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May 14, 1978
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P.RTICLE ` E. Approved For Release 2007/06/22: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140096-4 AGE 1 11+ MAY 1978 ~ IARY D4cGROIdY; Literary fever: t~Ws'dirty tne back at Scratch a spy and find a scribe name of his book is In Search' of part of CIA's covert . action `seemed That's the experience of CIA Enemies, and it makes Decent Inter- almost gone." -Director Stansfield Turner, who is val look like Winnie the Pooh- - i Sadly, Stockwell reports on page presiding unhappily over a, literary Stockwell'. a tough, blunt, musta- 229 of In Search of Enemies, Colby .renaissance at Langley that I chioed Judo' expert, didn't get. per. was lying to these committees. promises ' to compare, in quantity j ' mission to publish his book. And his Colby methodically contin- anyway, with the Flowering of New is not your "modified, limited hang- ! ued his briefings throughout the pro. England, the Celtic Revival and the out." 'He has revealed- classified gram -? 35 briefings altogether be- more recent Watergate overflow. information, and he's proud,-of it. He tween January 1975 and January Turner fired 800 spooks who were, stood up on Sixty Minutes Mike 1976. Systematically, he misled con he says, "clogging the system." But Wallace is becoming the Na. I de- pressmen about what we were doing if he unclogged one system, he is briefer in the country and just in Angola." clogging others, surely the publishing , about called. the .authorities houses and, possibly, the courts. "Come and get me." Stockwell has had a sneak preview The outpourinmay drive him to The Justice Department almost of Colby's book, and he reviews it in -institute second-skill training in has to haul him into court. a searing footnote: "In Honorable IIk Langley. Because when you think The one author on the scene the Men, Colby claims that he worked f about it, what is a retired spy to do, CIA approves is William E. Colby. with determination to make the CIA now that there is no CREEP to give He's a good boy. He got permission to 'an integral part of our democratic him gainful employment a la Howard., publish Honorable Men. The former system of checks and balances:'.: C Hunt? director's story is that he was a mar- And yet while he was answering their The peaceful uses of someone tyr to truth. Had he followed instruct '? questions about past CIA operations, trained in shellfish poisoning or sub- tions to lie to the Rockefeller Coin- he. was feeding them patently false way contamination are somewhat rrission, he would not have been ,information about the ongoing Ango? united. What is y man who has been si cked by Gerald Ford. an operation ... " writing in invisible ink all his life to He defends Vietnam, the Phoenix Colby now gets his turn on Sixty do except write his memoirs? program, the Glomar Explorer' and Minutes, and an opportunity to re- The way- things are going soon numerous other follies. He defends m'apehis slightly mussed toga. every agent will have his literary himself and the agency. . There is light at the end of the.tun- agent. The Justice Department is But if he has a halo, he also seems nel for the reading public. The ex= by. doing its best to stem the flow. It is to have Stockwell's knife in his back. ) agents may put us all in bifocalsby suing Frank Snepp, who used to A victim of his own candor? Not so, the time we've finished perusing Interrogate. Vietnamese in ice-cold says Stockwell,' who presided over - their confessions and contradictions. rooms, for writing a book called De- our misadventures in Angola= ; But here is the bright side. We've cent Interval - without clearing the got the inside dope on the fall of Sai- { manuscript .with headquarters, as Colby tells us ' in Honorable Men . gon :and our "non-intervention" in -promised in the contract he signed that he was lonely and isolated as he Angola. The way things are going, we when he became an agent.. ; .~ trudged about Capitol Hill telling, as can look forward to the lowdown on! oath and.conscience required,' the _ Greece, Chile, the Kurdish Republic. Snepp claims that he revealed no' dirty little secrets of :the agency he 1 the secret war in Laos. and possibly classified information, and the Jus- . served for 30 -years. On page 423, he I' even "Operation Chaos." We may tice Department has not said that he describes the new burdens put on.; get the full history of covert opera did. It's just that the Carter adminis- him by it greedy. Congress: 'I was" I tions from those who conducted I tration, like its predecessors, wishes going up there to report on every new ( them. And when it all comes out; the to scare spies away from typewrit- step, taken in the Angola. Kurdish . CIA will have to stop covert opera-1 ers. and other covert operations currently tions; realizing that among the cloaks. I Hard on Snepp'& heels has come'! underway : and daggers there will be a pen John Stockwell, a 12-year veteran of "Sadly," he sighs, "Every new busily scratching notes for the book the Company. He has written about project subjected to -this procedure ,whic we now know every agent has , `in him. ouri-overt operations in Angola. The d; ring 1975 leaked. and the covert Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140096-4 _