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Document Release Date: 
October 16, 2009
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Publication Date: 
November 24, 1969
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No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 AttachrrLents MORI/CDF 005077012 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 THE WHITE WOUS!! WASHLNGTC?N SE R~-l- November 24, 1969 HAK:. ps you will note in Thos p or tWO Depot together ed far i time in the first y hia written report. Z have therefore asked Ho7.dridge to prepare a memorandum. from you, to Chapin asking fcr an appointment with the This should allow President on the 3rd or 4th. him time to put his thoughts together in organiz~'d form and also to reflect on the questions you m.G?y put to him an the ) st. SECRET No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 MEMOILANDUN~ S~ CRET November 24, 1 q69 MEMORANDUM FOR JOHN HOLDRIDGE FR~DM: Al Haig Fox preparation of a mexnarandum from HA7~ to Dwight Chapin asking for (a) a time on the President's schedule fox a meeting .between the Pxesident and Sir Rohert Thompson on December 3 or 4, and (b) an appoint ment with the President for Joe Alsop for approxi.xnately that same period. (The memorandum should note that the Pr. esiden.t inda'.cated to HAK that he wanted to see Alsop thin, anc( had eaxli.ex told Thompson that he wanted to see him. when he' returned from Vietnam.) Gould you plea:,e arrange transportation and hotel accommodations far Thompson. Thompson will see HAK on December 1. W.: will need talking points for this as well as for Thompson's and Also7~'s meetings with the President. Attachment s SECRET No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 WASH 1 NGTON November 24, 1969 MEM4RANDUIvI FOR Henry Kissinger copy to: Bob Haldeman FRUM THE PRESrDEl~1'T Joe Alsop should be invited in to see me to give me his a~~praisal of the Vietnam situ~:tion at approximately the time that 'Chompson comes back. X mentioned this to Joe when I sa~v him at the White House the other night and he will. be exx ecting a call. No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 aLA965 I~o9 ~`du'J ~~'g .a2~a 328! ~~~ 8 ZYH FM SAIGON fiO THE WHITE HOUSE ZEM S E C R E T 2q 10532 NOt- 69 VIA CAS CHANNELS FM SIR R08ERT THOMPSpN, SAIGON gl~ fi0 DR. .HENRY KISSIi'IGER, THE WHITE HOUSE THIS CQPJFIR?i"~S THAT WE ARRIVE. DULLES BY TWA p6O AT 20SS ON SU~JDAY 30TH. GF.ATEFUL IF YOU COULD ARRA'r7GE TRA~JSPDRT A~)D -HOTEL ACCOi~J~lODATION. I PRESUT~E YpU WILL WANT US Tp STAY IfiJ WASJiI3GTOiV ABOUT A MEEK I~1 WHICH CASE WE WOULD LIKE A LIGHT FiRST DAY OR T;,~O, PARTICULARLY I~ .:YOU t~IANT WRITTEN REf'pRT. WE HAVE. BEEt3 MUCH ENCOI)RAGED BY ?UR VISIT A'~'D, LIKE EVERYp~UE ELSE', BY THE GRI:r~T SPEECH ON 3 t70WEPd8ER. WE LEAVE HERE 25TH Ai+JD ARE UISIT::~aG KUALA LUMPUR AND SINGAPORE pN T}JE WAY. G P-~ 1 I25 NNNi~ No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 sFC~Er ,~e,~ No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3 SE~RET November 24, 19b9 A~ you wai2l Hate in Thampson's fxxessage, he asked !vr a tine is the first day or terra to put together hia va~rit; en report. I have therefoxe asked Ho2dr%dde to prepare a, memoraaidu:m from ycw. to Ghapi~a asl:i~xg for axe. appointment with the Fzesidei~t an the Ord yr .4th. This shoex2d alla~v hirn: time to put his thc~aghts together in orgazi#.zed form and also to refle~:t om the questiaaa.s you may put to him an the I st. AI Hzig AL#achr.+a.~,ts SECRET. No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/16 : LOC-HAK-3-2-20-3