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Document Release Date: 
November 12, 2009
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Publication Date: 
September 1, 1972
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-295-7-1-6 W NA-k l 1 t. S Ta P&esIDeiv T PRESIDENTIAL LETTERS & MEMOS AN114 Fl- If 7 August Targeting in North Vietnam Ratification of Plant Protection Convention French Suggestion that October 19 Paris Plenary be held in Foreign Minister's office ~-1 + Meeting with Governor Ronald Reagan -Ltr to Professor Billington - Briefing Material for Board of Foreign Scholarships Announcement ./2 4. Arnold Toynbee '/ 2 Fall of Biesheuvel Government in the Netherlands / 3 Ambassador Bunker's Assessment of Vietnam Situation 4- Australian Prime Minister's Note of Appreciation to the President for his letter on the Moscow visit + Letter from President Echeverria of Mexico i McGovern on Defense Budget + Vietnam Indicators Report ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY .4- Schedule Proposal for USSR Minister of Health, Patrovsky 4, Meeting with General. Goodpaster t- Vietnam Casualties 8 Ltr to Dr. Misael Pastrana Borrero - thanking him for reception Conally received when visiting Colombia fir' 8 * Assistance to U. K. Missle Program "Super Antelope" No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12 : LOC-HAK-295-7-1-6 $ Ltr to His Excellency Georges Pompidou - General Electric and SNECMA Ltr to Dr. Rafael Caldera thanking him for reception Conally received in Caracas No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-295-7-1-6 August -"' Ltr to His Excellency Karl Gruber - leaving Washington `t}` Ltr to Senator Stennis - FY 73 Laotian Ceiling 4 Ltr to Laird FY 74 Defense Budget Dr. David's trip to the Far East Ltr to His Excellency Willy Brandt - the Summit a'8 + Ltr to General Westmoreland - state of the Army Ltr to The Honorable Robert 0. Neumann - commending Secretary Connally's performance f Hem Excellency Sirimavo R. D. Bandaranaike - US support for Ceylon's economic development efforts I- Meeting for acceptance of Soviet Hydrofoil 11 - Presidential participation in swearing in of John Connally to PFIAB 11 Waldheim and the Vietnam Dikes 12 ~- Vietnam Indicators Report ,/'12 4. Implementation of US-USSR Bilateral Agreements 14 + Vietnam Casualties / 14 4 FY-1974 Security Assistance Program Guidance v 14 4.- Franco Issues Succession Decree 17 4- Ltr to The Right Honorable Edward Heath - Northern Ireland 17 4- Supplies and Equipment for RVNAF 17 .. Ltr to His Excellency Ileka Mboyo - farewell note 17 Ltr to General Suharto - Admiral Zumwalt's visit to Indonesia 18 4. French Enciphered Diplomatic Communications 18 Letter to Herb Brownell - Colorado River Salinity Study No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12 : LOC-HAK-295-7-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-295-7-1-6 W August /19 * Highlights of HAK's Second Visit to Japan -19 Sir Robert Thompson's Vietnam Briefings for Southeast Asian leaders +` Vietnam Casualties L-- 21 + GE/SNECMA Case 21 {f Ltr to Kenneth B. Keating - Resignation V22 4- Vietnam Indicators Report Z-22 4 Ltr to Lon. Nol - Cambodia 22 -f Ending Reliance on the Draft 22 +' Turndown of Chad's request for a USG Military Sales Guarantee 23 Ltr to Mrs. Colin M. MacLeod - Letter of appreciation i.- 26 4' Vietnam Indicators Report X27 f Meeting with Secretary Laird vin 4//- (/4~v,~~`+r ,~.?++y i/28 #- Vietnam Casualties 2`.9 + Presidential Determination 29 4- Annual Report to Congress on the International Educational and Cultural Exchange Program 30 Japanese-Iranian Natural Gas Project , GhwA,wt.o 30 --Nomination of Admiral Cousins as SACLANT No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12 : LOC-HAK-295-7-1-6