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September 20, 2007
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Publication Date: 
April 15, 1979
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Approved For Release 2007/09/20: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100170117-7 LOUISVILLE, KY. COURIER-JOURNAL 15 April 1979 r' THOUGHT, THE BARRAGE.;'of,-criticism; ea t .. id _'70s, the. now is not as hav.s, inhem Centre IntelligenceAgency is under fire. iren't directed at sp'ing.on Anierican`citi :i as , tri' -.e?._i _9t Ins __d' - o !the CIA is failing iii its basic job _collect. ing ahd analy ing useful, foreign _intelli igence and getting. the' _results_,gto pol Makers, including..,., the, President. troops?~ tanks and craft But_ the most. The charges are serious And Innis. the accurate-reconnaissance! satellite-`imagin-4 be-lief ~in some quarters that-'recent-intelli -Fable: %couldn't-?? have foretold the, -Islamic=-, .-.._ ce fail .res - in T..'n ana.1:A fghanistan. ''.: rcvnlutinn.. thou forcers':.:the- Shah?"tn "`fled :='~:~'!~ for instance ~ are an argument-. for.'lturn t ping back the`clock .By that reasoning;-an,,,, Preoccu'pation' ith Russia efrective CIA is one accountable neither to-- Congress no to theAmerican? people,-and The~ack "of good=political inteiligene ' efforts; to reform the agency therefore from, Iran- also reflects' another CIA? weak 'must be< dropped v`F .:- `ness According to some closer observers.?ot I must ThelCsweeping;? investiga 'the agenc the CIA for many - years lies ress? ythe, press and Pi euue~.t Ford s -arse , 1,o tne??=Soviet--unions ai Ene expense of made the intelligence agencies of friendly a its p Tally whenweare sow- de-, ~~ nations wary'. of .3t obp tang Xoo _ cl sel ,pe entkoi simported: oil, can be .: greatly '~' - ?`" ". affe ted;t5} politicat movements :that nave; CIAdoes a poor fob gathering economic tt and 'political ,;information even. . within ,the may Have:compounded the: agency s prod ;low-levef 'Iobsa_Earlier this ,year, .aiother. 250 ethploees - many o them niddle and and, senior-level management officials rdmi aL Turner ;RWreckin -flies CIA'? with. the.CIA BuE'theCIA's most. basic onhve problems:-.. , tat,.seem to -ha led to. its recent failures-..-In- pre-date the :One of;- theser.-problems-"is the agency's ion, r fissile : tests x `and. deployment ,of' Approved For Release 2007/09/20: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100170117-7 Approved For Release 2007/09/20: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100170117-7 tirements? led Benjamin .Schemrter, editt5r yof the .4`Arree i ..F'orcesa`Journ 'to=write;*ce- ; "cently ins ?'fie f Vast t}gf r& Post.hat Addmi-~ moral Turner has beep a disaster 'The CIA chief; ? according to-Mr. Schemmer, is>yso eager, 'tQ ,grease the Carter adthinistratian that he has skewed agency repots.. tossup port administration policies.-.- Mr. Schemmer, and others, also charge that under Admiral Turner the -CIA's tra- ditional imbalance between information collection and analysis has tilted even more toward collection. The result, say the; critics, is that the agency is swamped with" more raw data than it can evaluate. With out analysis, much` of the information ist 14 useless to the President wand his foreigni affairs, advisers;,.. It's -almost 'impossible for an outsider: o tllhhhi .e weter tese-criticsms are valid.. Ad-. miral__Turnerr of=course,-defends-his stew cedes;--there are morale lproblems 'at' r the agency~he argues tYtat'this!~hasii't:'affected' 'Perhaps he's right:: But`-.if, tfie-current: disenchantment with the-CI'A's=-perform - ance means there will ichanges; Presi- dent Carter should move cautiously Poll- tics may dictate that Admiral Turner ' be .replaced:,:But -the agency has= had' fi"ve?"di: ' rectors. in -sixyears. Another`change';atzthe- top might simply. create-more. . confusion More important than the fate of Admi ral Turner, though,, is the move- in . Con- gress to adopt a charter, for the CIA; and to reorganize the- intelligence community. It is essential, if' _the' abuses of the past aren''t to , be- repeated, that the CIA know and play by the: rules The CIA , has. an essential but unpleasant role. Its agents can't be expected .to be- ``have like Boy, Scouts.`Bui',they "and-thei bosses can,' be expected to' concentrate on their 'primary mission gathering' and analyzing- intelligence -, without engaging in dirty, tricks that..embarrassour count Approved For Release 2007/09/20: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100170117-7