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November 10, 1970
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-488-19-19-0 MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INFORMATION November 10, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR THE FILES SUBJECT: The RMK Strike Ambassador. Sullivan said the RMK Strike was getting serious. It has now been going on a long time and we need to be prepared to take a position. He has sent out a telegram asking the Mission Council for its views. Long-run Economic Study Sullivan said that the Secretary has asked for a study of the long -- run.prospect of the South Vietnamese economy. It appears that the study which Mr. Nooter is arranging through IDA will help answer the Secretary's questions. Sihanoukville Infiltration Sullivan said that have asked us for the information we have regarding infiltration through Sihanoukville. Mr. Carver said he would like to delay giving them anything at least several weeks until we get all the data straightened out. He will be in touch with Vietnam Ad Hoc Working Group, November 3, .1970 Mr. Sullivan said that he thought the political value of the material was sufficiently high that we should try to give it to them. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-488-19-19-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-488-19-19-0 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE POW's Sullivan said that we have a cable going out on holiday releases, with an additional paragraph indicating that we may follow up with a demand for large-scale releases. Laird is pushing this. He will talk to Bunker about it, but there is no indication whether Thieu will agree. Bunker's and Ky's Schedules Sullivan said that he would try soon to get the appointments for Bunker and Ky with the President pinned down through the NSC. It is not certain that Bunker should be here during Ky's presence. We want to have as little time as possible between the announcement of Ky's visit and the visit itself to give less time for demonstrators to get organized. The Cease-Fire Paper Mr. Kirk said the exact scope of the paper to be prepared by the first panel is still uncertain. The VSSG staff wants the panel not just to deal with cease-fire but to develop negotiating packages relating political proposals and other subjects to cease-fire. There was some discussion of this and it was generally agreed that the panel should not go beyond the request made by Dr. Kissinger for a study of the cease-fire negotia- ting position. The 1972 Budget Nooter said that he was sending the budget forward to OMB, with an information copy for the NSC. The budget proposal has been cleared by all. There was some discussion about the possibility of Japanese assistance to Vietnam, with Nooter saying that we do not expect much Japanese help in 1972 but are counting on more later. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-488-19-19-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-488-19-19-0 TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE Sullivan said that some work should be done on developing the Vietnarnization fund. Nooter said that everybody agrees that such a fund is a good idea but we have to sort out how we want to run it. Perhaps the stabilization aspects can be emphasized to tempt the Japanese. Sullivan said we need to get an idea if the Congress will accept such a cash grant formula. Nooter said they may not like it at first but may accept it once it is explained. General Smith raised the subject of Postmaster Blount's visit to Hanoi, expressing concern as to whether or not Blount realized that many POW's do not write because of an understanding between them- selves and their families that they will not do so. They feel the -failure to write subjects them to less pressure. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03 : LOC-HAK-488-19-19-0