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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 HAK CHRONS March 1974 ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY March 1974 1 "t' GAO Request for Documents on Indian Rt~lpee Agxeement (Scowcroft memo to Springsteen.~ 1 -' Scowcroft letter to Mr. Watana Keovimol, Seton Hall Univ 1 1 -f-~ ~" re US policy toward SEA Amb. Kintner's Letter on US Troop Withdrawals from '7Tsailand (Symser memo to Scowcroft) Admiral Zumwalt's Proposed Travel to Iceland (C1ift memo to Scowcroft} 1 ~" "Disaster in the Desert: Carnegie Endowment Study of US Assistance to the African Sahel" - by Roger Morr is (Hal Horan memo to Scowcroft) 1 ~" Delegation to Ixaauguration of Pros of Venezuela (Low mean to Scowcroft) 1 '"' Visit by Mr. Doolittle of Hewlett-Packard (Cooper memo to Scowcroft) 2 -- Significant Military exercise CRESTED CAP 74 (Scowcroft memo to Wickham} 2 }~ Disposition of Chron Files of Departing NSC Staff MembERs (Scowcroft Memo for the NSC Staff) 4 ~- Presidential Condolence Message on Turkish Air Crash (Appelbaum xnerno to Scowcroft) 4 '" Sugar Quota for Ethiopia (Scowcroft memo to Rosemary Woods) 4 -(`- John Newhouse memo re Planning for SALT (over memo from Lodal to Scowcroft) 4 -}- Preparation ?or HA K's Moscow Trip (Loda1 memo to HAKj 4 - Proposed Additional Reply from Friedersdorf to Delegation from Guam (Scowcroft memo to Max Fridersdorf) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 March 197 4 + Countervailing Duties Announcement -Brazilian Shoes and Colombian Cut Flowers (Low .memo to HAK) 4 ~- "Tr. LIG" Meeting on Foreign Assistance Issues -March ]., 1974 (Kraemer memo to McFarlane) 4 + SALT (Loda1 memo to Scowcraft) 4 ,~ Saudi Concerns on Syxian-Israeli Talks (Quandt memo to HAK} (rw drgw[i~4`l~) 5 #` HAK letter to Sen. Baker re tape regarding activities of Yeoman Radford 5 Appointment with President for Amb, Robert Smith, amb~-designate to Ivory Coast (Davis memo to Springsteen, Schedule proposal attached) `~' Talker far HAK Meeting with Schlesinger, March 6, 1974 (Davis memo to HAK) 6 ~ Annual Review (Kennedy memo to Scowcroft) 6 . 6 .~. -A Presidential. Message to Pres Asad of Syria far Revolution Day, March 8 (Davis memo to Springsteen) Significant Military Exercise ARYA 74 (Scowcroft memo to Wickham. 6 ~- Agrernent far Egyptian Ambassador Ghorbal (Scowcroft mama to SecState) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 6 '~ Representation of Popular Fronts in Int'1 Organizeions (Horan memo to Scowcroft) 6 {' Solomon request for Mao's comment to HAK in Feb 1873 and HAK memcnn with Time editors (Solomon memo to ScowGroft) 6 "f' Reply to Ei1ts Message on NAMRU (Saunders/Quandt memo to SGOW Graft) ~P + N ~Tr oN W 1. ~ 6~l C 2G E h~L'-f l.~ G ~ ~ c. ~ i Z, o /l1 ?-~C..` ~ M2~ ~ vz ~,n-L 5 r~' ~2. ~ ~ ~ S v~~~/. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 HAK CHRONS March 1974 7 +" US-USSR Cooperation in Community Development (HAK memo to Secretary HUD) 7 ~" Talker for HAK Briefing on ME at Cabinet Meeting, March 8, 1974 (Davis memo to HAK) 7 -}- Talker for HAK Meeting with Schlesinger, Moorer and Colby, March $, 1974 (Davis memo to HAK) 7 "t' ACDA - I-3arrington Arn.endm.ent (Kraemer memo to McFarlane, Kennedy, Lodal and Guhin) 7 ~ ' Termination of Ghina U-2Program (Kennedy memo to HAK) 7 -~ Scowcroft's Meeting with Ken Go.IE, et al, on Opiuxx~ Policy Decisions -March 7, 1974 (Horan memo to Scowcroft) 7 '~' Tsrael; El Al Landing Rights (Saunders/Appelbaum memo to HAK) ~i' HAK Luncheon with Shultz March 7, 1974 (Cooper xr~exno to HAK) f Intention of CAB Chariman Timm to Visit China to Negotiate US-PRC Air Links (Solomon memo to Scowcroft) -F Feter Flanigan's Inquiry about an AMA Visit to China (Solomon memo' to Scowcroft) '~ Agrernent for New Zambian Amb. (Scowcroft xxierno to Sec5tate) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 IdAK CHRONS March 1974 11 ~" Cable - US Strategy and Forces in Asia -Consultations with Allied and Friendly Governments (Kennedy memo to HAK attached) ll -1- CIEP Addresses Defense Aspects of Law of Sea (Clift memo to Scowcroft) ll ~' US-Swedish Relations (Clift memo to HAK) 11 f- Turkish Opium (Saunders/Appelbaum memo to HAK) ll ~-. Decisions on Aerial Reconnaissance of Egyptian-Israeli Disengagement (Saunders memo to HAK) (` 1~~~~* .~(.~) ll "~ HAK Meeting with John Gunther Dean, Axnb-designate to Cambodia -Talking Points (Stearman memo to ILK) 11 ~- Jobert-Scheel Talks on Energy (Clift memo to HAK) ~~''`"~~` ~'t?s) 11 ~- HAK Meeting with Dr. Harold Brown (SAL"' Delegation) - Talking Paints (Ladal memo to HAK) 11 -~ Aid to Israel (Kennedy enema tv Scowcroft) (~srwc.( ~lw) 11 ~" HAK Letter to Nelson Rockefeller- re Commission an Critical Choices Panel membexs and outlines ll ~"' Schedule of Significant Military Exercises for the Next Twelve Months (Scowcroft memo to Wickham) 11 -~"' Yaur Proposal far Meeting of Cabinet Committee to Cs~mbat Terrorism (CCCT) with, President (Scowcroft enema to Parker) "~" Gen. Abxa:ms' Proposed Travel to Latin America (Davis memo to Scowcroft) ll -h Representative Elwood Hillis Correspondence on MIAs (Sco,~croft rnexno to Timmons) ll i- Tnvitatian for State Visit ':for Pres Bourguiba of Tunisia (Davis memo to Springsteen) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 March 1974 '~" Haig, Reply to Gen Lane re tatter's proposal of a retaliatory GVN offensive against NVN farces in the South (Scowcroft memo to Dame Hoopes) ll t Reply to Gerry Smith of Trilateral Commission (Scowcroft memo to Haig ) ll ^ Significant Military Exercise DART/CAX TV (Scowcroft memo to Wickham) ll -~' Deployments in Gulf of Tonkin (Davis imamo to Wickham) 12 ~' Termination of US-Polich Closed Area Restrictions (Cliff memo to HAK) 12 `f- Cable to Amb, Kintner in Bangkok re troop reductions in Thailand (Symser memo to Scowcroft) l2 ~' Tnteragency Meeting Schedule (Kennedy memo to HAK) l2 +' Reply to Amb. Newsom in Takarta re aid problem and political implications of lower aid levels. (Symser memo to Scowcroft) l2 ~" NSC Rep at State (re Latin America and decision-making process) (Low memo to Scowcroft) 12 ~ Visit with Pres ,of Foreign Students Currently Studying at the US Arrn.y Command and General Staff College ( Bi11 Gulley menu to Scowcroft) 12 -w Reps Gilman, Landgrebe et al re Correspondent on MTAs (Scowcroft memo to Timmons) l3 #~' Greater Sharing of US Tntelligence with NATQ Allies (LGdal memo to HAK) l3 ~" Sannenfeldt Requests Guidance for NAC ~iefing (Cliff memo to SCOW Croft) -- Attendance at Verification Panel Meeting, March. l4, 1974 (Barnum memo to Scowcroft) l3 -}~ HAK Meeting with Cong. Leaders Essential to Tndochina Assistance (Symser/McFarlane memo to HAK) ~ Tkle Briefing on SALT for Jt Committee on Atamic Energy (McFarlane memo to HAK) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 March. 1974 13 fi CIEP and NSC Roles on AID (John Bushnell memo ~-for the Record) l3 ~` Talker for Scowcroft briefing of VP, March l4, 1974 (Davis xn.exm to Scowcroft) 13 '~ AID and. FL-48Q in FY 75 Congressional Presentation (Kennedy memo to Scowcroft) 13 'f' Stan Scott's Trip to Africa, March 29-31 (Horan mem.oto Scowcroft) 13 +' Message to lies of Turkey on His Recovery from Illness (Sounders/ Appelbaum memo to Scowcroft) 13 + Congratulatory Message an Greece's Independezace Day (Saundess/ Appelbaum memo to Scowcroft) 13 ~" Q & A on US-European Relations -for Presidential Use (C1ift xxaemo to Scowcroft) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 HAK CHRONS March 1974 March 1974 14 ~' HAK letter to Helen Distelhorst o? appreciation for her work for NSC Staff 14 ?- Message to Amb. Volpe on Leone Visit (Clift memo to Scowcrft) 14 ~' Y7S Deployments in and Equipment Turnover in Thailand (Rush memo to Asst to Fres for Nat'l Sec Affairs) l4 f US Opium Policy Scowcroft) ~- Turkish Opium Bata (Horan memo to 14 -' Amb. Stoessel's Scowcroft) Request for Autographed Picture (Clift memo to 14 't An Alternative Approach to Presenting Oar Equal MTRV Throw Weight position (Lodal memo to HAK) 14 # Scowcroft Briefing of VP on Arab Oil Embargo, 3/14/74 (Saunders/ Appelbaum memo to Scowcroft) 14 ~- Proposed HAK Meeting with Dick Per1e (Rodman memo to HAK) 14 ---? Budapest Fall Fair Statement (Davie memo to USIA Director) 14 -" Presidential Letter of Introduction to Shah for Private American citizen Chancellor Guy Newman of Howard Payne College (Saunders memo to HAK) l4 t Shultz' Latin American Trip (Low memo to Scowcroft) 14 ~ NSDM 247, Council on Intl Econ Policy Decision Memo 22 re US Policy on Export of Computers to Communist Countries l4 ~'(" Egyptian-South Vietnamese Relations (Saunders/Quandt rnezxao to HAK) 14 `{- Ikle Briefing on SALT for 3t Committee on Atomic Energy (McFarlane memo to HAK) 15 ~` Weather Modification in SEA (Guhin/Elliott memo to Scowcroft) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 MARCH 1974 15 `~' Revisions to ITnified Command Plan (Lodal memo to Scowcroft) ~' Reply to Letter frozrx Helmut Schmidt on Proposed European Security Studies Group (Lodal memo to HAK) ~48~) 16 "(` Schmidt Reply on German Offset (Lodal memo to HAK) lb -F` PFIAB's Navy Report (Loda1 rnerm to Scowcro,ft) 16 -}- Proposals for Sen. Griffin re LA affairs (Scowcroft mexxa.o to Timmons ) l6 f" Aid to Borden (Kennedy/Saunders memo to EiAK) ~~~~~ 16 1^ NICKEL PLATE 74 (Scowcroft memo to Wickham) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 HAK CHRON March, 1974 1$ '" Clift memo to Kissinger with request from Rep. Wayne Hays that the President receive Bundestag Delegation visiting Washington 18 ~' Clift memo to Kissinger re thank. you letter from Ambassador Herz thanking President for his appointment. 18 ~ Scov~rcroft mexno to Flanigan re cnmrnsnts in response to memo of March 1 concerning actions required ~o suppaxt the. renewal of Export Adrnini~tration Act. 18 ~" Kissinger letter to Samuel Kirkwood thanking him. for his letter .concerning financial situation at American University of Beirut 18 i` Smyser memo to Scowcroft with ,attached cable to Kintner thanking him for cable on troop reductions in Thail~.nd' 1$ ~"" Saunders/Appelbaurn. memo to Kissinger re ''Lunch with Axxibassadpr Kaul, 9/lg -- US-India Joint Comrn.ission [K~a(~!~) 18 "`" Davis memo tb George 5pringsteen advising President cannot rxxeet - with Ambassador Bolen 1$ ~- Davis memo to Kissinger with talker for breakfast meeting with Schlesinger 1$ ~" Lodal to Scowcroft memo re "Subjects for Discussion at Deputies Meeting 1$" ? Lodal/Sonnenfeldt/Hyland memo tQ Kissinger xe SALT Discussions at Zavidavo 18 '~' Cooper memo to Kissinger with subjects for Deputies' Meeting 19 `" Ladal/Sonnenfeldt memo to Kissinger re NSC meeting on SALT C NfC n~f~s~k~ + Horan note to Scowcroft re his attendance at Drought Working Meeting in Abidjan 19 ~I- Stearman memo to Kissinger re North Vietnamese Attitudes Toward Laos and Cambodia lq -~ Horan memo to Scowcroft with topics of UNGA Special Session on 3/15 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 ~ ~ March, 1974 19 -- Solomon memo to Kissinger re "Chinese Leadership Ca 11s a Truce to its .Domestic Battle; A Recap of the Pattern of Elite Conflict'' ~~~~ ~l=) 20 ~}' Saunders memo to Kissinger re Moroccan Plans to Overthrow Qadhafi 20 ~ Cooper memo to Kissinger Canada and Japan re energy caogeration with Europe, 20 ~-. Horan memo to Scowcroft re Turkish Opium Ban 20 ~1' Ratliff/Smyser rnerno to Seaweroft re clearance of n~.emo to Australian Government requesting advice on Soviet proposal (C) 20 ~Scoweroft menzca to SECState re concurrence of President of appointment of Count Wilheirxz Wachtrrxeister as Ambassador to Sweden 20 ~''? .Davis memo to David Parker re proposed travel by General Abrams 20 +' Ober memo to Scowcroft re "April Meeting of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) 20 -1- Kennedy/Low memo to Scowcroft r~ Ambassador Sayre's Recommendations far Reorganization of the US Establishment in Panama No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 HK CHRON March, 1974 21 Davis memo to Scowcroft with ,,attached attendance for NSC meeting on SALT, 3 i21 /74 21 "+ Clift memo to Kissingerwith attached schedule proposal for General Goodpaster 21 ~" Lodal memo to Scowcroft re: PFTAB Request for SALT Briefing 21 f' Elliott memo to Scowcroft re "Final Report from. our Technical Consultants on NATO Conventional Force Improvements 21 ~' Horan memo to Scawcroft re situation in Ethiopia 21 ?4' Glift merna to Kissinger plans for international conference on Vietnam in Sweden and plans for Prime Minister Palrne & other Ministers tv receive PRG delegation 21 --- Saunders memo to Scowcroft requesting appointment for Ambassador Neumann to see Scowcroft 21 "1 Karologos memo to Kissinger with request from Senator Stennis ~~`"~tY) that Moshe Dayan come before the Senate ,Armed Services Committee. 21 "~" C1ift memo to Kissinger with request for President to meet with Cardinal Mindszenty during his visit to U. S. 21 "Law memo to Kissinger with attached letter to President from President of Consular Corps of Washington thanking him. fox accepting Certificate of Membership 2.1 + Clift memo to Scowcroft attaching press guidance for Ambassador Strausz-Hupe announcement Car I{iN,~, ~. ,S,v~+riH) 21 -f- Lebedev memo to Scowcroft with attached Secretarial recommendations for State Department Positions 22 . ~} Stearrnan memo to Kissinger re PRG major new negotiating proposal which contains timetable fox general elections. 22 -~ Fraebe memo to Kissinger with attached proposed letter from the President to the South Korean President asking that He seE Mr. Henry Kearns '~` Saunders/Appelbaum memo to Scowcroft re Presidential Message to Ai1in~ Bangladesh Prime Minister No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 March,, 1974 22 -~ Elliott/Cooper/Clift memo to Kissinger re "Possible Action for Moscow Trip -- Negotiation with the USSR for acquisition of a US Air Traffic Gontrol System" C N~ IVS~M ~i[ ~EI~ 23 ~ Scowcroft memo to Len Garment with- attached reply to President of B'nai B'Rith -Mrs. Nathan Holstein. 23 ~' Jeanne Davis memo to Springsteen with attached Presidential message to Prime Minister 1VIintoff expressing distress of recent illness 23 -~- Kraemer memo to Scowcroft recdmmending Congressional Trip to Vietnam No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 MARCH 1974 March .1974 25 + Scowcroft memo to VP Relaying HAK's Thanks to VP for coming aboard plane to bid HAK farewell upon leaving for Moscow 25 '~" LIF Integration andFAR Force Levels (Stearrnan memo to Scowcroft) ~'" Amb. Appointments in Cyprus and Persian Gulf (Saunders memo to HAK) 25 ~ Request for Presidential Appointment for Amb-designate John Gunther Dean to Cambodia (Davis memo to Spring'steen) 25 ~- Energy Proposals at Washington Energy Conf. (HAK memo to Flanigan) 25 -(- Scowcroft letter to Hon. Daniel Flood re US position toward nego- tiating new Panama Canal Treaty 26 + Phasing US Force Reductions in Thailand (Smyser memo to Scowcroft) 26 -~ Presidential Appointment for Axxab. Tasca (Greece) Davis memo to Springsteen 26 "~ Moshe Dayan/ Sen Stennis (McFarlane/Sounders memo to HAK) 26 t Talking Points for Scowcroft's Meeting with Admiral Anderson and Mr. Byers (PFIAB) 3/27/74 26 -~. Announcement of Force Reductions in Thailand (Symser memo to Scowcroft) 26 -4- Escape Qause Action on Ball Bearings (Cooper memo to Scowcroft} 26 - US Military Equipment to Egypt (Saunders memo to HAK) ~IH ~?'Ff ~~~`~ Chuck 26 `- /Cooper letter to Jaxnes Garrison, Int'1 Committee for Developiing Countries re latter s computer study 26 "E' Talker for Presidents s meeting with Philip Manhard, US Amb to Mauritius, 3/28/74 -courtesy call 27 -F DOD Proposed Reorganization of Overseas Military Headquarters (Symser memo to Scowcroft) 27 ? 2alkpr fcr Scowcroft m~?etin~ with Amb_N~!iirnann !Morocco) 3/28/74 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 March 1974 27 f Scowcroft rnEeting with Robert Timm of the CAB re developing US-PRC civil air links (Solomon memo to Scowcroft) 27 ~ Turkish Opium -Desire of Cong. Rangel and Wolff to See the President (Davis merna to Friedersdorf) Z7 '" Travel of Mr. Ho1n~a.es Tuttle to USSR (Davis memo to Springsteen) 27 ~- Talker for President's Meeting with Amb. Tasca 3/2$/74 (Saunders/ Appelbaum xzzemo to Scowcroft) 27 -il- Military Assistance Funding (Kennedy memo to HAS) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/06/04 : LOC-HAK-44-5-1-6 HAK CHRONS March 1974 2$ -Reception for Fifth Annual National Student Syxnposiurn (Scowcroft memo to Lucy Winchester) 28 ~^ Sovie t Union Exhibit -Technology for the American Horne. (Davis memo to USIA Director) 28 Agrernent far New Ghanan Axxzb to US Samuel E. Quarm (Scowcroft memo to SecState) 28 + Senate Problems (Lehman memo to HAK) 28 '~ Financing Suez Canal Mine Clearance Project (Saunders memo to HAK) (ih ~yypt ~l~) 28 -}~ Narcotics (Horan memo to Scowcroft) 28 -~ Amb. Moynihan's Upcoxx~ing US Visit .(Saunders/Appelbaurn memo to HAK) t~dFx ~l