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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 E/CONF, 65/6 WORLD UN FOOD NCAOTNI OF NE R ES NCE Rome, 5-16 November 1974 REPORT OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE ON ITS THIRD SESSION Items 8 and 9 of the Provisional Agenda No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 Resumed fifty?seventh session Agenda item 6 (a) Chapter IV WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE Report of the PreRaratory Committee on'Its third sestion CONTENTS Paragraph*: ISSUES .THAT REQUIRE ACTION BY, OR THAT ARE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF, THE, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL AND THE THE WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE PROGRESS REPORT BY THE SECRETARY?GENERAL OF TRE CONFERENCE 11 ASSESSMENT OF THE WORLD FOOD SITUATION, PRESENT AND FUTURE 12 ? 26 REPORT ON THE MEETING OF INTERESTED DELEGATIONS ON SPECIFIC PROPOSALS FOR POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION BY THE WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE 27 ? 35 THE WORLD FOOD PROBLEM: PROPOSALS FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACTION 36 ? 97 ? Measures for increasing food production in the developing countries ' 42 ? 67 12 13 Policy snd programmes for improving nutrition 68 ? 78 21 23 25 26 VI ORGANIZATION OF THE THIRD SESSION 98? 107 29 ' ANNEXES Action to strengthen world food security 79 ? 85 Trade, stability and. adjustment 86 ? 90 Arrangements for follow?up action 91 ? 97 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 34 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ? 2-. ESCAP FAO GATT IBRD UNICEF UNCTAD UNDP UNEP UNIDO WFP WHO WMO Economic and Food and Agri General Agree International United Nation United. Nation United Nation United Nation United Nation World Food Pr World Health World Meteoro ABBTIVIATIONE facial Commission for Asia and the Pacific ultUre Organization of the United Nations eht On Tariffs7a4 Trade Bank for Reconstruction and Development Children's Fund Conference on Trade and Development Development ,Programme Environment Programme Industrial DeVelpment Organization gramme rganizat ion gioal Organization No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 3 -- I. I33UE2: THAT REQUIRE ACTION BY, OR THAT ARE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF, THE ECONOVIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL AND TET, WORLJ FOOD CONFERENCE Economic and 3ocial Council 1. In accordance with its decision 24 (LVII), the Economic and Social Council will consdier the present report of the Preparatory Comtittee on its third session, together with the report of the World Food Conference, as soon as the. report of the Conference becomes available. World Food Conference 2. This report of the Preparatory Committee on its third session is submitted to the World Food Conference for consideration along with the basic documents on items 8 and 9 of the provisional mends, namely "Assessment of the world food situation, present and future" (E/CONF.65/3) and "The world food situation: _proposals for national and international action" (E/CONF. 65/4). Accounts of the Committee's discussion of these two items are contained in Chapters III and V respectively. 3. Annexed hereto are certain proposals which the Committee decided to transmit to the Conference for its consideration. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 4 - II. pROGRESS REPORT B THE SERETARY-GOERAL OF THE CONFERENCE 4. In presenting to the Commi tee a report of progress on preparations for the World PoOd Conference., he 3edretary6-General of the Conference noted that., since the second session of the Committee, held at Geneva from 4 to ,a June 1974, the mai: food problems proposals for nat E/CONF. 65/4) had been distribu version of the document entitle present and futUre" had also be He felt that the World POCd Con Committee's views on the Conclu the recommendations of the.Yeet: berated on Certain delegations' session. 5. The world food situation, be critical. The hopes of reco in the Year had now faded and t had clouded the prospects for t tackle the short-term problems world food policy for the longe 6. Despite inevitable differe of consensus had emerged during elements of a wbrld food policy a) increasing food product b) improving consumption 0) establiahinr a better a 7. The 3ecretary-General add a package approach. Por instanc logy rested on the application current fertiliSer shortage was production targets in a number added, was the need for investm developing oountries was steppe production goal. 8. The Secretary-General stre ordinated national stock polici priority. The food crisis of th of the present rood aid system 9. Whatever new mechanisms we the Secretary-General said, it a better integration of the maj particular urgency, and the wor development process and to the Conference docum onal and interna ed to member gov "Assessment of n oirculated (B/C erence woad be 1 nt entitled "The world ional action" (E/CONF.65/P rnments. A reviSed and uPd he world food situation, 01410.65/PREP/12, E/CONF,65/ argely guided. by the Prepar ions and proposals in those documents and ng of interested delegations which had deli proposals during the week preceding the thi EP/13, ted tory he 3ecretary-General reported, continued to wheat and grain crops which had been held 0 her e uncertain perf rmance of the monsoon in As'a is year's rice harvest. However, policies to f threatened famie and the development of a run? could not b logically separated. Oes in national reeds and policies, a patter that Meeting of interested delegations on th which rested on three main pillars; on in developing countries; d distribution of food; and stem of world food security. that all the proposals for action were bas on , he pointed out that modern agricultural te hno- f a,combination of complementary inputs. The therefore threatening the realization of to f developing countries. Another instance, he nt capital, and, Unless external assistance up, it would be difficult to attain the fop Bed that a consensus on internationally co- s and an improved food aid policy was of ec 1 past two years clearly pointed to the mad uacY n the face of large-scale emergencies. evolved to deal with the world food proble as essential to achieve closer coordination d No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ? 5 ? 10. In conclusion, the Secretary-General observed that the institutional frame- work ultimately adopted by the Conference for the follow-up of that meeting, to be effective, would have to reflect the world community's political will to eliminate the scourge of hunger. It would have to be a credible organ for mobi- lizing the new resources needed and speak, with greater authority to both developed and developing Countries than any existing mechanisM. 11. At the 39th meeting, the Secretary of the Committee read out a communication from the Secretary-General of the World Population Conference to the secretary- General of the World Food Conference, drawing attention to certain resolutions of the World Population Conference and the portion of the World Population Plan of Action adopted at that Conference, which have a bearing on the work of the World Food Conference. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 6 - IIIbASSESSNENT OF TBE WORLD FOOD SITUATION, PRESENT ANP FUTURE 12. The Preparatory Committe the basis of the information p the World Food Conference enti present and future" (E/OONF.65 delegates. The Preparatory Co introductory statement of the the Assessment document as a c of the preliminary version at provided by the FAO Secret aria commodities in 1974. 13. The analysis and conclus general support though some de points of view. Acknowledging importance of the principal f crisis and notWithstanding the forecast about the world food felt that the document and the a reasonable basis for deliber and international action to BO out that the great majority of based on official data and tha materials could therefore not Secretariat to give its own un situation. It was suggested t of regional and even country d 14. The Preparatory Committe world food problem were to be problems as lol as in the tem natural disasters. Some dele cause of the 4Irld food crisis and plunder by imperialist and satisfied that the important f of food supplies had been corn number of delegates suggested more sharply on the central c 15. The Committee recognized country level over recent year set of causes,' and that the pr of individual countries. Seve effects of ina4equate socio-ao many develop4: countries and rural develo nt including r of production and consumption. framework and conditions of in reviewed the world food situation and outlo k on vided in the re rt by the Secretary-Gen of led "Assessment o the world food situation: PREP/12, E/CONF.6 /3) and in the statements f ittee's review also took into account the ecretariat summarizing the modifications mad in nsequence of the eparatory Committee's die ussion ts second sessio . Supplementary infornlatio4 was on production pzospects for staple food ons contained in the Assessment document roc ived egations felt that it did not fully reflect heir the difficulty ir determining the relative tors which had p ecipitated the current food uncertainties in1erent in making any quantit tive ituation, most delegates of the Preparatory ommittee substance of the main issues raised by it p ?vided tions by the Conferenoe on proposals for nat onal ve the world food problem. Some delegations pointed figures in the report were in certain instan es not the prognosis derived on the basis of these e taken otherwise than as an attempt of the erstanding of the prospects of the world foo at the analysis Could be clarified by the visiOn ta. agreed that the origins and causes of the exit ought in deep-ro ted social, economic and t ctural orary setbacks occasioned by periodic and wi espread tions, however, ontended that the fundament lay in the century-old oppression, exploitation colonialist powers. The Preparatory Committ e was tors which had impinged on the overall availability ehensively treated in the document. However, a hat the Assessment coUd usefully have foc ass and drawn bolder conclusions. that the unsatieljactory food production at t e could not be ascribed in all instances to common cipal factors differed according to the sit tion al delegates pointed to the damaging long..ote nomic structures on the growth of producti in tressed the necessity of carrying out inte ated ioal agrarian reforms in order to improve 1 els Several delegates emphasized that the unsatisfactory ernational trade had comprised the main die 4oentive No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/0,5/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 7 - to accelerated food production in their countries. The Committee stressed that the insufficiency both of investment in fixed capital and of such inputs as fertilisers, pesticiies and adequate rural credit had been a major obstacle to more rapid food production, while a lack of investment in education and research A and the application of research through extension services -had also exacerbated the dimensions of the present crisis. They particularly felt that unless immediate action was taken to ensure availability of food grains and other essential inputs like fertilisers at reasonable prices, the situation is likely to further deteriorate and all the efforts of many Years might be lost. 16. The discussion of the Committee on the possible future evolution of the world food situation covered mainly the period up to 1985. Some delegates, focusing attention on the short-term prospects, referred to the deterioration in the present supply outlook for a number of staple foodstuffs compared with the relative optimism which had prevailed earlier. They asked the Secretariat or the FAO to provide a further up-to-date survey of the short-term prospects to the Conference. These delegates believed that governments might find it necessary to give urgent priority to action to alleviate the hardships to which this situation could give rise. 17. Concerning the longer-term outlook, the Committee generally accepted the substance of the demand and supply analysis presented in document H/CONIP.65/3 which pointed to a probable balance between food demand and supply for the world considered as an entity, but to a widening food gap between demand and domestic production in the developing countries as a whole, unless action was initiated to substantially accelerate the rate of growth of food production in these countries. It was emphasized, however, that such assessments of developments in demand and production over 4 long span of time were inherently subject to a large measure of uncertainty and that the actual magnitude of the future problem might differ widely from the quantitative results obtained in the analysis. 18. Some delegates felt that the real incomes in the majority of developing countries might grow more slowly than had been assumed by the Secretariat, which could mean that the growth of effective demand for food would be less pronounced than had been projected in the Assessment document, but famine and malnutrition would increase. In that event, the projected gap between effective or market demand and production in the developing countries would be less marked. However, the non-effective demand would increase substantially. Some delegates also considered that a change in the pattern of consumption of food in developed countries and possible tendencies away from the use of food grains for livestock feeding, particularly in developed countries, might ease the pressure on the grain market and enable the developing countries to satisfy a greater part of their food needs at a lower cost. 19. While the quantitative dimensions of the projected food gap could thus not be measured with accuracy, delegates agreed that the prospective import requirements of the developing countries, as a group, for the basic foodstuffs would be substantial and would pose a major financial, economic and social problem unless action was taken to accelerate domestic production. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 -8- 20. A number of delegates, determinant of future demand fox' the document to have die requirements in greater depth Secretariat t Prepare for th major deciai 4 of the Popula elements whichwere of parti However, there was general that assumed in the document horizon of 1985, which had be i 21. The Comaitteela dismiss ships between ,the projected f assumptions which had been delegates stated that increas the decade ?tithe sixties won factors as the transfer of degradation, and the diffioul and higher prices of essonti 22. However* the Committee quantification of the full d. possible, there was overwhelm acceleration in the growth of viable lone-term solution of 23. The 00seittee also *gre achieved in the sixties could which was intOlerably high e become worse. Delegates hi unemployed in rural as well children. It, their view, in 'lotion to iMProve the distr. 24. The, Preparatory Committ potentialitiee of increased t drawing on itS examination of delegations stressed, the ilpo structures, .and agrarian refo of technologies shieh involve minimum displaosient of labo means of increasing overall to together with more widespread 25.. NanY delegations atiesse implementation of' the Dedlarat of &New Internwtional Etonomi sixth spacial session y for t relations. tressing the imp or-tood, felt.tlz 404 the balance In this come World Food Cant ion Conference rtance of population grout t it would have been dettir between popUlatiO4 and to ion, some delegates expecte ream a document outlining drawing attention to thos ax' relevance to the work of the World Food ement that population growth patterns other Cad have theirteatest impact beyond the t the basis of t Secretariat analysis. on on the lOnge d deficits of de concerning to s in food product d now require mo icultural land to oft outlook considered the loping countries and the production in the future. on even at the rates achie vigorous efforts in view other uses, problems of 1 i.e of enhancing Orop yields, due to the shO inputs, especially fertilizers. unanimous in i ensions of the to ng evidence of t food production ' he food problem. I view that, even though p d problem of the future w urgent need for a ?onside developing countries as t that, unless th growth rates of food prod be increased, the present level of undernour n on the basis of conservative criteria, co privation, in particular, of vulnerable groups, es uct ion must be accompanied food between socio-e6 ighted the severe in urban areas eases in food p tion of income 26. The prooratory Oesmitte to mobilize all available res prove possible' to solve the fo 9 General AsSembly resolutiO undertook a pre iminary discussion of the produotion, in luding fisheries producti he cause4 of pas performance. Thus, vario mice which they 4ttaohed to improvements in to ieorAo1ogica. advances, including the d leen dependence pon isported resources and I to the reductio of post-harvest losses as d supplies, and he mobilization of human iffusion of know edge at the farm level. the importance which they ettaChed to the on and the Programme of Action OA the Eatab continued ref?f old and unreasonable Order adopted t? of' General Assembly at i e cont as a le the he onterance. than relation &mei d in f such ages cise not able e only ction 'absent f the fatally hy c groups. agreed that onli by greatly intensified eft ces, physical, financial and human, would problem in the Short and longer-term. 3201 (S.ATI) and 3202 (SVI). No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 tura velOPSent the a ouroes, ishment cOnomic No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 9 - W. REPORT ON THE MEETING 'OF EffERESTED TRIMG4TI0NS ON SPECIFIC PROPOSALS FOR POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION BY THE WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE 27. At the opening meeting of the third session of the Committee (22nd plenary meeting on 23 September 1974), mr. Aftsb Ahmed Khan (Pakistan) as Chairman of the Meeting of interested delegations on specific proposals for possible consideration by the World Flood Conference made an oral report on the results of the Meeting. The statement was circulated, at the request of the Committee, as document E/CONT.65/PREP/L.7. 28. He recalled that the Committee at its second session had recommended to the Economic and Social Council that a meeting of interested delegations be convened in Rome from 16 to 20 September 1974 to consider the specific proposals mentioned in the Committee's reportai The Economic and Social Council, 0 its fifty-seventh session, approved the convening of the meeting.2/ 29. The meeting opened in the morning of 16 September and ended in the afternoon of 20 September after holding nine sessions with 57 delegations and 10 observers participating. 30. The meeting considered the proposals referred to it by the Preparatory Committee at its second session, as well as a new proposal. These were: (1) World Fertilizer Fend proposed by Sri Lanka (E/CONF.65/4 pares 668-671); (2) World Bank of Food, Agricultural Inputs Supply and Research, proposed by Mexico (Annex I); (3) Agricultural Development Fund, proposed by Sierra Leone on behalf of the African Group (E/CONF.65/4, para 673); (4) World Food Security Council, World Flood Bank and International Agricultural Development Fund or Bank, proposed by Bangladesh (R/C0NF.65/4, pares 675-678); (5) Universal Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger, a draft submitted by Peru (E/CORF.65/i3REF/L.5/Add.1 and Corr.1), the text of which was subsequently revised by Peru (Annex IX); and (6) World Wide Information System on Food. and Agriculture Situation, proposed by Japan (Annex II). E/5533, pare 19. E/SR.1916. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 10 -1 31. Pbe Chairman repo there was agreement on (a) ed that, during t e exchange of views at the meeting, s: he following po An integrated approach should be adopted in solving the we id food problem; (b) All proposals Preparatory C elements- of The Secretary several essen be neoessary of the propo (d) The main eIe 655 of docume provisions of particularly and the need referred to above merited consideration by t e mmittee as they Constituted important and co? lementary ch an approach; nerelis propos4 (E/CONF.65/4) had taken count of ials of the individual proposals. However, it will o further examin; them in order that the mai elements is are fully realized through proposed folio up action; nts of a world fOod policy, as summarized i paragraph t E/CONF.65/4, received full support. These are the additional resources to increase food produ ion, n the developing countries, the need to imp ove food aid o ensure greater food security; Effective fol ow-up action is Ineeded to achieve the obje. ives which are expected o emerge from the deliberations of the Worl. Food Conference. Effective fol ow.up action will require fficient and adequate institutions. Hence, there is need for xamining the possibili y of improving and modifying existing institutions and/or setti up coordinative mechanisms to meet the c,:ing requirements; As regards t be set up to proposals on 32. The Secretary-Gen evoked l considerable in establishment of a pro Natione and its member engage attention. First, there was a wid arrangements for oh countries .were not fun proliferation of organ should only be ?onside gaps or to promote bet structure. Thirdly might flos necessary to In thii context it was views Of potential don a bearing on the quest e proposal for a eclaration, a Working Part Should examine the Peruv an draft and any other id:s and, hat subject. ral's proposals 24garding institutional crest as theres a general consensus that wi or organizational structure to lead the Unit countries was a jor issue which was bound n the discussion, several general principles spread feeling that existing organizational lling development aid and support to develop tinning adequatelfr. Secondly, unneoes zations should bed avoided. New arrangeme a d where it was desired to meet well-defined existing er management wit out duplicating an existi additional instihtutional changes or arrange nts nerate new reso ces for agricultural devel merit. suggested that t e Secretary-General asoerta n the rs, as it was thoUght that their response wo ld have on of institutional arrangements. meats he emerged. ng No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/95/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ?11- 33. During the debate wide support was expressed for the specific proposals by Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh, Mexico and Japan. There was also general agreement on the need for the issuance of a declaration in some form. In addition, there was widespread support for the need to tap new sources of funds to promote agricultural development. In this context, the need for substantial external assistance was underlined, though it was acknowledged that domestic resources would also have to be augmented. The suggestion was made to the effect that a consultation might be held between traditional and potential donors. 34. Several ideas were put forward during the debate suggesting improvements and modifications in order to streamline and modernize existing arrangements for channelling development assistance. These included expanded consultations amongst the donors; creation of a Consultative Group of experts; formation of a Steering Committee; expanding the c)ordinating role of the Economic and Social Council and of the World Food Programme; upgrading of FAO Council, and so on. 35. At the 40th meeting on 4 October 1974, the Committee took note with appreciation of the report on the Meeting of interested delegations on specific proposals for possible consideration by the World Food Conference. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 12 -, V. THE WORLD FOOD 36. The Committee revie presented in the Secretari Secretariat of the World. P sections of the document w therein. , 37. There WAS general required to expend world f To achieve that end, ii and international sources governments of developing context of their overall n organizations and finanoi their foreign assistance 38. Th* was general s for increasing food produ elements: (a) making nvell0 as fertilisers improved Man (b)1 the expansion and extension an appropriate ( ) comprehensive i particularly t (d) a major more in food produ 39. Some delegates poin in the strategy for inc 40. Stress was also lai in the vulnerable groups, 41. Many delegates, ho under coneideration until Committee, and this facto had meant that no spocifi disapprove the detailed emphasized that they bad proper attention and were contained in the document ?BLEW: PROPOSALS : the proposal* t document (E/CO od Conference int th a brief eipl POR NJOIONAL AND INTERNATI AL ACTION r national and internatio action .65/PREP/131 E/CONP.65/4). The uced each of the first fur tion of the analysis and gestions ement in the Coinittee that increased effo s were d production, prtioularly in developing o tries. agreed that inc eased resources from both tional uld be required. i It was also agreed that n tional i ountries Should ve priority to agriculture in the tional plans, an donor countries and. into ational institutions should give priority to agrio ture in gramme. port among delegations for the Secretariat ion in developing countries which included ?he following strategy e sufficient quantities of agricultural inpu pesticides, muter resources, high-quality a ment; f resources for research and delivery of inf n general and agricultural credit so as to e technology in given conditions; al development'eo designed as to involve e small farmer and landless worker; and e in internal and external funds available f ion development. ed out the importance of the education of tug food production in developing countries on the need to raise nutritional levels, as and to strengthen food security. von pointed out that they had not received t just prior to the present session of the Pre together with the limited time available to action was taken by the Committee to approv posals presented in the document. Some del ot received the Official document in time to unable to expressi their views on specific s such eds and rmat ion aborate ople, No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 Section I: Measures for increasing food production in the developin&countries 42. The Committee agreed in the main with the detailed analysis of the problems facing the developing countries in accelerating the growth of their production. It was the view of the Committee that the most important issue was that of increasing production in the developing countries and it supported the Main lines of the proposals set out in Ohapters 1 to 8 in the document. It noted that the Secretariat's proposals included 44 specific suggestions for consideration by the ? World Food Conference and felt that an indication of the scale of priority to be attached to these items would help the World Food Conference to concentrate on the more important proposals. Several delegates noted that a number of the proposals related to the strengthening or expansion of the relevant activities of FAO and other agencies, and suggested that the agencies Should consider these proposals in formulating their programme of work and budget in the light of the Conference's recommendations. 43. Most delegates agreed with the analysis of the objectives of production policies, national resPonsibilities and international cooperation and aSsietance as presented in Chapter I, emphasising in particular the responsibility of the developing countries to formulate their food production objectivee and goals in the context of their economic and social development planning and their population policies. Several delegates emphasised the essential nature of institutional change and of the reform of the social structure in developing countries including agrarian reforms as the essential basis of an integrated rural development enoompassing all strata of the population as a prerequisite for achieving further sustained increases in food production, and eliminating hunger and malnutrition. Attention was also drawn to the Problem posed by the rapid increase in population and to the need for the Conference to give due consideration to the Plan of Action adopted by the World Population Conference. 44. The Committee agreed with the document's statement of objectives of food production within the framework of egonomic and social goals. for the short, medium and long term and with the need for international cooperation and assistance as based on paragraph 109, and felt that thee0)2hinntiYes could be incorporated in any general declaration which the Conference might wish to adopt, leaving the specific action proposals to be dealt with in recommendations or resolutions. A few delegates questioned the usefulness of setting regional goals for food produotion. 45. The Committee attached special importance to the proposals in Chapter 2 regarding the short and medium term measures for increasing the supply of fertilizers, pesticides, seeds and credit, and laid particular emphasis on the contribution which these inputs would make to increasing food production in the critical short run. The Committee noted with appreciation the action taken by the FAO Council in pursuance of Economia and Social Council resolution 1836 (LVI for setting up an International Fertilizer SWAY Scheme (IFS) and the progress of its operations as reported by FAO. The IFS had 80 far obtained promises or pledges of .a limited quantity of fertilizers; unless further supplies could he mobilized, the physical availability of fertilisers would fall far short of the urgent needs or the developing countries, particularly those most seriously affected by the recent economic crisis. The financial resources which could be No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 __.---' mobilized f r the put-Chase correspondti to at 'best one The Committee exprested con at the adverse effect of th term prospeet for bridging requested PO 'to provide an Conference d urged the Co ways and mens of giving an problem. ' 46.' Ae-regarde the medium need for additional invest 116.5 billiOn on new dapaCit developing countries urged in fertiliSer plants in th natural reSources as well sized plant*. Several del efficiencyof existing fe since meet of these plants was wide eapport for proPo The Committee-agreed.lhat,' to be built, Particularly demand for fertilizer and It took note in this comic Commitsion for Asia and th PertilitertjUnd fel* the to policy., I was suggested UNIDO and FAO,' an expert repommendationst Should be , 47. Emphasis was laid o and on the-efficient use efficient extension *end also placed on the need f manures. 48. Not .ng the importan conservat on, a number of term act ion proposal (par make the atocks available on concesaional terms. availability of pesticide The Committee felt that t caused by the economic di and recoMmended that ur Committet also re-emphasi and etre sold the need'to including? biological coot delegate pointed out t their national plant pro and that UNIDO, UNE' and -14- f fertilisers by the developing countries half of the physiCal supply promised to rm. ern at the precarious fertilizer situation d shortage and high prices thereof on the she he food gap of the developing countries. It up-to-date report on the IPS to the World P erence-to give Priority to the consideratio of ort to IPS to ellable it to tackle the Jame Jades and long term, the Committee noted that the was nt within the net three to four years of a ut as estimated inIthe document. Delegates o that a high prio:ity be allotted to the inve se developing co tries which had oil, gas o those which had the markets to justify eff gates stressed th need for an increase in p ilizer plants, p icularly in the developin were working at around 60 percent capacity. ale in'the dorms t for abort and lonriterm in the long run, ore fertilizer plants woul n developing co ries, in order to meet the hat there was ne d to develop a world fertil on of the Sri Lnka and the Economic and a Pacific propos a for the creation of a Wo lotion and imp ementation of such a world hat, under the a spices of such agencies IX alysis of the lo ger-term position, includ made urgently. tment other cient- duction countries, There tion. have increasing ser policy. oial ld fertiliser IBRD, g relevant development and .rehefer of intermediate te ?logy t f fertilisers. Xil s training of farmers thr more es was considered of vital importance. is was No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ? 15 ? global programme for research and training in integrated pest control. In view of current reports concerning the problem on pesticides within the longer-term period, it was suggested that, under the auspices of such agencies as IBRD, UNIDO and FAO, an expert analysis of the longer-term position, including relevant 4 recommendations, should be made. 49. The Committee recognized the crucial importance of adequate stocks of seeds of the right improved variety for timely distribution, noting in this connexion the very considerable impact of the Nffs in bridging the food gap in several developing countries in the recent past. Only a few countries had established proper seed multiplication, etorage and distribution systems and there was urgent need for more assistance to countries to establish efficient seed industries. There was general support for the proposals outlined in paragraph 180, subject to the following considerations: (a) the Seed Industry Development Programme of FAO should be more broadly based and further strengthened; (b) in order to avoid misuse of seeds as grains, the seed reserve stocks should be kept distinct from food reserve stooks; and (c) greater attention should be given to develop storage techniques under difficult and diverse conditioas on the lines of the efforts of the FAO Working Group set up to identify such techniques. 0 50. The Committee stressed that it was essential for agricultural development to provide adequate technical and financial assistance to developing countries in order to promote the establishment of facilities for manpower training and the setting up of an improved extension services system in those countries. 51. The absence of specific mention of agricultural machinery as an essential input for inoreasing food production in developing countries was raised by several delegations, especially those from African countries. It was emphasized that mechanization, even in a plentiful labour situation, was essential to ensure timely primary cultivation and harvesting activities on an expanded acreage or where multiple cropping was practised, or to handle the produce from high yielding varieties. Reference was made to the recommendations formulated on the mechanization question during the Eighth FAO Regional Conference for Africa (August 1974) at which the importance of this matter had been stressed and requests submitted for concrete action with the object of developing a form of mechanization to suit African conditions. Delegations from other developing' regions also recognized the need for similar' adaptive research and training, and, wherever possible, for the local production of improved hand-tools, animal draught, tractors and implements. In this connexion, the Committee noted that the FAO Conference at its Sixteenth Session made a request to the Director- General of FAO concerning mechanization. 4/ 4/ Report of the Conference of FAO, Sixteenth Session, pare 163. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 10 52. Several delegations al in the developing world for to prevailing conditions. tools and implements and a as well as an appropriate oo consumer items for internal 53. The important role of attention was given to the needy group, especially th experience existing in the the channelling of credit farmers. They suggested th technical stasis-Wince to pro possible ',seed" capital for the view that developing co building up of their credit in external assistance. 54. Apart from the variou link between producer and 0 by the Committee. It felt infrastructUre and that me due consideration with a vi reducing ?the costs of deliv this respect, some delegate 000perativel could play. reduction of post-harvest 1 1 55. The COmmitteels atten development (including the water resources which would of existing irrigated area, under irrig1d agriculture in Tainted As. The cost : irrigation schemes and to $ billion, with a foreign ex of many developing oountrie programmes Which in some co water management techniques for oomplementary investmen parallel deVeloPment of whi not be fully reaped. Not in annual rate of investment f a corresponding increase in range of abOut $2.5 billion transfers on this scale o It was explained that the t concentrated in the same co programme costs should not capacity of individual coun o drew the atten ppropriate or "i oh technologies gree of meohanis tion in agricultural produ lex of prooessing of agricultural products as well as export markets. ion of the Committee to th termediate" technologies uld include the improveme credit was stressed by most delegations, and roblem associated with providing credit for small farmers. Several delegates referred eveloped world under cooperative credit eche d the provision o savings facilities for th t such experience should be used in the form xtension services and wher t schemes. The Committee much greater attention to der to absorb sizeable inc ide training and agricultural cred tries should giv institutions in o inputs into agriCultural production, the f neumer, i.e. that of marketing, was also e hat marketing was an essential part of the ures for the imprOvement of marketing? should w to ensuring a reasonable return to the f ry of agricultural products to the consume referred to the important role which farmer e contribution of effective marketing to the saes was also stressed. ion was drawn to the proposed programmes for xtension of cultivation to new areas) of lan entail (a) the " provement of 46-million,he (b) the expansio by 1985 of 23 million bee and (0) land de elopment in 153 million he of the prograMmeamounted to $59 billion fo O billion for rai fed areas, i.e. a total of angs component of about $30 billion. Repress strongly emphasized the importance of these tries should also include flood control and Several representatives also stressed the s on transport and communications, without t the benefits from land and water develo that the proposals envisaged a stepping-up om all sources to about billion per annum, external finencig from about $700 million t by 1980, several delegates doubted whether r d be realistically envisaged or. fully &Door ee components of the programme were not nec tries, and hence the magnitude of the total e a decisive factor as regards the abeorpti ries. The Committee further emphasized the need apted t of tion into particular he moat o the as for small of ver uPPorted, the eases her asized cultural. be giVen ere and ? In No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 the and ares ares tares $69 ntatives sound eed t could f the with a souree d. ssarily eed No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ? 17 ? for large scale training programmes, particularly at the medium level, as well as the need to adopt intermediate technology in the fields of land and water, as well as other training programmes in many other agricultural sectors. The Committee emphasized international river basin planning and development, the development of minor irrigation schemes, and similar aspects. some delegations stressed the importance of taking account of ecological implications in the development of land and water resources so that short-term gains would not be offset by long-term losses. 56. Further, the Committee underlined the need for carrying out's, World Survey of Water Resources and Irrigation Potential, as proposed in paragraph 200 of the document, in order to improve and update the hydrological data, both on global and national 'levels. It noted that such a survey would be closely correlated with the assessment of soil resources by theoproposed International Land Resources Centre, and emphasized the importance of gearing the survey to concrete proposals. Referring to the proposed International Irrigation Development and Water Use Institute (paragraph 201), several delegates felt that FAO could carry out many of the Institute's functions within its present mandate. 57. The Committee recognized the important contribution that national and international research programmes could make to the increase of food production in developing countries and agreed that this was one of the priority areas for national and international action. Noting the high pay-off of outlay on research, the Committee agreed with the need for increased outlays on the international research programme, as well as for the strengthening of national research. However, the Committee felt that, to achieve the estimated annual outlay of the order of $1.2 billion on research, considerable trained manpower and other resources would be necessary. In this connexion, it emphasized the need for adequate education and training programmes. The Committee noted that the cost-benefit analysis of research was difficult but would be discussed at a conference to be held in January 1975. It was hoped that the discussions on that occasion would assist greatly in the planning, programming and budgeting of future major research efforts, both at the national and at the international levels. The Committee noted that the machinery of the Consultative Group and its Technical Advisory Committee, as developed under the programme sponsored jointly by FAO, IBRD and UNDP, had proved flexible, effective and successful in many ways, and that many delegations felt that it deserved consideration in other areas of the action programme. 58. Some delegates emphasized the need for including in the research programme activities looking into the long term, while others emphasized the inadequate research results available on crops such as pulses, root crops, non-staples and other crops. The Committee emphasized the need for greatly enhanced efforts in basic and adaptive research on problems of tropical, arid and semi-arid agriculture, and particularly food crops. The Committee attached special importance to the information and delivery system needed for transmitting the results of research through extension and other organizations. It felt that the information and extension services needed for this purpose had not been as fully emphasized and formulated in the relevant chapters of the document as their importance would warrant. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 10 - 59. The Committee stres losses and, waste, part icul make towards reducing the activities produoed waste environmental pollution if employmenti..generating oppo emphasized. IA this conne appropriate technologies t The considerable scope an such as sugar-refining we industries companies to i organizing these industri 60. RecOgnisiag the im that plane and Programmes of breeding, nutrition an strengthening the resear and at national levels, w for tropiOal conditions. 61. The Committee reco control ot African Animal number of,African countri region's annual meat prod that progress in trypano possible the implement ati livestocklproduction pots trypanosoMiasis and toots of an integrated plan of projects covering pasture livestock marketing, and 62. The Committee felt attention, especially in The marine resources of t increased catches without development aimed at water and seawater dose to inoreaie technical an improving processing acti felt that greater attent" and small scale fisherie Poorer sections of the 63. The Committee ful food production increase through technical soluti particularly of small f which represented them. utmost priority to polio of the riral population the contributi ly in the handl ood gap of devel roducts whioh co a waste manageme unities present on, the Committ suit the reeour need for investm e noted, as were est in joint ven O was also stress rtanee of the liv for the developm animal health. which prevention of post 'lig and storage of the prod ping countries. Many proc d be potential sources of t scheme was not adopted. d by the agro-industries w e underlined the need for e positions of different c outs in food processing act" he opportunities for the ures. The role of coopera d. stock sector, the Committe t thereof should encompass here was need for further programmes in lie areas, both at internat th a view to evolving methods and techniques ized the importan trypanosomiasis w s and was expecte ction by about 1. iasis and tsetse e of the action proposal f Joh was of interest to a 1 to result in increasing t million tons. The Commit fly control techniques now n of large-scale operations in regions where tial was warrant $. The Committee emphasize fly control sboi4d be considered as the f" conomic developm t, to be followed by pro improvement, li stock management, animal h rocessing and ed cation. hat the developm t of fisheries deserved s iew of the fast wing protein needs of th e world still prjvided a considerable poten impairing copse ation. Further, research ulture, the bre:ling of fish in freshwater, al speci suppo . The Committee stressed financial assistance to the developing coun ities, storage and distribution. The CoMmi n should he given to the development of art the benefits of which would largely accrue pulation. supported the view that the goals and obje in developing coOntries could not be achiev sl but required the involvement of the pow ere and landless workers as well as of the To that end, the developing countries should as and programmes designed to enable the poo o participate in the development of producti est could Being The re eveloping wit rise. vitiee ives in emphasized 1 aspects anal suitable No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ? 19 ? employment, to obtain adequate access to technology, inputs, credit and marketing facilities and to improve their income and nutritional statue. The Committee agreed with the integrated approach to rural development indicated in Chapter 6 of the document, in particular the emphasis placed on mobilizing rural people, securing their participation and encouraging self-reliance. It also agreed that no olear pattern of rural development could be suggested for universal adoption. 64. Some delegates pointed out that, in many developing countries, women constituted well over halt of the total labour force in arable farming. However, the participation of women in agricultural production was usually given inadequate attention. It was proposed that the Conference should stress the role of women in rural development and discuss implications for education and extension. 65. The Committee stressed that agrarian reform in its widest sense should be a key element of rural development, the main objective of which should be to improve the condition of the small farmers, /endless labourers and other sections of the rural poor. It also recognized that, While agricultural extension and education should be a necessary element of rural development programmes, these should not be confined to securing an increase in agricultural productivity but should encompass structural improvements, increases in employment and a better distribution of the product. The attainment of these objectives would require the strengthening of institutional and other support, especially to the weaker sections of the farming and rural community, and also, in many countries, institutional innovations. The Committee noted that many developing countries would need to strengthen their planning efforts and madhinery-and adopt an integrated approach to the analysis of the rural sector. The need for technical assistance in such planning, as well as in developing suitable services and facilities, was also underlined. 66. The Committee gave special attention to the proposals made in Chapter 8 on the requirements of financial resources necessary for the implementation of the different programmes for increasing food production in developing countries. Many delegates agreed that the present level of development assistance flow to agriculture ($1.5 billion) was inadequate, and needed to be increased very substantially by 1980 to meet the proposed goals and objectives. Delegates from some of the developed countries stated that they were still examining these estimates, and would explain their position at the Conference. Some of these delegates felt that, since agriculture was an integral part of the developing process, the allocation of increased external as well as domestic resources to agriculture involved policy choices on the part of the developing countries concerned. The sectorial allocation of bilateral aid depended not only on the donors but much more on the wishes and priorities or the recipient governments. A few delegates observed that, in order to step up the transfer of external resources to the levels indicated, there would have to be a substantial increase in the absorptive capacity of the developing countries and a considerable easing of such constraints as institutional capacity and trained manpower. The delegates of many developing countries supported the proposals No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 in paragraPh 455, and ind goals in the medium term on a much higher scale th of mobiliaing domeetie're situation caused by infla difficulties. 67. The Committee noted resources were linked to the setting up of an 81414ri issues should be consider cated that their, pended very: ar .at present. Th ources to the u ion,,shortages o that the estimat he propoaels for ltural developm d together by th rospects of achieving prod ly on receiving external y also emphasized their in Bt, in spite of the critic inputs and balance of palm at ion sistance antin s of the requirements of fi ancial fellow-up action, in parti ar- t fund, and felt that these two World Food Conference.. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 21 -, Section: II; 'Policy:andProgrammoo for Improving Nutrition 68. The Committee generally agreed that Section II of the document contained valuable analysis and proposals for action to alleviate malnutrition and undernutrition. It reaffirmed. the fundamental :right of all to be adequately fed. 69. The Committee streSeed the importance of adopting: eounder and more coherent measures in the field of nutritional improvement, which should form part Of integrated national food and nutrition policies and programmes. Those, in turn, should receive high priority in the national socio-economic development plans , of individual countries. Although such measures were 4 matter of natioual responsibility' the international community should also provide adequate assistance. 70. The Committee emphasized that policies to increase consumption and improve nutritional levels should be closely linked to policies for production as well, as to those aiming at the:increa6eAn and better dixtribution of incomes. 71. The Committee felt that it: was necessary to make a distinction between long-term means of combating poverty and those of a shorter-term 'nature designed to secure prompt relief of the nutrition difficulties of the Most vulnerable groups. While the former constituted the ultimate answer, the latter might well contribute an immediate solution to the plight of the ,hungry people in the world. 724 The Committee emphasized the importance of specific feeding programmes as a short and medium-term means of improving the nutritional statue of children, mothers and other vulnerable groups There was agreement that these programmes' should be considerably strengthened, and that they should serve the needs of the right people in the vulnerable groups. These programmes should riot only depend - on external : reseuroes4 but should try to utilize local foods as much aa, possible It was recegnized, however, that, for many developing cOuntrits, dependence on food aid would continue for some time for the establishment -and strengthening of feeding prOgrammee. Some delegates emphasized the need to integrate the special feeding Programmes in health programmes. 73. Priority should be given to feeding children and mothers, and :those programmes should be closely linked to programmes for nutritional education, since the latter were of great importance in improving nutritional levels. Particular emphasis was laid by a number of delegates on breast-feeding practices as a way of preventing malnutrition in children Delegates stressed the role of international agencies such as WHO, UNICEF, FAO and the WFP, as well as of a great number of non- governmental voluntary organizations, and the contribution expected of them in the implementation of future and wider programmes. 74. The Committee attached considerable importance to the role of international and regional nutrition research centres and to general research in that field, which should be of a multidisciplinary nature. Research could yield satisfactory results when applied to the utilization of local resources, to the nutritional . 'content of food crops through better breeding, to food technologyi processing and marketing. It also stressed that these results should be widely disseminated. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 .* 22 - i 75. A number of delegates s relationship between these the need to reduce the impac in chapter l. of the docume that end appeared to be und and should be carried out as the document had not paid s from over-consumption of foe food and nutrition policy in make more feed available for the present consumption patt a model. reseed the haa1t1 aspects and the close inte nutritional pr lems. Attention was drawn of specific nut itional deficiencies, as in t. Although the dosts of the necessary camps stimated, those programmes deserved special a matter of great urgency. Some delegates fe ficient atteniior to the health problems res in developed ootntries, and urged the need these countries 4lso which would, among othe the rest of the World. It was also pointed o rn of developed oountries should not be take 76. A number of delegations also stressed the great importance of traini qualified personnel in all f.elds related to nutrition, food technology, and consumer education and p etection. Jested gns to attention t that lting or a things, t that as arketing, 77. Mhny delegates?express their agreement with the idea of setting fil ecific targets for improving nutrit'oft. Some of them,. however, expressed 1-ese tiona as regards the targets in th document, in vi w of the weakness of the b sic data, and felt that that asp et merited furth r discussion by the World rood Conference. Nevertheless; on of the priority actions to be undertaken b governments was the improvem nt of their basie data on the nutritional situation and food consumption patterns, including medical and other health parameters, with a view, to providing a firma basis for targets for nutritional improveme t, thereby facilitating the fo ulation of natio1 al food and nutrition poll ies and programmes end improving th 1 orientation and tilization of international assistance. 73. The Committee took note of the statement UNICa on behalf of their e ganizations. Whil related ?problems of health r.d malnutrition, measures at the national an international le willingness of their respective organizations beration with other interested agencies, in t of programmes aiming at the solution of these II of the decument, provid adequate funds w zation and execution of sue programmes. made by the observers of 0 and stressing the gravity of he inter- nd the urgent need to adop appropriate l, the Observers re-affi ed the to participate actively, i oolla- e formulation and implementation problems, as recommended ' ASection re made available for the gani-- No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/95/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ? 23 Section III; Action to Strengthen World Food Security 79. The Preparatory Committee examined several proposals to strengthen World food security, including those made by delegations and those contained in Section III. The Committee felt that urgent action was needed. to ensure the availability at all times of adequate supplies of foodstuffs. It agreed that the proposals before it, which included the establishment of a food information and early warning system, a coordinated system of national stock policies as envisaged in the proposed international undertaking on World Food Security, better arrangements for meeting emergency food requirements and the formulation of a long.-term policy on food aid, represented a useful basis for formulating a meaningful world food security policy. The Committee stressed that lasting food security rested fundamentally on increased food production, particularly in the developing countries. 80. The Committee reviewed the proposal for a food information and early warning system contained in the document under consideration and the proposal submitted. by Japan for the establishment of a World Wide Information System on Food and Agriculture Situation (Annex II). It agreed that there was an urgent need for establishing a worldwide food information system to strengthen the implementation of world food security and to promote market stability in a constantly changing food and agricultural situation. It felt that the main features and Objectives of the two Proposals were essentially similar and complementary and that it was desirable to combine them. It also noted that the nucleus of a food information system already existed in FAO and that other international organizations/ such.* as the International Wheat Council, also collected useful information: on food and agriculture. There was support for building on these existing information arrangements. The global food information system should aim at identifying countries or regions where acute food shortages were likely to arise, at moni- toring the world food supply-demand situation in order to help governments to take prompt measures and at contributing to the efficient working of the proposed international undertaking on World Food Security, The Committee felt that the food information system should assemble, analyze and disseminate comprehensive and timely information on, inter alias the situation and prospects of main crops and livestock products, export availabilities and importresairements, supplies of agricultural requisites, particularly fertilizers and weather conditions, inclu- ding, as far as possible, forecasts. ManssdeIegates stressed that full and active participation in the information system by all countries, particularly those which were major producers, consumers and/or traders, was essential for the effective functioning of the system. The Committee recognized that technical assistance would be required to build up national food information services in developing countries. Several delegates stressed that some of the information provided by governments might be sensitive and would, need to be used with care and discretion so as to avoid speculative activities which would disturb the markets. 81. The Committee, in its consideration of the proposal for an international, undertaking on World Food Security, welcomed the progrees made in FAO in deve- loping a common aPProaeh in this field and gave its fall support to the proposal to maintainadectuate reserve stocks of basic foods which could provide the world with a margin of safety against production shortfalls. The Committee stresses that it was essential for major producing and consuming cOuntries to adhere to the proposed undertaking so. that the objectives of world fnod security could be fully met. The Committee noted that some detailed practical and technical ,problems would need to be resolved if the operation of the undertaking was to be effective No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 24 - and hoped that progress in thi governmental bodies of PAO. supply situation, food stocks disrupting the market. Commo appropriate balance of supply for financial And technilal, as maintain food reserves was al 82. Some delegates suggested be strengthened by an underst countries on a more precise and national targeta for stock levels to both producers and c would be made as Soon as possi direction would be made in the appropriate w nter.. was recognized that, in view of the current tight ould need to be uilt up slowly in order to void y stocks could successfully created ona if an d demand had ben previosuly attained. The need istance to deve ping, countries to establis and underlined. hat it would be useful if the' undertaking id ing among the major cereal exporting and im orting closel1 Organized scheme of reserves with lobal and on the stabilization of prices at teas neble nmumers. They ed that progress in that direction le through negot ations in appropriate fora. 83. The Committee reviewed th proposals on lo-term policy for food aid for arrangements to meet emer noy food requir ants as contained in the d before it."It agreed that the am n action tor the solution of the food pro in developing countries shoul come from increasing food production in tho countries themselves, but food aid would still be necessary foi. several Y ahead. That COmmittee distin iehed three types of food aid - for smergeno purposes, to dombat hunger a 4 malnutrition and to assist in accelerated e development. 84. Regarding emergency fo ments in the existing ar areas. Many delegations saPha the capacity Of the World 'Po operations. The Committee lad was one of the main obstacles stockpiling of baso foods, e would also spied up emergency up an international food rose examination of this 'proposal De1e46e, financing or institu extended rolelfor the World 85. As regards the longer-te while recogniling that food a' nature, agreed that forward p were netessarY, 'within the: impart impart a reasenable degree of cations expressed 4 willingne to enter into these commitmen terms. The CoMmittee stressed cost of food aid amongat all support for increasing the gr multilaterel Part of sueh aid It *greed that the elimineti objeotiVe of *Unger-tern f needed on defining the soope mittee agreed"that the role o in the perepeetiie of the eV* was recognized that, in Copt, assistance praferred. The C disincentive effects Of food on 'normal 000nercial trade developing conntries. In this adherence to the FAO Principl al the Committe ents so as to ized the need for Programme in the stress on the improvedients in thet nationally 0 operations. As re for smergeneie as necessary, p iotal aspects, mi od Programme. emphasized the heed for i ed up the flow of eid to ? isanter strengthening the resource ani field or disaster and emer ncY t that as poor transportation his sector were essential. The within ..:.a regional framewo k, 'ds the proposal for sett , the Committee felt that icnlarly of management, I. h particular reference to aspects of food aid policy the Committee, d eho.uld not be-regarded as"being of a, Perm ent arming and stabilization of food aid commitm nts its of national b4dget regulations, in order to doirtinuity in fo aid, programmes. Several d le- s to make longer.. erm oommitmente'of feed ad and Et to a larger extent in quantitative and phy iota the desirability of the equitable sharing of the ?nom, both traditional and potential. ?It e ressed t component of f od aid and for expanding t e partiaularly-t ugh the World l000d frograM f hunger and in: nutrition should be a majo aid pollen alt augh further work would be costs of impl enting..inch 4 polioy.The' food aid in e c development should be I aid programme:ame'development strategic, n circumstances, ood aid might be the form ittee stressed th desirability of' avoiding he aid on food produ tion in the recipient (tom ries, on the produotio and trade of food-exporti connection, it re ffirmed the importance of sot Surplus Die sal. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 ? 25 ? Section IV: Trade Stabiliti and Adjustment 86. The Committee recognized that, as outlined in Section IV of the documen4 under oonaideration, trade formed an integral part of the world food problem and it agreed that relevant questions should be identified and oonsidered,by the Conference in so far as they were linked with the solution Of this problem. It WAS ai4reed that'the-eovernments should take ieto amount the outcome of the , , , deliberatiOns'of the Coeference in this fieldwhen dealing with trade questions in the appropriate fora, such as GATT ani,UNOTAD. 87. Most delegates agreed that, if trade were to fulfil its role, it should have a free and orderly flow at stable prices and. provide an assured outlet to exporters and security of supply to importers, at reasonable prices to both. Measures to stabilize food prices at reasonable levels for both producers and consumers on the world market were therefore imperative. It ,was also. vital to remove destattles to the access to markets for food aa well 35 for other products exported by developing countries. As part of these liberalization measures, deve- loping food-exporting countries should be enabled to acquire an adequate share of the food market. In addition, steps should. be taken to promote adjustment by individual countries with a view tofacilitating the rapid adaptation of the production structure to the changes in the market. 88. The repreeentet,ive of UNCTAD drew the- attention of the ComMittee to the fact that'the'Provisional Agenda of the Conference as recommended by the Com- mittee and approved by the Economic and Social Council at its fifty-seventh session 2/ defined the scope of Conference agenda item 9 (d) as follows: "specific objectives and measures in the area of international trade and ad- justment, which are relevant to the food problem, including mealseres towards stabililation and expansion of markets for exports from developing cow:Aries". 89-. Many delegates ooneiderei that it was esseetial to formulate guidelines for the work in other fora in connexion with international mealeires for the removal of trade "barriers, for trade expansion and diversification, price stability,and for structural adjustment. The proposals for action suggested at the end of each chapter in section Iv (paragraphs 610, 636 and 645) of the document under discus- sion could be used as a basis for these gaidelines. However, some delegates felt that the guidelines should be more specific and more explicitly directed to particular bodies 'concerned than was the case in the proposals in that dooement. 90. In view of the close interrelation between stocks and prices, the Committee recognized the need to link arrangements for World lotod Security with measures for food stabilization, as well as any future arrangement for international agricultural, NStment. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 26 - Section V; Arran4ements Tor follow-up.aot:jen 91. The Coiiittee examined at length Sect ir V of document E/COO *WO (E/000.65,/ ) "Arrangements for follow-,up action", as well as other Oro for institu ional arrangements and followownP *on Ida& Were before th Committee. During this debate, various viewl. of delegations.. on these acts were stated After the general debate, the rther consideration of S tion V was-entruited to an informal Working Group which was set Up at ,the 28th tooting of the Comm ttee on Thursday, 26 September. The terms of referinee of he Working Cro p were to: (a) Ekimine how the **inclusions of the Conference can best be presented to the -world; , *amine hew follow-up action to the decisions of the Confer* ould be dealt with; (0) Discuse what Should be the general contents: of a declaration and programme of action in case this Should be decided upon. 92. Sierra Leone was designated as Chairman The other mmbers were: Algeria, Argent/nal CzechosIoyaie.l Egypt, German Democratic Re Japan, Norway, ,Paki 'tent Pent, Roman of Great Brit&in and Northern Ireland, Unit 93. The Working Group was to expressed by delegates during accordingly. 94. At the 38th meeting, the ( Sierra Leone) presented the follows: carry out its the debate in of the informal Working G Australia, Belgium, Canada blio, Nungszlit India, Indo a, Saudi Arabia, United Ki ? States of America and Zan ndate in the light of vi lenarr on section V and re Chairman of tit Working Group, Mr. S.A. J report of the orking Group. The report (1) e Working Group, agreed that the of the Ca arena, to the world Would be to h inform pub Jo opinion containing the moons the policy implications flowing from the our world food situation and formulation of the the Conference for resolving the world food resolution' on priority proposals for action and commitment* Could be reached, (c) a repo 0 series of reoommendations of a more teohni national gOvernments, to international organ est war to present the co ve (a) a declaration des for oonvening the World? art and prospective asses jor points of deoilion roblem, (h) a set of spec on which clear-cut undo rt of the Conference Joao cal or general nature addre sstions and other appropr (2) tn its discussion of the scope of the declaration, several were made: (i) The declaration should recall the findings of the assay the current food crisis and the prospect that shortages and 1240 Prioel could beoo.. a world-wide catastrophe and affirm strongly the basic h on food; i) The declaration should also r400gni.z. the objective of 4 food polio.including increasing food produ ion, improving consumption ensuring a4iquat. food security and stress t these were all aspects No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 bati was nO lnsios etio, Conference, ent ofAhe ? ed, in ing sed te te fora. ions ntn of of f- rights world and f an No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 - 27 - integrated whole; (iii) It should Proclaim the determination of government* to work together to raise food production in developing countries laying stress on the provision of necessary inputs, to establish a system of" World Food SeourttY, to improve the distribution of food and combat the-soo *WS of hanger and mal- nutrition, and to faoilitate the expansion of trade of developing countries. (3) The Working Group suggested that the draft Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger, eubmitted by Feral together with the comments of other delegations, should he used by the Secretariat for preparing a draft declaration for consideration at the Conference. A draft declaration prepared by the Secretariat is attached to this report. (4) The Working Group also agreed that the Report of the Meeting of interested delegations constituted a very useful step in achieving a broad consensus on certain objectives and principles and that a summary of the report of this meeting as presented by its, Chairman will be incorporated in the report of the Committee. (5) The Working Group agreed that the areas for priority action for which snecifio resolutions would be appropriate were well covered by the suggested list of key points made by the Seoretarr-General in his statement at the 33rd meeting of the Preparatory Committee on 30 September 1974. There was broad agreement that these .suggested points offered a good basis for the resolutions, and the Working Group had a general discussion on the draft resolutions prepared by the Secretariat (attached to this report) on each. of the ten points identified by the Secretary-General and taking into account the ?comments made by various delegations. (6) In its discussions of item (b) of its terms of reference, the Working Group agreed to suggest certain basic principles: (9 follow-up action to the nf decisions of the Ooerence should be effective; (ii) maximum efforts should be made to strengthen and reinforce existing inetitutione in this areal but at the same time governments should keep an open mind on the establishment of new inter- national machinery if there was strong justification for such machinery; (iii) high Priority should be given to actions designed to increase the flow of resourcee for increasing food production in developing countries; (iv) the need for integrated approach in tackling various aspects of the world food problem. (7) In the light of these principles, the Group examined various concrete proposals submitted to the Preparatory Committee, including: (s) World Fertiliser Fund, proposed by Sri Lanka and ESCO (E/C0W.65/4, pares 668-671) (b) World Bank of rood, Agricultural Inputs Supply and Research, proposed by Mexico (Annex I) ) Agricultural Develftelent Fund, proposed by Sierra Leone on behalf of the African Group (E/CO1IF.65/4, pare 674) (d) Voriti Food Security Council, World Food Bank and International Agricultural Development hind Or Bank, pigivellied by Bahgladesh (0100?65/41 *II, 675-677) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-408-6-4-8 28 - Establiehment o Situation, propo ,.(f) Otter proposals Philippines, Indi World Nide Info tion,Syetem on Food by Japan (Annex-/I). Secretariat tioned by delega es of Federal 1eliWai0 Of and the ,Netherl s (Annexes 'III to VI); s in Chapter 20 of the "Action" document. (8) After a general-di cussion of the bsic'elements of thesz pro Group -reach.* a broad ' maatire of understanding on the following OoMmon as the follow ...0P action: The establishment information end e on'the food eituat The creation of ,e Seaurity at the e X efteotiVe int grasige0.-* The creation of of existing and n deVeloping oouniri agricultural inve private 'foreign in Mare ,effective foI agricultural rose Ned for An overal continuing ettenti implementation of nitrition and food (9) The Group strongli resources devoted to the in countries, and for this purpo arrangements, which might bus that would lead to a signifi obennele. The Group felt tha ooneultationtbefore or:durin (0) (r) 95. At the 40th meeting on the Working Group. - 96. The Pr story Committ declaration ($ra. 94