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Document Release Date: 
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May 9, 1969
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? P7-----_-_ i No Objection to Declassification n Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 IP May 9, 1969 MEMO TO MR, KISSINGER FROM: Bob Houdek The memorandum to Mr. Haldeman at Tab B has been retyped to incorporate your editing. You signed the letter at Tab A and it has been dispatched. Recommendation: Sign the memorandum at Tab B. RH:RMM:amc ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 2,1 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 L May 7, 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR HENRY A. KISSINGER FROM Larry Lynn To implement the information handling, display and communications Improvements which the President approved on April 29, the following actions are needed right away: 1. The Director of Defense Research and Engineering should be requested to have ARPA contract with the RAND Corporation for the study of substantive information needs. I recommend you sign the memorandum at Tab A for this purpose. 2. Charles Joyce has done most of the ground work on this project so far and we will need his services on a full time basis to define the requirements in detail, coordinate the work of DCA, RAND and other support efforts which may become involved, to integrate our efforts with those of the Executive Agencies, and to handle related command, control and communications issues within the NSC staff. I recommend you sign the memorandum at Tab 13 to Mr. Haldeman asking him to arrange with Secretary Laird for Mr. Joyce to be detailed to our staff. The Defense Communications Agency is now actively engaged in implementa- tion planning for this project and we are jointly preparing detailed task descriptions, work assignments and completion schedules. ,:LLynn:CCJoyce:11 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 Dear Johnny: The President has approved a research task which we would like to initiate immediately. This is a study of information support to the NSC which RAND is prepared to undertake. I would be very grateful if ARPA would fund this study for the first six months. This would involve eighteen man months of effort and would require $75,000 of FY 69 funds. We are trying to make other arrangements for continuing our studies with FY 70 funds, Your assistance in initiating our research program is greatly appreciated. Charles Joyce is the point of contact for this study should you or your staff desire further information. Best regards, Henry A. Kissinger The Honorable John S. Foster, Jr. Director of Defense Research and Engineering 3E1006, The Pentagon Washington, D. C. 20301 HAK:RMM:CCJoyce:il (5/7/60) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 MEMORANDUM FOR H. R. HALDEMAN FROM: Henry A. Kissinger As you know. the President has approved a major improvement of the information handling systems and display facilities which support him in national security matters. Mr. Charles Joyce of the Defense Department's Systems Analysis staff has been very helpful to us its formulating our initial plans. His assistance in coordinating the research analysis, design, and implementation activities involved in this program would be invaluable. His experience with the National Military Command System and the Defense Communications System is especially important because of the close relationship which must exist between our facilities and those of the Department of Defense. I would appreciate it if you would arrange with Secretary Laird to detail Mr. Joyce to the National Security Council staff for the duration of this effort. He would be the focal point for this project within my staff and the point of contact with the Defense Communications Agency and with the Executive Departments. The participation of the Defense Communications Agency in this project has been approved by the President. The procedures for providing guidance to DCA have been discussed with Colonel Hughes. HAK:RMM:ame(5//9169) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0 MEMORANDUM FOR H.R. HALDEIVIAN FROM Henry A. Kissinger t?z- direetelL( r_tlyttiertake. As you know, the President has a major improvement of the information handling systems and display facilities which support him in national security matters. Mr. Charles Joyce of the Defense Department's Systems Analysis staff has been very help- ful to us in formulating our initial plans. His assistance in coordinating the research, analysis, design, and implementation activities involved In this program would be invaluable. His experience with the National Military Command System and the Defense Communications System is especially important because of the close relationship which must exist between our facilities and those of the Department of Defense. I would appreciate it if you would arrange with Secretary Laird to detail Mr. Joyce to the National Security Council staff for the duration of this effort. He would be the focal point for this project within my staff and the point of contact with the Defense Communieations Agency and with the Executive Departments. The participation of the Defense Communications Agency in this project has been approved by the President. The procedures for providing guidance to DCA have been discussed with Colonel Hughes HAK:RMM:CCjoyce:i1 (5/7/69) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/03: LOC-HAK-1-4-32-0