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? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 IveMORANDUM SECRET NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY MEMORANDUM FOR: MR. KISSINGER FROM: Helmut Sonnenfeldt September 21, 1973 PROCESSED I/ANV ON-FILE TREASURY LETTER SUBJECT: Your Meeting with Foreign Minister Scheel, September 25 DOS review completed. MORI/CDF C05077905 He will want to talk about the Year of Europe and the President's trip, especially in light of current reports that it has been postponed till next year. I assume you want to take the same line with him as with the other Europeans. You may want to bear in mind, however, that Scheel is among the optimists and in public has been alluding to the major success of the Copenhagen meeting and the favorable prospects for the President's trip. On the three declarations, Scheel was quite favorable last summer, and he also talked with you about the ad hoc summit. If you decide to keep up pressures for an ad hoc summit, or a chapeau declaration, Scheel could be an ally. On the other hand, Brandt is under continuing and mounting pressure because his Eastern policy is stalled, and another round of dispute with the French following the Chirac affair may not go down very well in Bonn. In any case, it is important that you talk with Scheel on MBFR and burden sharing/offset. MBFR The German government is badly split on the question of linkage between any first and second stage of reductions and MBFR is becoming another domestic political issue (Tab A). --The Foreign Ministry would settle for a very tenuous link and not press for any specific Soviet commitment to the second stage. They reason as we did, that cutting national forces is dangerous. SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 , SECRET -- The Defense Ministry under Leber, ably assisted by Schmidt, want a very specific commitment from the Soviets that there will be a second stage, and that it will include the Bundeswehr in reductions. The Defense Ministry reasons that domestic political and financial pressures can only be contained if there is a firm guarantee that Germany will share in reductions. Additionally, some hope to use MBFR to stimulate the restructuring of the Bundeswehr to a smaller but more mobile striking force. Scheel has indicated he will discuss it with you. Your position: -- We need to be extremely careful not to define for the Soviets exactly what the West will reduce without determining what the Soviets might do. ? In the initial round of talks, we will put forward the common ceiling and press the idea of two stages to reach the ceiling. ? We are not prepared to make a Soviet agreement to a precise common ceiling the precondition for beginning negotiations in the first phase of Soviet-American reductions. -- As that progresses we can determine how firmly to insist on a Soviet commitment to a second stage and common ceiling. -- If there is a second stage, it will inevitably include the Bundeswehr because the US could not take a very much larger cut than we now propose. Offset-Burden Sharing 25X1 The Germans are very cool to multilateral burden sharing, because they fear that they will be required to make even greater payments for our forces. 25X1 At present it appears that the German government has decided that it cannot meet the 80 percent offset of the last agreement. Bonn will propose roughly the same figure as the last agreement, but include a large Bundesbank credit, in addition to the hard offset. SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 0 Tab D - State Briefing Material No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 s SECRET 3 The net result, if this view prevails, is that we will (a) have a long drawn out struggle with the Germans and inside this government, (b) the outcome will be regarded as another token of European disinterest in helping us alleviate our economic problems, and (c) poisons the atmosphere for multilateral burden sharing. (If Jackson/Nunn passes Congress and is not vetoed, we would have to reduce forces to the degree there is not 100% offset.) Your Position -- Emphasize to Scheel that the Congress will regard offset and multilateral burden sharing as a test of partnership. -- Congress is beginning to understand the details of offset and will be very critical of soft offset, i.e., credits and loans. ? Remind him that even Senator Jackson is sponsoring an amendment linking troop levels to offset. ? If MBFR is the short run defense against unilateral cuts the long -min do-ranee. is in Troy;rig toward a rrru1t-41n fora 1 offset in which 11 filo Alliance participates. -- Of course, we would not expect a greater German contribution to the multilateral effort than they would make to the bilateral offset. Ostpolitik The Foreign Minister might want to talk about the stalemate with Prague on the question of Berlin representation. The issue is that the Czechs insist that Bonn cannot provide consular representation for Berlin corporations or other Berlin institutions as opposed to persons and that this interpretation is consistent with the Four Power agreement. -- He may ask for our help, and on this issue we ought to be ready to blast the Czechs for deigning to interpret our agreement. (The Soviets of course, are behind this and using it to pressure Bonn on the CSCE and economic credits.) Tab A - Recent Report on MBFR Tab B - Sonnenfeldt/Odeen Memo on Offset SECRET 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 ' 4'. icr"'ss \ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 4,4 e (1?714 '). ? 1..,:i,) 1:::1''''';.`, Y'j.:i 72 , ,, ' :, -,,c,)) ? 1 " Department of State 711 -,,,,-::-.,,,m -.. o 0. CONFIDENTIAL 670 PAGE 01 WINN 13529 IR326Z A6 ACTION PmaM7 INFO ncTmml FORm25 ISO m0 AcnA-0 Io-13 CIAE-c4 Hpfm3 INR?10 L-03 NSAE-01 NSC-1.01 PA.0713 Psowoll SPc1074 .5S-1.5" OsI4-15 NEA-.10 TRE-00 HRFR,004 flRII flq1R. nIr-m4 /161 w P R 1913127 gEP 73 FM AmEmBA.SsY linNN To SFCSTATF wASHnC FRInRITY 7516 gEnoFF wAswon PRIDPITY ' IITO AmEmbASSY LnNPON I mRASSY PAPIs EmBASSY ROmE AmFmRASSY RWISSELS AmEHRASsY THF mAr.oF MSmISSION !ATO DRUsSELS PRI001Ty r ONETnFNITALBONN 155P9 004R4A F.0, 116.52: nol TAGS: PARR, NAT?, nW AuFJECT: mRFP: Cnii/CsU UPPoSTTION ATTACKS PRESS LEAKS' PEE: (A) STATE 1R49901 (B) 80NN 1:450m 1, SEvFRAL NATIONAL GERHAN NEwspApPRR--DTE wFLT, THE FRANwFHRTER pUNORCHAH, THE suEnDFoTscHE 7ETTIING ANT) THE nENE.PAL ANZETGER--HAvE CAkPIFO EXTENSIVE PtPoPTS nF srFT 18 PRESS CnNFEPeICF nF Cnu/CSu oPPOsITImN OFFFNsE SPOKESMAN mANFkro wnEPNFR, WHn gEvERELY CoITInpEn THF IS, Fnk LPAKIN6 SFCRET ALLIED mbER NEGnTIATInm FROPOsALS. ACCORn!!,IG To THF t;EPmAN PRESS REPORTS, INFILQN.FR sAin TviFsv ALtEsEn AHERICAN ACTInNS nolitn JUT ci"ExCoSf, nR .313TIEIEWf OEN TF mOTIVATEn RT T171 08H To CnmRAT mAN6FIFLn PRFSSUPE IN CONFIDENTIAL FORM No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 s_tA eaT 41..r No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 ,p4r t 42, 4114 Department of State n TCoNFIDENTIAL RAGE 02 BoNN 13529 101326Z THE SENATE, woERNER SAX! THE ALLEGEn U,s, LEAl(s HAD HITHouT nouBT nAmAGEn NATO., wHosE UNITY HE sAin wouo RE MADE IMPOSSIBLE IF OTHER ALLIES WERE To FOLLOW THF AMERICAN EXAMPLE, woERNEK AqKFD 1,How EXACTLY wOULo IT RE POSSIBLE TO HAVE suCcESSFuL NEGOTIATIONS IF THE SoviE1-:uNION Is INFORMED FRom THE VERY START OF U.S, VIEWS11?:. WOFRNER CONTINUES PONE MUST AS HImsFLF WHAT INTEREST Moscow sHOuLn HAVE. IN 4EG0TIATT0Ns IF THE ImPRFSSIoN INCREASINGLY oEvEl_oPS THAT THE u,s,-HAs nEcIDEO nN A TROnP REDUCTION IN ANY 'EVENT ANO INTENDS To USE THE mBER NEGOTIATIONS ONLY AS A CAMOUFLAGE," 2, THE GENERAL. ANZEIGER FRnNT PAnE REPORT BY wnLE BELL STATES THAT GERMAN GOVERNMENT SOURCES WERE mAINTA/N1NG A ?RESTRAINEo POSTURE,' WHILE PRIVATELY INDICATING IllirNcERN OVER THE PRESS REWIRTs', BUT BELL CITES GoVERN. T SoURcFS AS PRIVATELY SHARING. wOERNERIS CONCERN USG AT THE O WAS LEAKING THE MBF R PpnpnSALs To BAT RACK CONGRESSIONAL FRESSOHE, TO PRESS EUROPEAN PARTNERS TO ACCEPT 0,5, pROPOSALS, ANO To BRING BONN uNOER PRESSURE IN THE CURRENT nEFsFT NEGoTTATIoNS, BELL ALSO CITES GOvERNmENT AND OPPOSITION SOURCES As BEING CONCERNEI OVER ALLEGED US, READINESs TO DROP THE CONCEPT nF PRALANCEP IN NEGOTIATIONS wITH THF SOVIETS, 3, THE WRIT STORY BY VON RAVEN AnDS FURTHER OETATLS TO PREVIIUS nERmAN PRESS REPORTS, IN PARTICULAR, RAVEN REPORTS ON DISPUTE OVER COMMON cFILING/onHpAy CAPABILITY sTANDARn ANn GERMAN DESTDFRATA CONCERNING LINKAGE BETWEEN THF TWO PHAsEs OF THE NEGOTIATIONS AND THE NATURE OF RoNDESwEHR INCtALS/IN /N THF PROCESS. RAVEN, WHO HAS TRAnITIMNALLY HAD EYCELLENT DEFENSE MINISTRY SOURCES, EMPHASIZES THE FRG WISH To BE CLEAR ON THE MANNER IF KINnESwEHR TNrorsToN FROM THE OUTSET OF THE mRFR NEGOTIATIONS. A, AS INnICATEo REFTEL, PONOFF AND DEFENSE MINISTRY OFFICIALS ARE INCREASINGLY DISTRESSEI Ry THE PROLIFERA- TION OF TNI7RFAsINGO DETAILEn PRESS REPORTS ANO INIICATIINS THAT THESE REPORTs APE 3FING CONFIRMED FROM WASHINGTON SouRcES.1, FoNOFF N0FR cHIFF RUTH EXPREsSEn OPM CONFTDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 ?$ ? Department of State ai'vo 4 rzza CONFTOENTIAL PAGE .03 BONN 1.3529 191,325Z roNcfRN TO EMBnFF SEPT 10 THAT DETAILEO pARLTAHENTARy nuEsTinNs nN PRESS REPORTS WPRE SOUNn TO FnI_Low sp4r'RT0 nN THE HEELS OF OUTSPOKEN POLTC CRITICISM BY WOERNER, HILL.ENRR&NO CONETOENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 a h:E?o,,rnt). A hinTIM No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 NATIONAL SECURITY c-uum,11... WASHINGTON, D.C. Z0506 IICONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION September 20, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: DR. KISSINGER FROM: YtHIL ODEEN/IIAL SONNENF4DT SUBJECT: Balance of Payments Offset Negotiations The bilateral balance of payments offset negotiations with the FRG started this week (Monday, September 17) with Under Secretary Casey heading the U. S. delegation. The BOP offset question is becoming increasingly large in the Congressional European troop debate this fall: -- Secretary Schlesinger has promised in testimony full coverage of the roughly $2.5B potential deficit (the last agreement covered less than 1-wn1f)_ ? -- Jackson-Nunn have introduCed an amendment which would make reductions BOP deficit. It looks as if this will be very bard to beat. This memo brings you up to date on both the prospects for the bilateral negotiations with the FRG, the ongoing efforts to get a broader multi- lateral agreement including contribution from all the allies, and suggests ways you can help in overcoming some problems we are encountering, namely: -- Treasury's intransigence and refusal to recognize that offset ? has a critical political component as well as an economic importance. -- The failure of the State Department bureaucracy to back the multilateral initiative. You will recall that the original NSDM 214 signed in May (Tab A) called for: - A new effort aimed at a miltilate val. offset covering as much as possible of the .B01" costs ($2.543.0) as well as all of the additional ? budgetary cost of keeping our troops in Europe rather than in the U. S. ($440 annually). 1\ii) Objection i A " o Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 CON ij ov,IN , -- Renegotiation of the bilateral rw,reement with the FRG as a parallel effort. The bilateral agreement would ultimately be folded in with the multilateral arrangement once the multilateral arrangement was formed. An order of priority was established for the various actions which the allies could take to reduce our BOP deficit. First priority was given to actions covering the additional budgetary costs of keeping the troops in Europe rather than the U. S. (c. g. , FRG payment of land taxes for our bases, local civilian hire costs, etc.). These actions also reduce the BOP deficit. Second priority was given to actions such as military procurement, which compensate for the BOP outflow but do not cover budget costs. Finally, loans to the Treasury were to be included but only if interest rates were below market rates or subsidized by the FRG as they had been in the past. It was agreed that loans would not be introduced until the other "hard" portion of the offset had been negotiated. In response to FRG inquiries, the negodatoi s wou.ikir Li&e iD6ut_. and take tile line that we v,ic.r.c interested in.a. "hard" offset. ? ? ? 7",".?7'"' ",' - - - - ? Although they did not disagree to inclUding loans in the agreement during preparation of the NSSM study, Treasury's position has hardened and they are now insisting that all loans are economically and politically worthless. This, of course, reflects the Treasury's fixation on the economic,purposes of the offset agreement and failure to recognize that offset agreerne.pts._are valued in Congress despite their lack of economic value. Loans have little economic value and they should not be introduced early in the negotiations since this would errode chances of getting maximum. :value for "hard" offset actions. However, we cannot afford to refuse to include loans at all -- especially in view of Schlesinger's statement and the Jackson-Nunn agreement. 'Secretary Schlesinger has talked with Shultz several times on the need to soften the Treasury position and your support is needed. The Multilateral Offset Initiative In calling for a new multilateral effort, we did not expect that a sophisticated payments union could be created but that a system in which each ally would CONFIDENT TA L No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-14.7_7_4_9 'C. ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 LO1';IIIDENT TA L, 3 contribute to a common fund covering only U.S. costs, would be within reach. This sort of limited multilateral scheme still looks feasible. We wanted NATO to take the lead in coming up with the exact plan. A study group was formed within the NATO Eurogroup to do the ground work and Rumsfeld gave the effort maximum support in the NAC and in private. I-le and his staff drew up an ambitious action plan in Europe coupled with high level political support in Washington. Meanwhile, the NATO staff is working on an individual basis with NATO countries to get an estimate of their contribution. According to Rumsfeld, budgetary relief from the multilateral effort of about $75M-$100M is possible (almost double the last bilateral effort) and significant BOP relief may be attainable. The State bureaucracy predictably has been dragging their heels largely because they believe a multilateral push would detract from the bilateral agreement. 1 For example, they objected to Rumsfeld's plan to visit individual NATO capitals to discuss burdensharing issues and a presentation to the NAC of the specific offset actions we have in mind. Now State wants to hold back on the multiiat erai effort until the bilateral agreement has been negotiated. We see no reason forthis. In fact, loss of the little momentum we now have would put the entire initiative in jeopardy. During his recent visit to Washington, Rumsfeld complained of a lack of political support from Washington. Except for the dialogue on the Hill, there has been little publicity given the effort since your original Year of Europe speech. To pick up the sagging momentum, a high-level political push is needed. In addition to your role, Schlesinger and Rush should be urged to provide the political support for this effort that Rumsfeld believes is needed. This could include greater pressure on NATO ambassadors here in Wash- ington, more public statements, etc. ? cc: Chuck Cooper Larry Eag,leburger 1/At first, State argued that if we pressed for a multilateral agreement the FRG would become vulnerable to claims by other NATO countries who also have .small 130P deficits with the ]'RG. We should, therefore, ? soft peddle the multilateral negotiations until the new agreement was signed. ? These concerns were not borne out in practice. . No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 _ ^ ERIEFING PAPER FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY BILATERAL BRIEFING PAPER Foreign Ministdr and Vice Chancellor Walter Scheel*; Chairman, Free Democratic Party (FDP) Addressed as: Mr. Minister Our Objectives to move outstanding bilateral issues, such as offset, toward successful resolution Their Likely Objectives -- to give you a personal appraisal of the September 10-11 meeting of the EC Foreign Ministers -- to discuss matters relative to US-West 1. OFFSET Points You Might Make A. Early conclusion this fall of a new high quality offset agreement with the FRG is essential. FACTS wog.. the last offset agreement, covering FY '72 and '73 expired June 30. we need help from our allies, especially the FRG, if we are to meet Congressional criticism of our military balance of payments deficit and pressures for unilateral force reductions. CONFIDENTIAL pps No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK_14:)_7_A No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 CONFIDENTIAL .9.. the German negotiator,. Ambassador Hermes, met with Under Secretary Casey on September 18 and 19 for the first round of talks leading to a new agreement. -- Mr. Casey will meet with Hermes again in Bonn the first week in October. Points Scheel Might Make A. While the FRG has contributed to the cost of maintaining US troops in Europe in the past, ond will in the future, it is not able to cover the complete cost of these troops in the offset agreement. 'FACTS the last Offset Agreement covering FY '72 and '73 provided for offset totalling ?$2.036 billion: $1.2 billion in military.proeurement, and $0.65 transactions, $0.186 billion in troop facilities rehabilitation. US POSITION The total balance of payments cost for the next two years (ca $3.4 billion) of maintaining US troops in Germany should be covered in the offset agreement. If total offset is to be achieved, a loan by the FRG to the US will be necessary. FACTS WE MY. it is not likely that we can achieve complete offset in hard, high quality items such as mili- tary procurement and absorption of local costs by the FRG. US POSITION Loans have no lasting balance of payments effect, except for their interest factor. ? Congress shares ? this opinion. CONFIDF_VTIA No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 0 CONFIDENTIAL -3- 2. US-GDR RELATIONS Points You Might Make A. We have made no decision on when to open substantive talks in Washington with the GDR on the establishment of bilateral relations. We have repeatedly stressed to the GDR that our Embassies must open simultaneously. Tactically, we consider i.hc GDR to be the demandeur. We feel under no pressure to push ahead with sub- stantive negotiations. FACTS -- following an initial meeting with represen- tatives of the GDR UN Observer Mission in Washington on August 9 , we sent an ?admini- strative team to ?East Berlin to inspect . . future chancery and residential property. 'A GT7JR administrative .1-cam has ?1) -1-1 similarly occupied in Washington. ? -- property shown to us in East Berlin would re- quire extensive renovation and could not be occupied in the immediate future. The GDR administrative team is considering several possible sites in Washington. ? Toints Scheel Might Make A. Express appreciation for US keeping FRG informed of developments in this area and outline FRG plans for opening its representation ? in East Berlin. FACTS ??? FRG-GDR negotiations on the exchange of permanent representations are stalled on the question of accreditation. CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2-0-1-2/07/17 : LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 -4- -- the GDR insists that the respective representations be accredited in the ?same manner as Embassies (with credentials presented to the head of State), whereas the FRG .wishes the accreditation to be to the office of the head of government. ? US POSITION -- we have stayed out of FRG-GDR controversy. 3. EASTERN POLICY Points You Might Make A. Underline US support for the FRG's efforts to obtain-a sound understanding with Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Hungary which will permit the FRG to afford effective consular services on behalf of West Berlin. FACTS ???Aim? 'West German negotiations with Prague, .?Lt,,eeee T- ofjri arc stalled because4e nf the consular representation issue. the Four Power Agreement on Berlin permits the FRG to represent Berlin "residents" abroad, but the East Bloc countries have argued that this does not include West Berlin authorities such as courts or corporations. points Scheel Might Make A. Request us to approach the Soviets, Czechs or other on the question of Berlin consular ? representation. FACTS -- we have already explained our position to the Czechs. an approach to the. Soviets could only succesSfully be undertaken if there. were UK. and French participation. Orb ow COM' I DEN AL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7_4_9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 US ?POSITION we are willing to consider this action in the Bonn Group in order to be as helpful as possible to the FRG. 4. CONVENTION ON PROTECTION OF DIPLOMATS Points You Might Make A. We hope that the FRG will support the adoption of the Convention on Protection of Diplomats in this General Assembly. (See Background paper for details.) PACTS -- the International Law Commission's draft COnvention has been submitted to the Legal Committee of the General Assembly. diseussion of the Convention may begin in tho'Czenerai Assembly early as the week Of October 1. 'bin S Stheol Mioht Make A. While the FRG generally favors adoption of Such a convention, it has technical diffi- b culties with the present draft, US POS:ITION we think that the Convention can and should be adopted by this General Assembly. -- We are ready to work out any difficulties the FRG may have with the .present draft. CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2 -6- 5. NARCOTICS Points You Might Make A. Thank Scheel for increased cooperation in the interdiction of international traffic in narcotics. (See Background paper for details.) FACTS -- US-FRG cooperation is excellent. Points Scheel Might Make None. 3.973 UNGA 9/13/73 CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/17: LOC-HAK-142-7-4-2