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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/10/01 : LOC-HAK-112-8-49-5 'i ~~ ~~{~ P Jura 76 - ' A 4 ~ PRO Pr?aerat on both oocaa~.ons were members of the d __:.. _ ' - Cor ~[rs N. '~ ~-e mi~ s, ra Cardiss Cn r"~C e Patricia Sahroedor, Mrs M111ieent'Penwi.ak, on Offi pel~nan a~ deputy. chief of 'the. tT.S. tending .Commi Lira CMiao-ehih, member off' the dent of the Chines star; Chou Chia-yeh, vioe- Af~airs; and leading ms of tie ?-'~E~ fang-wen as we11 as NCNA 1~t:P0R'~ ON `J~,IR, DA1T1D S1SErIfIOWER Miss E1i,~abeth Holtsman, lan S . Mayner acid Mrs, dys er. Preaera -~'w"~, -s institute of foreign x1?ed Tang.W,en-ShenB, Hsu Kuang ssss representatives fro_.- m all wa3ks of ~. Meet Chairman Mao Pelting NCNA Domestic Service, in Chinese. 1822 OMT 31 Dee 7g AW [Texts Peking, 31 December 1975--Chairman Mae this evening met Julie. Nixon Eisenhower, daughter of former U.3. President Richard Nixon, and' her husband, David Eisenhawer. During the meeting., Julie first conveyed to Chairman Mao her fathers r?gards. She said:."It is ax# honor that 'X have the opportunity to convey to Chairman Mao p?rsonally my father's regards..lKy parents are deeply impressed by their visit to China in ..1972." Uanid also gave Chairman I~do the regards of his family. Chairman Mao had a eanverse.tion with th@m in a cordial and. friendly atmosphere. After the aanversation. Chairman Mao asked them. to gins his regards to Richard Ninon and. said he would welcome another visit to Ghina by Mr Nixon. Also present at the meeting were Foreign Minister Chiao Kuan-hue; Chief Liaison Officer ~uarsg Ghein; 'Vice- Foreign Minister Wang Hai-~ur:g. and deputy department directors fiat't6' wen-shex:g axtd Chang Han-ahih, Peking 1lCNA irx $nglish 0832 qMT ~, Jan 76 OW (Text] Pdking. ~nuax*y 1, 1976 (HSINHU,A)--Tang Hsiao-pin6, vice-premier of the State Cauncil, at noon today met with Julie Ninon Eisenhower, daughter of former U.S. President Richard. Nixon, arld her husband David Eisenhower. Yiae-Pretdier Tertg Hsiao-ping had a friendly conversation with the couple and extended. new. year greetings to thew. The Eisenhawers oomreyed Mr Richard Nixon's regards to Premier Chou En-lei and Vice-Premier Tang Hsiso~pir~, After. the meetixx$, Vice-Premier Terms Hsiao -Ping Save a luncheon in their honour. Present on the occasion were Huang Chen, chief of the Chinese liaison Office in the ICnited States; Wang Hai-dung, vice- minister of foreign affairs; Chu Chunn-hsien, director of the Protocol Department. of the foreign Ministry; atad Iang Wen-sheng, deputy director of the Ministry's American a~txl Oceanian Affairs Department; and Chu Lin, Chien Ta-yunS, Ting Yuan-hung and Chao Chi-hue. Peking NCArA in Snglish D826 (iMT 2 ,Tan 76 OW [Texts Pekin, January 2, 1976 (HSINHUA)--Julie Nixon Eisenhower, daughter o#` farmer Q.S. President Richard Nixon, ark her husband David Eisenhower left here for a visit to southerm China by plane this marninS in the company of Huang Chen, chief of the Chinese Liaison Office in the Clnited States, aril Madame Chu Lin, e P ttee; Wa ce in Chits. Hs:~r, No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/10/01 : LOC-HAK-112-8-49-5 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/10/01 : LOC-HAK-112-8-49-5 2 Jan 75 A 3 Pxc 1N~'ERNA'~'TONAL AFF"A1R8 At international meetings such as the 2nd conference of the UN industrial development organization in i,i~rta arx3 the 7th special UN session Sn New Xork, delegates of Latin American countries and other regions of the Third Wor~.d coordinated their actions through close consultation against the interferences and sabotage plot questions rarer ing from energy, raw-material prices, international t were achieved ab these meetings. At many international meetings did everything possible to peddle such trash as "disarmamentrr attempt to divert the orientation of the struggle of the dev all its conspiratorial activities were resisted a.d frust of the super- eries of vital de to the positive results the Soviet revisionists d "detente" in a vain oiling countries in ism and hegemonism. But The state of af#'airs in the passing year proves that a torrents of anti-hegemanie struggles in Latin Ameriea are rolling onwaard and t situation there has become ever better. The Latin American countries and people, trengthening unity and persisting in struggle, will certainly win neW victories in th coming year on their road of safe- guarding national, independence, state sovereig y and national interests. UNITA'D~TATLS RSPCR'1'AQR ON U.S. CCNGRBSSW4MBId' IN PRC Meet hiao ttuan-hua Peking NCNA in Rnglish 124 (?N!T ~1 a 75 OW [Text] Peking, December 31, 1575 met here this afternoon with th Republican Representative Mrs Mrs Patsy T. Mink.' Present Chinese People's Institute American and Qcsanian A+ffa deputy secretary-general Attending was Harry E. T HSINIiUA)--Chinese Foreign Minister Chiaa Kuan-hua U.S... Congress warren delegation to China led by. rgaret M. Heckler ate riemocratic Representative the occasion were Chou Chiu-yen, vice-president of the Foreign Affairs; Tang Wen-sheng, deputy director oi' the '8 Department of the ~'areign Ministry; and Kong Tai-sha, the Chinese Peoplets Institute of Foreign Affairs. [Text] Peking, Ja Vice-Chairman of met and had a f Congress women M. Heckler wi ry 2, 1575 (HSTNHUA)--Chinese Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao-ping and he Standing Committee of the National Peoplers Congress Li Su-wen endly conversation here this morning with, all members of the U.S. elegat'ian to China led by Republican Representative Mrs Margaret Demoaaratic Representative Mrs Patsy T. Mink as the deputy leader, After the me~tirxg, Vice-Chairman Li Su-wen gave a banquet in honour of the American No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/10/01 : LOC-HAK-112-8-49-5