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Document Creation Date: 
January 11, 2017
Document Release Date: 
November 27, 2012
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Publication Date: 
April 8, 1971
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/28: LOC-HAK-241-5-23-3 April 8, 1971 BACKCHANNEL VIA CAS 40 0 FROM: DR. KISSINGER C. LJ3c 103b SUBJECT: Providing Introductions 'in Vietnam for Harold Willens 1. Thank you for your readiness to provide some introductions for Mr. Willens. Although we do not expect him to come back a changed man we hope the steps you take will give him some perspective. 2. Mr. Willens plans to arrive in Saigon on Friday, April 9, and will get in touch with your office on Friday or Saturday. 3. Mr. Willens hopes to stay in Vietnam for about ten to twelve days. He says that he is deeply interested in the upcoming elections, and particularly hopes to obtain some information on them. However he also hopes to get some perspective on the situation in the countryside and he is looking forward to meeting with you and with Chuck Cooper. (Bill Colby has suggested that Thieu take Willens on one of his barnstorming trips. ) 4. We have told Mr. Willens that he is going to Vietnam at a very busy time and that this would limit the Embassy's ability to help him. We have also told him that we cannot guarantee appointments with Vietnamese but that we will assist him in this regard. 5. Since Willens will be travelling essentially on his own, we would not expect that he would be a constant burden on the Embassy but would only ask for limited assistance. We regret he was unable to delay his trip. 6. It is possible that Willens will overlap with Congressman McCloskey and No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/28: LOC-HAK-241-5-23-3 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/28: LOC-HAK-241-5-23-3 . 0 CONFIDENTIAL 2 may try to join the Congressman for a brief period. Obviously, any actions whichyoutake to help Willens are for him alone and should not include McCloskey. 7. T appreciate you undertaking this burden and hope it will prove worth while. Warm regards, CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/28: LOC-HAK-241-5-23-3