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No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 MEMORANDUM THE WHITE. HOUSE CONFIDENTIAL /XGDS MEMORANDUM ?F CONVERSATION 4 PARTICIPANTS : THE PRESIDENT Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affair a Klaus Schuetz, Governing Mayor of Berlin, Ambassador Berndt Von Staden, FRG Ambassador to the United States DATE, AND TIME: Friday,,, November 21, 1975 10:10 - l0:Z0 a.m. PLACE The Oval Office [The press in was admitted briefly.."There was small talk about the Economic Summit at Rambouillet, the SPD Party,,Congress, etc. The. press left.] The President: We feel very strongly about the importance of Berlin. I want you to know we will live up to every. commitment and we will continue to give you support. Your being here is an indication of that support. Federal Republic not Berlin. We have a more balanced economy in Berlin to discuss. We have economic problems, but they are the problems of the Schuetz: One of the nice things is to be able to come here without problems the United States. Detente is in part positive for us and in part negative,, For our security we know we can count on the big Three and especially than the Federal Republic as a whole. but it does tend to make life somewhat easier for us trip. General -,, was the Commandant.. I knew him well from . in '57 or '58. I went there with General Westmoreland. on a European President? The President: I was just thinking how many times. The first time was his being the Army Budget Director. No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 ?2w He described the other part of his trip. Scuetz,-. You khow the American President is always welcome in Berlin. The President I hope to make it soxnetirne. T think it 'would have meaning.'.. Schuette It would have meaning. We are the only area in the world that is pleased to be occupied. We have an especially close feeling with American forces and the United States of America., I.. I I was pleased that we could have the [BerlinOpera Company] symphony here for the Bicentennial as a gesture of this, closeness between us The President: The symphony is a big success. Schuetz Los Angeles is our sister dity and I went there. Mayor Bradley, and I don't travel like Mayor Yorty did, but we have a good relationship.. The President, I am glad New York is not, your sister city. Schuetz We get 50% of our budget from the federal budget The President New York gets 25%6 but you don't hear problem is mis-management. about, it.,. Their. No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 7159 WASHINGTON CONFIDENTIAL/XGDS MEETING WITH BERLIN GOVERNING MAYOR KLAUS SCHUETZ Friday, November 21, 1975 10:00 a. m. (15 minutes) The Oval Office From: Brent Scowcroft 1. PURPOSE Mayor Schuetz (SHOOTS) has asked for this meeting to obtain visible reassurance for the people of Berlin that the United States remains committed to the freedom and viability of the city. Your purpose in the meeting will be to confirm U. U.S. dedication to the freedom of Berlin and to assure the Mayor that we will support Berlins legitimate interests now and in the future as we did in the earlier period of the Cold War. U. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS AND PRESS ARRANGEMENTS A. Background: Berlin Mayor Klaus Schuetz is in the United States to attend a performance of te Deutsche Qper, the Berlin Opera Company appearing at the Kennedy Center as part of the city's contribution to the U. S. Bicentennial celebrations. Before coming to Washington, Schuetz visited Los Angeles, Berlin's sister city. While in Washington, he has met with members of the Congress and with Secretary Kissinger. Mayor Schuetz visits the United States at a time when Berlin is no longer as much a focus of international tension in Europe as in the past. While continuing problems must be dealt with, the Quadripartite Agreement of 1972 is generally achieving its purpose of defusing the Berlin question and bringing about practical improve- ments in day-to-day contacts between the city and the Federal Republic. Both the Berlin Senat and West German leaders appear to agree that the political situation has stabilized and, while far from ideal, is probably as good as can be achieved in view of the geopolitical realities. CONFIDENTIAL/XGDS Classified by Brent Scoweroft Auton _L. w-, _,_ "_-_L,_ - Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01: LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 CONFIDENTIAL I XGDS Nonetheless, Berliners are understandably concerned about the long-term prospects for their city and nervous about Soviet intentions. Some harbor fears that the Allies in the name of detente or the FRG in the interests of Ostpolitik may make unnecessary concessions to the East to the detriment of the city. Particularly since his party lost its absolute majority in the Berlin elections last March, Schuetz has taken a hard stance on Berlin, sometimes out of step with the Allies and the Schmidt government in Bonn. Recent difficulties with the Soviets concerning Berlin have been in the context of the Quadripartite Agreement and related to the further development of Berlin's ties to the FRG. The Allies refuse to accept the Soviets' restrictive interpretation in this matter, and the Berliners welcomed Allied approval -- over Soviet objections -- of the establishment of the Federal Environmental Office and the . European Community Vocational Center in Berlin. The Soviets are extremely sensitive to any efforts by the Federal Republic to increase an institutional FRG presence in the city, We have a Four Power under standing that the FRG will consult closely with us on this issue. West Berlin is doing well economically, despite its geographic isolation. Its export industry is highly productive and the city's per capita GNP surpassed that of the United States in 1974. Like the FRG economy in which it is integrated, however, Berlin has felt the negative effect of the recession, including increased unemployment and some curtailment of social services. The FRG, which finances 45 percent of the city's budget, is seeking to encourage further investment in Berlin. We welcome this effort. We would view positively further U. S. business investment there, but believe it is properly a German task to provide the incentives. Unfortunately, as Mayor Schuetz mentioned to the Secretary of State i.n May, the American firms Pitney-Bowes and NCR are terminating' or severely curtailing their manufacturing operations in Berlin. Although based on commercial rather than political considerations, their action inevitably has a negative effect on the psychological atmosphere in the city. CONFIDENTIAL/XGDS No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 CONFIDENTIAL/XGDS Participants: Governing Mayor Schuetz, FRG Ambassador Berndt von Staden, and Brent Scowcroft, C. Press Arrangements: The meeting will be announced and there will be a press photo session at the beginning of your talks. LLi. TALKING POINTS Introductory 1. I am very pleased to welcome you to the White House. 2. I hope that your visit to Los Angeles -- Berlin's sister city a pleasant one, 3. I wish to thank the people of Berlin for their very special gesture in having their opera company perform in Washington in honor of our Bicentennial celebrations. I am delighted the company has been so well received -- I believe every night has been standing room, only. Berlin/East-West Relations 1. It was a pleasure for me this past week-end to meet once again with Chancellor Schmidt and Foreign Minister Genscher. I understand that during President Scheel's visit to the Soviet Union, the Soviets again explicitly affirmed their support for the Four Power Agreement.. 2. 1 would welcome your views on current Berlin developments. 3. I believe that the Quadripartite Agreement is fulfilling its basic purpose to reduce the crisis potential of Berlin and to bring about concrete improvements for the city's population. We will continue to resist Soviet efforts to impose its restrictive interpretation of the Agreement.' 4. Let me assure you personally, Mr. Mayor, that the United States remains fully dedicated to the continued freedom and viability of Berlixi. The relaxation of tensions with the East has not lessened in any way the American commitment to your city CONFIDENTIAL/XGDS No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 CONFIDENTLAL/XGDS As 'I said in xiny remarks at the Helsinki Conference in July, Berlin has a special significance in East-West relations, and we regard the situation there as a test of detente. 6. Additionally, Secretary Kissinger underscored our policy toward Berlin during his visit to your city in May of this year. 7. Continued close consultation among the Four Powers are essential to avoid unnecessary difficulties and to protect our mutual interests concerning Berlin. Visit to Berlin (if raised by Schuetz) I look forward to visiting Berlin at an appropriate occasion. As you can appreciate, my schedule is very crowded in coming months but I will keep this very much in mind. U. S. Investment in Berlin (if raised) The United States welcomes efforts by the city and by the Federal. Republic. to encourage U. S. business investment in Berlin. CONFIDENTIAL/XGDS No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/01 : LOC-HAK-283-1-23-1