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Document Creation Date: 
January 11, 2017
Document Release Date: 
March 23, 2011
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Publication Date: 
October 8, 1970
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7" _. / b No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/03/23: LOC-HAK-448-6-13-4 w - Talking Points for Congressional Briefial ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY -_ As Admiral Zumwalt will describe in more detail, the Soviets in the past year have increased substantially their naval activity in the Caribbean and the number of naval visitse to Cuba. This is the pattern of increased Soviet naval activity world-wide. They have also been more active in the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic as well as in the Mediterranean. In staid-.Aragust they began some construction In Cienfuegos harbor in Cuba. Admiral Zumwalt will describe this in detail. The important point is that it was done very rapidly over a period of a fewweeks. -- The evidence - the ships that called and remained at Cienfuegos, the construction work there - points to the possibility that the Soviets had in mind the development of a facility which could be used for the support of missile-carrying submarines and possibly a base. -- If this were true, it would be a matter of serious concern. The operating on-station time for Soviet subs off our coast would be significantly increased. A. Soviet facility in Cuba to support submarines would not be at all like our bases in Rota and Holy Loch - we have been there for years and those submarine bases are not on the very periphery of the Soviet Union. It is of an order of significance which would be best likened to our constructing a facility on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. It in a major qualitative change with important political overtones for us not only in Latin America but around the world. -- In 1962 the Soviets made clear their understanding that we would not permit them to introduce offensive weapon into Cuba. They have respected that understanding up to now. They understand now that we would view such a base as contrary to that understanding. Our September 25th statement made that clear. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/03/23: LOC-HAK-448-6-13-4 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/03/23: LOC-HAK-448-6-13-4 W - TOP SECRET/NODIS - 2 U they do not respect that understanding and continue to develop or attempt to use the facility at Cienfuegos for submarines we will view this as a most serious matter and act accordingly. There has been no significant change in the situation in Cienfuegos since September 25th. We are watching it carefully and have regular surveillance programmed to assure that we know exactly what is going on - any change in the situation will be detected immediately. TOP SECRET/?40.nXS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/03/23: LOC-HAK-448-6-13-4