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Al No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/24: LOC-HAK-31-4-16-5 a ? 1248 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL DOS, NSS, Review Completed. MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: MR. KISSINGER i JOHN H. HOLDRIDGE Your Meeting with Ambassador Habib on March 9, 1973 at 6.30 p.m. You have agreed to meet with Ambassador Habib March 9 at 6:30 p.m. He is visiting Washington for a medical check-up (as you will recall, he had a heart attack about a year ago) and consultations. U. S. force levels in Korea and related mat ers. Habib is here at a particularly useful' time: we will be ready for an SRG meeting on our Korean policy NSSM in about another two to three weeks. (The Korean force modernization review will be ready somewhat later. ) Also, you recently gave Ambassador Habib uidance on I will plan to sit in on the meeting. Suggested Talking Points - Ask Habib's appraisal of the South-North talks: MORI/CDF pages 1, 3 and 4 per C05125066 . What do the objectives of the two Koreas each appear to be now? Is the North's two-month delay in convening the Coordinating Committee meeting attributable to dissension within its leader- ship, or to differences with Peking? (The North did within the past few days notify the South that it was willing to meet later this month.) Was the shooting incident in the DMZ this week possible related to the delay? Is the North's frustration with Park's insistence on a step-by-step approach, putting the major political questions aside for the present, likely to incline the North to renew limited military and other pressures on Park? XGDS 5b(3) BYA.UTH Mr. Kissinger No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/24: LOC-HAK-31-4-16-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/24: LOC-HAK-31-4-16-5 ,,SECRET/ SENSITIVE 2 What are the relationships between President Park, CIA Director Yi Hu-rak, and Prime Minister Kim Chong-pil as regards the talks? . To what extent does Park rely on U. S. support in carrying on these talks, and to what extent does he see the talks as a hedge against the possibility of a U. S. withdrawal or a deal with the PRC? . What are Park's objectives in trying to establish contact with the PRC? - How does Park assess U. S. intentions vis-a-vis the Peninsula at this point? How important was the U. S. factor in Park's decision to tighten his internal political system last fall? What would Park's reaction likely be if the U. S. were to begin a gradual step-by-step expansion of contacts with North Korea? - - How does Habib assess Japan's position in and intentions toward South Korea at this point, and what role does Park want Japan to play there? - What flexibility will the ROK be willing to show on the Korean question in next fall's U. N. General Assembly? Would it be willing to allow UNCURK to lapse quietly if the UNC could be preserved? Is it disposed to seek the North's agreement to forego debate on the question in the UNGA? - - Ask Habib's appraisal of how Park's internal position stands in the wake of his extensive realignment of the political system since last October. SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/24: LOC-HAK-31-4-16-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/24: LOC-HAK-31-4-16-5 IZgc irTJATION(S) F'ESSAGt:GS) LISTING LATE 0l, 'Z9/73//-,,,%29 25X1 SITUAi I^Nll SUL;dECT CATAGCRYI UTGOING i ESSAGE / At':NLTATIJI: S t NNaTt,TICNS HA4C, SCGL+CRt?'T~!"~I C:ik,l '~I :'! TL" L. TI" J. r'r TEL ;R_' . ~ t, t: CJ i~t;1"I S T J E`C CERTAIN Tr Aa r,i C1,7 1 C ,I? .~ T y0.+ C1s~ ' C +r T f'E~4; e:~lwa:TI, LL, Il.IIA- at:aE! 1_3n. _YU Y;C r. t. T Vll- 1? j W~ ULL I.1 1 HIS !. t' '{T T Z; ASSJ 1 Ht. i t%' F, T CViE E 00 D-1LS MOT C-t~NK-R;TE A Gd: t.t"5S i'F CO ID NCC I''i L' talN THE ?ART OF THE !t'i;" !? E a . It, T'!!" 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ANC SO CDC)r.S TP PR SICE`JT, AS 1W SEES 1 THE ONLY RE!'.L ISSUE Tt?Hf:RFEF;,7RE IS THE !!IX nF GRrU .O FORCE0 Al FORCE', AND INAVY 1 EQJIF(EMMENTS FOR A BALANCED DEFENSE, S',T1L AD.JU Tf",EIJTS CAIN' CF C D(JRS% ! E "'AM: HERE AS A RESULT OF RECCJns' 11 PID4TION$ FROM YQU A-JD GEHE:i AL BENNETT.- FRCH STATE AND FROM -0 E F E, NS C- 4. ANY COMMENTS !,fHICFI YOU W'ILJLD CAP TQ MAI(E TO 11E. DIRECTLY ~FRY WELCO'ly-, I FULLY AprREC I A F THE Cr MPL E XZ i IC S CF T?}! PRC1t LIEMS WHICH E Ft.CE CVER THE MA T f Er Cr-, UU p'IL1 1 ASY P EGA TIC;: ~SHTE'S WITH THE RClKSi ESF :Cat:LLY SINCE THE R UK CL::NSTITUTIQUAL CI?r'e'. GCS WENT INTO EFF CTs AN ;:'ILL LOOK FORwAf:C TQ Y !LRR CUUJ."SEL,. N e WA.RM REGARDS. 42O ST SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/24: LOC-HAK-31-4-16-5