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January 1, 1980
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Approved For Release 2007/03/15: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100190089-7 ARTICL APPEARED ON PAGE /O `I'IHE IRE JOURNAL WINTER 1980 If Paisley's final mission was to dete mine what the Russians 'knew abo U.S. satellite secrets, then the CIA u derstandably would want to keep site about it. The agency alternately h lied, withheld information and refuse to cooperate with the Senate Intel gence Committee, whose ongoing invt tigation into the Paisley case was 'a c rect result of the- NewsJourna into clandestine.. dozens of News Journal stories over ti last I5 months, he and reporter Richa STAT CIA o atio~ Sandza disclosed that John Paisley he. - CIA that would encourage more covert =x::- ? _ the highest of national security' clear CI clear- A activities and keep them secret By David L. Preston ances, was still on the agency p payroll from Congress and public. Journal associate editor four years after his supposed retirement, The bill, called the "Intelligence Re had debriefed im $ portant ovtet defec- I form Act Of 19P y. gould ex tint the Joe Trento,-a.?rePorter?-for the Wil- tors, had been CIA contacf'man for the, CIA from com 1 in with re nests fort mington, :Del--.,- . Nervs?Journal papers, Watergate "plumbers" and worked with information made under the. Freedom was drinking, his: morning cup of coffee Henry Kissinger on the first Strategic of Information Act, except for requests in the newsroom one-Tuesday in Sep- Arms Limitation agreement before it by individuals for data about them tember? 1978 when Phil Milford, the was signed in 1972. selves. police reporter; strolled by and handed The stories, resulting--from a com- Much of the lan ua a of the bill was him a 2-inch -AP :clipping from the. I bination ofestablished sources and in- t g g draftee. at the CIA. The bill was intro morning paper. ventive investigative reporting, raised duced a day after President Carter, in "This might interest you," said Mil- I the possibility that thebody pulled from his State of the Union address, called for ford. "It's just-a little CIA story; a CIA the Chesapeake Bay on Oct- 1 1978 " guy drowned on Chesapeake Bay. - Trento,,-whose =News=Journalt stories had been the first in the-nation on cru- -- cial aspects of the CIA and ITT in- volvement in Chile and a justice Depart- ment investigation into perjury by Rich- ard Helms;-- barely was -awake,*- let alone. interested. His mind was on -a job offer he was about to accebton'a'nother news-. paper. ica.:.:r.;-.; He glanced aC'tlie clip half-heartedly: John Paisley;-'a'i-eei-re'd CIA analyst, was missing in Chesapeake Bayafter having gone out sailing'Sept.`24. OK, thought Trento, the name rings a bell, but so what? Hundreds of names had popped - up during two years of covering CIA-re- - fated stories for the Wilmington papers, But then he.made some phone calls. Those early calls began an investigation that continues to this day, an investiga- tion into the bizarre disappearance-of a man who was "not a low-level analyst as the CIA ardently had insisted fore months - but who may in fact have been directing a secret CIA operation to track down the theft of American spy satellite secrets in the final -days before he disappeared. identified by the FBI as Paisley's and of- unwarranted restraints on ficially ruled a 'suicide, in fact may not. the intelligence communit If signed into law, the bill would have been his. Furth er.-'.twoweeks be make it a crime for any official or for- fore the New York Times,reported it, i mer official to use classified information the ' News Journal reporters, a in making public the names of any intel- copyrighted story that the CIA-hid from ligence agent, informant or source. The .the White House and Congress-the. fact penalty would be a prison sentence of that Soviet agents had obtained copies up to 10 years and a fine up to $50,000. It would be a crime for someone outside the government to disclose such names with the intent to impair or impede the- foreign intelligence activities of the United- States," with a ''penalty of one's year in jail and a $5,000 fine.' -- { This legislation would deal a serious blow to the efforts of investigative re- - porters to ferret out facts' about- what the CIA does in the name. of the Ameri- can people. Significantly; Trento and- Sandza found no official or former offi- cial willing -to disclose classified in- formation anyway, so a bill. of *this sort would serve only to encourage further.? CIA secrecy. Some of the most important stories of F the last 30 years have involved the CIA; yet those stories remain almost exclu-.1 sively in the hands of the journalistic Powers that Be and i,handful of free- lancers.