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Publication Date: 
July 21, 1970
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J'Z " -- 44 cs MEMORANDUM WASHINGTON INFORMATION July 21, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Henry A. Kissinger / Actions on Cambodia The following is a report on actions taken or underway on Cambodia through 6:00 p. m. , July 16. and 4 weapons seized, while ARVN casualties were 2 killed and 4 wounded. Military Operations: ARVN elements engaged an enemy force 30 miles southeast of Kompong Cham. Enemy losses were 17 killed -- UN/VNAF air operations July 15/16- included 57 reconnais- sance, 102 tactical, and 15 B-52 strikes, mostly in eastern Cam- bodia. Third Country Military Forces in Support of Cambodia: The GOC has asked US intercession in some financial differences with the GVN, which apparently wants the GOC to supply the Cambodian currency required by ARVN forces in Cambodia, and has asked Cambodia to meet one-half the cost of supporting ARVN forces in Cambodia, which it estimates at $2 million per month. Military Assistance: The following captured equipment was de- livered to Cambodia on July 15/16: rocket launcher ammo 82mm mortar arrimo State, OSD Reviews Completed 60mm mortar ammo 57mm recoilless rifle ammo 75mm recoilless rifle amino 7.62mm machine gun ammo 144 rds 688 rds 2, 335 rds 208 rd s 39 rds 134, 640 rds No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/03: LOC-HAK-459-9-1-2 THE WHITE HOUSE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/03: LOC-HAK-459-9-1-2 TOP SECRET/ SENSITIVE 4 -. Cumulative Shipments. to Cambodia by Type and Source Since April 22: V-f 1 1 /hA, Totals of US otals of Capturejdl T small armJ\ /' U 27, 644 crew served w on 1, 013 vehicles V 40 / radio/equipment 16 323 mall arms ammo (rds) 660,380 Grew served weapons ammo . (rds) .1,099,386 artil ry munitions (rds) 6,960 Equipment Delivered 15,288 1, 799 0 0 20623,170 2,113,066 -- Embassy Bangkok has compiled a list of Thai support already and interdiction missions (to be expanded soon to include close air support in northwestern Cambodia), and a Thai Red Cross medical bodia, recruitment and training of Thai-Khmer, aerial reconnaissan team. reached Phnom Penh on July 15 and 16. Shipments of relief supplies from New Zealand and Japan -- Our Embassy in Tokyo is preparing a regular program of briefings for Japanese officials to counter what we regard as an overly pess .i i is n s - vi w of Lon Nol's prospects. Aichi has promised ook into such direct aid as truc s an communications equipment ponchos, etc. ) for 50, 000 troops, 20 river patrol craft (delivery be- mmiitted to Cambodia. The major items include "softwear" (boot gins this week), loan. of 5 T-:28s, stationing of liaison groups in Cam- beyond the $2 million in relief goods now being delivered, but further Japanese aid will probably be largely determined by GOJ views as to whether Lon Nol will survive. again asked for more arms as well as assistance in establishing a new tude for US help in upgrading Cambodian radio broadcasting, but he -- Charge Rives saw Lon Nol on July 14, and discussed some of the recommendations made by the Bangkok conference on support for Cambodia. Lon Nol was generally receptive, and expressed his grati c No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/03: LOC-HAK-459-9-1-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/03: LOC-HAK-459-9-1-2 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE Di lomatic: State has instructed our Embassies in the UK, West Germany, Spain, Israel, Japan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Den- mark, and Italy (all of whom have diplomatic relations with the GOC) to brief host governments on the situation in Cambodia. Em- phasis is to be placed on the fact that much of last month's press reporting was alarmist in nature, and that we do not foresee any imminent crisis. The hope will also be expressed that these govern- ments will not be deterred from providing military or economic assistance because of exaggerated pessimism over prospects for the GOC's survival. Information: The Australians are considering several communications related assistance projects which would involve all or most of $A 300, 000 remaining in a special Cambodian aid fund. Australian aid.experts are expected to come up with recommendations within a few days. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/03: LOC-HAK-459-9-1-2