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December 17, 2010
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Publication Date:
March 17, 1972
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A" - C" ^ -' 1+}'71
No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/17: LOC-HAK-460-6-4-0 ) , ~~-'h)
r and NATO Da sate
5O.O rnan cut in NATO.
alt. * 4uced the Army from the planned 1$ to 11-Z/3 divisions and
eft, wry ,close to passing the Mansfield Amendment calling for a
o rl,a eats: Last year, Congress cut the Army 50, 000 man-years
with reegard to its overall military manpower requests and NATO
The Administration faces a thugh battle In Congress again this year
the recent progress made by our Allies in force improvements.
by l i-sfield.(you will recall that Irgvin's response indicated general
acceptance of, the idea of limited cuts as long as they were teen from
:support author thanbornbat.) It is essential that the Administration
speiik with one voice on NATO starting from the premise that any cuts
would have serious adverse. political effects in view of the President's
public +tommitaments `to NATO.: This is especially true considering
mitten might forestall a larger cut which will inevitably be proposed
disciiiaion that he believed an 8-10, 000 cut in NATO made by the ComO
nadir Steam s"made clear to Under Secretary Irwin to an earlier
I have -discussed this with Under Secretary Irwin; Yes
attitude after-Chile's other creditors i,ave indicated their positionab
. are still uncertaian, and we will bo in a better position to .decide on our
and whether or' not a 8ftG,meeet ng ahotdd be held to consider Initial .and
.:bak".pc-aitians for dur delegation to the Paris Club meetings. A
S G meeting had been scheduled but was postponed. Treasury prefers
not have a meeting now, because the dates of the Paris Club ,meetings
y~ we sent yoa a ham Tab A) on the
R3a Ada,. Chile debt negotiations
um. &-arls 1-1-ap jai.
!hate"!s.conce rned "t our final decision. on Chile's debt will be reacha4
Lion. -'Under Secretary Irwin sent lrou a mernoranduxia; (Tab C) objecting
inn' solely financial groiWds. without adsquate -olittcal input or considers,-
No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/17: LOC-HAK-460-6-4-0
Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/17: LOC-HAK-460-6-4-0
an opportunity to;axakae an,.1np t to the decision.
the foreign policy I plicationi of the .issue and give ".'Other ageacieas tt
reockedn` -g a meetiixag *t the.SRG would be held in`order to oxxi"Q a
all Sec .try Connally to ask that prior to any ft dae ai< 16 1
R'd as scheduled. I m our memo to you, we reca~atx-nac~eixd>
to the postponement of the SRG meeting and r*conjnjg2jTM
position. He also may claim stiflably).that State was not consulted
of the imca and strstagiae'aroectsof the decision regarding'our.
xaaiaiet the Ghiloaa debt vasstioaai, ` .mpbaiising the importance
~-tn aaaaa
on the decision to postpone the SRo.
on . i>eal grounds, You may wish to t*U Irvin your cau'vo
tare of the Chilean debt decision, and that it should o bee made solely
Secretary o>nna jr..
I have discussed this with Undo
Sec u t A!" tatance Shortfall
Secretary lrwlnz Yes,
- . We are studying the Secretary's Mars 14 ,options memo on ways
of dealing with the shortfall.
?- > is cisar that something must be dos m to alleviate abed concerns
Shultz is concerned over the effects of as 11 72 aupplemental:.-
S41YRAbA1~~!1wA\~le" . Pry- - -' ww~.n -rte.. - ,~~.~ ~ T gyp- _.. - -
arepaid out of WY 73 funds, ,and it could lead to the' elisanination of Section
lees th arrbie ittalls of Dian is rou -w it could be seen as a
?? -We' note that State favors a section 508 deter zniaation; butte
(roc ended by Defense) on the- President's a enditurs :ceiling.
SO6 altogether. - w .
,eau ae ' 3ook at an aasaend-
elution at the low 171 levels" and then aavr k.
-- In light of the Congressional cliaaA,ate this year and the necessity.
for favorable action an our T Y 73 request, wouldn't it he preferable-to
and hopefully avoid a continuing .,;
t i that "reeu?s' top r-riority now
moot or #: * ppieaaac~e ntal?lstet7` .. ~..,, '
r we