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March 17, 1980
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Approved For Release 2007/03/15: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100190014-9 AhTICLE Oil PA3_ The. citizens of Chile clearly were too irresponsible to be left free. Why, Salvador Allende was about to come to power as the result of a democratic election. God knows the CIA had tried -terribly hard to. save these people from themselves. The Agency had secretly funded-with your tax dollars -huge propaganda campaigns in Chilean newspapers. It had paid workers to stay out on strike to further "destabilize" the situation, and it had spread bountiful anti-Allende. bribes around. Nonetheless,. the natives had insisted on making up their own minds. - And so, on September 15, 1970, CIA Director Richard Helms attended a meet'- ing with- President Richard Nixon, At- . orney General John Mitchell, and Na tional Security Advisor Henry Kissinger. The sole item on the agenda was "Track II"-the mounting of a military coup in? Chile. (Not Afghanistan. Chile.) When he. left, Helms quickly wrote down the es sence of the Star Chamber resolution: I in 10 chances perhaps, but save, Chile! worth spending not concerned risks involved no involvement of embassy $10,000, 000:available,'more if .-necessary full-time job-best men we have- game plan w:=< ?:,. .: 48 hours for plan.of action. -' l.a.. It'didn't work then: Three years later, it did. Largely because of the CIA,.Ameri- .can ::banks, and multinational 'corpo- rations, Allende was killed, and the child= ishly-. free-thinking, citizens of Chile were placed under the. protectorate off a dic- tatorship. Many had :Lo be murdered be-' THE VILLAGE VOICE 17 March 1980 cause of their incurable addiction to liber- ty, but what the hell, Chile had been. saved. - .This Helms document-both the hand- written original and a typewritten copy- DOCUMENTS:A shocking collection of memoranda, letters, and telexes from th secret files of the American intelligenc community, Christy Macy_ and- Susan:; Kaplan assembled and annotated the documents, and the publisher of this in- -valuable outsize paperback is Penguin. lished without the Freedom of Information 'Act which, as Macy and Kaplan say, "is: responsible for much of what we now know tional security apparatus-." - Also in Documents is a draft ~of the anonymous (actually, FBI) letter-t6. Martini Luther King, Jr., in 1964 urging that he commit suicide to forfend the release of tapes made from bugs planted by the FBI. in his hotel rooms: "There is but one way oufor,you. You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent That's an. FBI document,, but the CIA also spied on King. Not only overseas, but here. As George Lardner, Jr., has pointed out in the Washington Post, not a trace of the. CIA's surveillance of. King appgared "in the" extensive congressional or ex'- ecutve branch investigations of the agen- cy. conducted in recent years." But; 'when Harold Weisberg, a writer from Frederick, Maryland, filed a Freedom of Information, King, they finally made their way-much. to the discomfiture of the Agency-into the light. _ There is a long list of crucially instruc- STAT CIA Direetoi'Stansfield Turner:- Only the Shadow knows. tive books-that could not have.been writ- t ten without the FOIA. One is William; Shawcross's Sideshow. Another is John Marks's The Search for the Manchurian Candidate'.-. The CIA and Mind Control, i just reissued in .a McGraw-Hill paperback. I In:1975,_Marks noticed two sentences in .the Rockefeller Commission report on thej CIA. They had to do with a "CIA program! to study possible means -for controlling! human behavior" and said that some of! 'the studies had ."explored the effects ofl radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psy- 4 'chiatry, sociology, and harassment sub-A stances-" J