Congress and key government officials. reduction process will continua to command Ar{O s attention. Both concern people who - m-ors so thary ~ , - _ in any other institution -are hal{marks ofi an intel- ligence organization's competence, efficiency, and esprit. Tha first recognizes the monumanta{ problems of managing a cut of such seventy in such a compressed timerperiod while still ensuring high operational capability and the "fundamentally . hea{thy and patriotic attitude," #hat Admiral Turner states to be a cinaracteristic of the Agency Today. The designation of soma 25% of the individuals to ba. eliminated from a single directorate has quite obviously generated morale problems of consider- abta magnitude. Al=lO joins the chorus of voices which deplores the- curtness of the termination notifications as well as the yvay those notifications were communicated and r~commands these pro- cedures be thoroughly raviayvsd. It is to be hoped that the lessons learned >>vilt bs taken into account in managing the much larger increment to be d~sig- nated f orelimination in late 1378. Above ail, AEIO wil{ tivish to be assured that there is no substantial loss. in the continuity of operational experience and ex- pertise onwhich future performance depends. Our other concern - no less important -~ has to da tivith the welfare and future of the personnel being eliminated. Civsn the rsduetians already sustained by tie Operations Directorate over the past-four years, and also given the very high quality cross- section of that Directorate to begin witls, the par- sonnsl involved are not "dead wood", To the contrary, they represent -individually and coilac- tively -impressive talent, much of it unique. Un'sass personal preferences lie elsevyhers, they should all be harnessed to key assignments, commensurate with ability, in other segments of public or private endeavors daa{ing with matters of national sacurity_ Nothing less would be equitable for the individual concerned or in the bast interest of our nation. AFlO undertakes to do everything in its power to assist in this process. Several corporations have already ap- proached us indicating interest in resumes of per- sonnel being terminated. If the members of AElO link arms in this effort, there is much?wa can do to place- _ these worthy individuals in n8w fields of work. Approved For Release 2007/06/20 :CIA-RDP99-004988000100140025-2