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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1973
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6 ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY October 1973. ,/I t Nixon letter to Eugene Ormandy re Philadelphia Orchestra's tour of PRC (HAK memo) HAK MEMOS TO PRESIDENT 't Schedule Proposal - President's meeting with Major General Sangoule Lamizana, President of Upper Volta to demonstrate US concern for welfare of drought states of African Sahel; meeting for Oct. 11, 12, oC 15 (HAK proposal) + Nixon letter to Nathan Jacobs thanking Jacobs for his suggestions of a Sino-American Friendship Day. Nixon letter to Pres Duvalier of Republic of Haiti thanking him for acknowledgment of US assistance in fighting recent fire in National Palace (HAK memo) Subj: Annual Report to Congress on Int'l Educational and Cultural Exchange Program (HAK memo to Pres) (Pres signed) 2 Subj: Get-Well Letter to Mauor McFarland of Picton, Ontario (HAK memo) / Z ? Subj: Jewish Emigration from Soviet Union (Scowcroft memo to Pres) 3 f Nixon letter to King Hassan of Morocco (HAK memo) subj: 4 + Talking Points for President's meeting with Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board to meet new Board members and provide guidance as to how Board can best serve Pres -(HAK Memo) ; 10/4/73, 10:30 am, Cabinet Room Subj: State Visit of Pres Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory Coast, Talking Points for President; 10/9/73, 11 a.m., Oval Office (IHAK memo) 4 10 + Nixon letter to Juan Peron, Pres of Argentina re congratulations for assuming Presidency 1 10 + Talking Points for President's meeting with Pres Mobutu of Zaire re bilateral relations; 10/10/73, 10:00 am, Oval Office (HAK memo) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6 IR October 1973 10 + Nixon letter to Pres Toure of Rep of Guinea re latter's letter discussing substantial degree of economic cooperation between US and Guinea 10 Subj: Award of National Security Medal to Lawrence Houston, former CIA General Counsel (HAK memo to Pres, Marshall memo to HAK) 13 Subj: Proclamation of Articles l through 12 of Paris Convention for~Protection of Industrial Property (HAK memo) (Pres signed) ,.' 15 4 Subj: Thai Change of Government Portends No Likely Adverse Effects on US Interests (HAK memo to Pres) 15 Talking Points for President's Meeting with Pres Lamizana of Upper Volta re US concern and assistance to states of West and Central Africa suffering from extreme drought; 10/15/73, 10:00 a. m. Oval Office (HAK Memo) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12 : LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6 HAK, MEMOS TO PRESIDENT October 1973 16 Talking Points for President's meeting with Four Arab Foreign Ministers (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Algeria) re ME situation; 10/17/73, 11:00 am, Oval Office (HAK memo) 18 + Subj: Proposed Amendment to US-Switzerland Atomic Energy Agreement (HAK memo) 18 + Nixon letter to John Dean, DCM, Vientiane thanking Dean for his outstanding contribution to successful completion of Lao Protocol v' 19 4' Subj: Trudeau Thanks President for St. Laurent Message (HAK memo) 20 + Subj: Middle East Situation (Scowcroft memo to Pres) 24 Subj: Ratification of US-Canadian Agreement for Promotion of Great Lakes Safety (HAK memo to Pres) (Pres signed) L ' 25 + Nixon letter to Pres Bongo of Gabon thanking him for his letter informing Nixon that Organ. of African Unity approves candidacy of citizen of Gabon for post of Sec Gen of Int'l Social Security Association (HAK memo) 25 Talking Points for President's meeting with Bipartisan Leadership to brief them on current situation in Middle East; 10/25/73, 8:30 am (HAK memo) V25 Nixon letter to President Koruturk of Turkey re congratulations on 50th anniversary of Turkey 29 {' Subj: Thailand: Reappraisal of Fall of Thanom Government (HAK memo) 29 + Nixon letter to President Ceausescu of Romania re latter's views on situation in ME (HAK memo) 29 Subj: Message to Senate on US-Danish Extradition Treaty,(HAK memo) (Pres signed) 0 +Schedule Proposal for President's Meeting with Chuck Connors prior to latter's visit to USSR; Nov,5 9 (HAK proposal) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12: LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6 ? qP October 1973 + Nixon memo to Sec HEW re Provision of Linear Accelerator to Romania (HAK memo) x'30 t" Nixon letter to President Kauncla of Zambia thanking him for ideas on bilateral relations (HAK memo) V/51 + Schedule Proposal for President's meeting with Dr. Guyford Stever, US Co-Chairman, US-USSR Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Nov. 19-23, 1973 (HAK memo) 31 Subj: Transmittal Messag e to Senate on ICES Protocol (HAK memo to Pres) (Pres signed) (1 f7 rkGl ~.'-- x the, o~ No Objection to Declassification in Full 2009/11/12 : LOC-HAK-298-4-1-6