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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 1, 1974
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/13 : LOC-HAK-299-5-1-4 MEMOS FOR THE PRES March 1974 March 1974 /1 ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY Schedule Proposal for Presidential Meeting with Arnb. Schmidt (US Amb. to Canada) far farewell call (Scowcraft memo to David Parker) 1 Schedule Proposal for Presidential Meeting with Irish .Amb. John Molloy fore the Irish Amb's annual presentation of shamrocks, 3/2/74 (Scowcroft note to Dave Parker attached) 1 Presidential Letter to PM Bandaranaike re expansion of Anglo-American facilities at Diego Garcia in reply to her letter to Pres (HAK memo to Pres attached) /~ 1 Ratification of Gustorns Convention on Intl Transit of Goods (HAK memo to Press (President signed convention) ~;.~ 4 subj: Amendment to US-Rep of China Atic Energy Agree- ment and Superseding US-S~ain Atomic Energy Agreement (HAK memo to Pres) (two Presidential letters to AEC Chair- man Ray attached) memo to Pres, Symse r memo to HAK attached) 4 subj: (HAK 4 subj: Resignation of Italian Government (HAK memo to Pres, Clift memo to HAK attached) Presidential Letter to Mrs. Thomas Howett, President, American Women's Club in London re their 75th Anniversary (HAK memo to Pres attached) Presidential Letter to Hon. John KC Liu, Member of Nat'1 Assembly, .Rep of China re thanks for replica of ancient Chinese vase which Rep Liu brought to WH during his visit to Nat'l Prayer Breakfast Subj: Letters for Mrs. Nixon to Carry to Heads of State of Venezuela and Brazil (HAK memo to Pres) .,/ 7 Presidential Determination 74-15, subj: Presidential Deterrnina- tion under Section 614(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, ~Q a,~,o.,ao,a .~ ~N.r..N ~~.._...~,..,, rti..,_s`..,...,.. ~---iet Hak memo No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/13 : LOC-HAK-299-5-1-4 Y) ( ) ? ~ 7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/13 : LOC-HAK-299-5-1-4 March 174 ~/ 8 /11 cr~~ ,,.~ lz ,/r12 NSDM 246 Subj: End-Use Information Required by US and COCOM Export Controls (HAK/Flanigan memo to Pres attached) Presidential Letter to Scoop Jackson re SALT (HAK memo to Pres attached) Presidential Letter to President Guillermo Antonio Rodriguez Lara of Ecuador re energy crisis (HAK memo to Pres attached) Subj: Letters for Mrs. Nixon to Carry to Heads of State Attending Brazilian Inaugural Ceremonies (Kissingerrnemo to Pres) Talker for President's Meeting with King Hussein, 3/12/74 (Saunders memo to HAK attached) Subj: Materiel Requirements to RVNAF (HAK memo to SecDef, HAK memo to Fres attached) Subj: Message from Former PM "thanking President for his message at the time o# Heath's resignatioza (HAS'' memo to Pres) Subj: Ratification of a Parcel Post Agreement with Cyprus (HAK memo to Pres,. President signed agreement) Status Report on Iceland BAse 1Vegotiations (HAK memo to Pres) Talker for Fresident's Meeting with King Hussein, 3/12/74 (Saunders memo to HAK attached) Presentation of Credentials, Schedule Proposal, far Arnbs. Shaw (Australia), Panayotacos (Greece), Bouchette (Haiti), Ramsbotham (UK), and Nizeyirnana (Rwanda) for 3/7/74 - 3/15/74 (Parker memo to HAK) NSSM 198 Subj: Joint ~[TS-Saudi Economic,. Military and Tech- nological Cooperation (HAK memo to Pres) Subj: Letter to George Blake, President of American CHamber of Commerce of Mexico re Latin America trip (HAK memo to Pres) No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/13 : LOC-HAK-299-5-1-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/13 : LOC-HAK-299-5-1-4 March X974 /l.3 Subj: Restoration of Relations with Sweden (HAK memo to Pres) Presidential letter to Flanigan re congratulations re Peru Investments Dispute Agreement (HAK rrrexno to Pres attached) Presidential letter to Chancellor Brandt on Atlantic Declara- tions (~IAK xr~emo to Pres attached) ~/ 14:: Presidential Letter to President Kekkonen-of Finland of welcome on eve of his visit to US (HAK memo to Pres attached) ~?' 14 ?~ 14 -/~4 Kissinger Letter to Sir Robt Thompson thanking him for his report to the President on Vietnam and Cambodia (HAK memo to Pres attached) Subj: Financial Negotiations with Caechoslovakia (HAK memo to Pres) Subj: Argentina and Our Cuban Denial Policy (HAK memoto Pres) 25X1 (HAK mexna to Pres attached) NSSM 199 Subj: Tndian Ocean Strategy (HAK memo to Fres attached) No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/13 : LOC-HAK-299-5-1-4