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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 14, 1971
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, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/12/06: LOC-HAK-486-11-8-2 ?V L I / ) MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL T /SENSITIVE /EYES ONLY ACTION (Outside System September 14, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. KISSINGER FROM: Helmut SonnenfeldP/K. Wayne SmithlyS SUBJECT: Smith's Backchannel on Using ABM Ban in Preamble Gerard Smith wants to include in the ABM preamble the phrase, "The parties having as their ultimate aim a ban on ABMs." He cites our serious" interest in a ban in the second phase of negotiations and asks if you have any objection to his proposing this phrase. (Tab B) Obviously, this is another ploy to work back away from the President's decision not to try for a complete ban. Indeed, in his latest recommendation Smith favors a halt on ABM work at Grand Forks until we determine whether a complete ABM is feasible. You should stop this drift immediately. Accordingly, we have drafted a reply stating that you will discuss this at the Verification Panel (it is included in the Smith-Sonnenfeldt memo), and not to introduce any language of this sort. RECOMMENDATION That you send the backchannel message at Tab A. - TO-P-SEC.RET /SENSITIVE /EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/12/06: LOC-HAK-486-11-8-2 ? tie% v- -7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/12/06: LOC-HAK-486-11-8-2 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE EYES ONLY To: Ambassador Gerard Smith, SALT Delegation, Helsinki From: Henry A. Kissinger, White House At the Verification Panel meeting I intend to discuss your proposal (message #0235) on including mention of the ABM ban in the preamble. Meanwhile, you should not repeat not introduce any such phrase, or lead the Soviet delegation to believe that such language is acceptable. In general, you should not try to define the specific goals of the second phase. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY Warm regards, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/12/06: LOC-HAK-486-11-8-2 " 77 o Objection to Declassification in Part 20,1,8,/,.,12.?,/,2..?,,. .179.c ? ? ' ' 4 ? n S U'L 25X1 25X1 0 14 165 17, rn SALT HELSI TO THE ?SEC At4SA SSAI) 0 ?4 TO T RE IT KIStrr4cER DEAF? 11E IN VIEW. SER IOUS A , AG1EEMEI\ITS Of3JE ION TO TEXT PREAtelE3L4 AIti A AN 01\i A. ViARDI 1971 SEF) 1 Y 4163?Z1 ,SEP HELSINKI 0235 t4SITWE EX CLUS IVE EYES ONLY FOR DR. H ,yollot 000 25X1 1?11? Y A. ANCE TO ME TO STRESS TO SOV IE.TS -31E'COT I AT 10'NS FOLLOWING ON INITIAL IO'NS ?FOR AB'BAN -- IS THERE NG INCLUSION IN ABM AD REFERENDUM HE PART IES HAV I NG AS THE IR ULTThIATE '