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October 18, 1973
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25X1 INTELLIGENCE MEMQR KDU 1? CENTRAL` IN`l'JiLLIGENCE AGENCY .1:8 0c tobor 1973 IDDLE EAST (Situation Report Number 52; (As of. -1630 ED'a') THE MILITARY S1 TU AT 10 1. A' senior Deft3nso Ministry spokesiuan, claims that Tel Aviv by ? m&d--af terhoon today had pla,:ced 150 tanks on the we,,-it bank of the canal near Groat 13!ittea: Lake. The Spokesman stated that the'. Israeli bridgehoad on the west bank was about eight Iniler-i W-Id~ to - At and about four miles wide to 'the: south . 2. The lsxaol.a, official said that four r .,yptian brigades ?w :re? att6inpt1ng to envelope the bridgehead and indicated that Tel 'Aviv had plans for rapid withdrawal MORI/CDF per C02826111. of the force should this :become necossary. Large-scale tank batt7.os also continued to rage in-the central. sector. of the Sinai front this afternoon, but details Oxt these battles are lacking s Tel Aviv claims to have destroyed 110 Egyfptian -tanks today and':to have shot down 20 Egy}7tian ai*rcraft.. Tel Aviv acknowledges losing six aircraft toe s i s m ?ni 25X1-human No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 3, The Syrian ,f,-o,nt appears to have been the quietest today, sino.e ? the war. began. There was little aotivity either on t, ho ~gr'ound or in the. air . A. high- level Israeli m .lii:ar 'o ce r ep.bi is that Damascus is using the lull to? rd :-e-quip two of its- armored divisions with , new :tanks dc: Livered by the Soviets to the' Syrian ports og-' `Latakia and Tartus. 25X1-human ']'Iik ~ IAN FRONT, ' 4. Cairo and 'Tol Av.ii, cone.Anue to ieport < xttremely heavy Bighting in. the S.ina.,' but. neither' is providing Many details. Israel. olaiins to have desi roy ed 110 t links and 20 irc t- today, -.7- 25X1 5. An Ism ~el~ mu ftta '' pokesman. has reported that the Israeli task force ,On 'the' west bank* iaras substantially reinforced during the night. TIe claimed' that as of mid- atternoon today sr,3el' laad; about' 150 tanks as well as artillery on the' weo.t bank: and that the task 'force had Overrun Egyptian art' brill in ecuinne Ac4ord.ing to i:hP Tsr_aQ~:?i,, it -r~ F.CtV17 zany force or tour brigades Troftt the west bank and the Cairo Aroa to attack the `Israeli, force. Cairo- also is report- edly planning to launch a Large air attack on the force aild the ponton ' bridge p,1a,c6c7.' by the Israbl:i a across the canal. The Israeli spokesman said tho J gyptians have severed some of their own bridges to prevent their use by I raeli forces. 25X1-human No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 T No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 7.? TeX Aviv :11'a s `not; character) zed: the canal cross ing as the beginning of a: major offensive, but has bccn quick to exploit the sUCCea s of the small initial force Tel Aviv, however,.. ..s ,not' likoiy tb sacrifice the tusk once to heavy, Irgyptian attack and may faithdraw it and subsequently launch ar othtar such assault elsewhere on the canal. i ? r4wyPr 4S avaitirig additional. manpower, . accord- ng to an Iraqi news service. The service quotes an announcement puha_.ishcrl? i Cairo today calling all 19-- year-olds to fld.1it . y ! bc11'vic u- The normal ron.sc:ripL?iof age is 20. The move is apparently a, contingency for pro1ongea warfare; the cqf cripts are zeportedly not scheduled to be through %with rnedjcal ti5st, until the ,and. of the month. THE SYRIAN FRONT' No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 12. 'Tel' Aviv remain's concerned . over the Soviet resupply effort. : An x 7r1a. military spokesman stated that two Syrian divisinns'--the 1s1 and :arc armored divi- sions-are rn,*_, a ming vurith now -equipment from thUSSR. HQ stated .t1 t n&; . tanl~s 'are being unloaded daily at Tartus acid L taki?a arid t1jC:n transported to Damascus for as s comb 1y ; 25X1-human No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 25X1-human SOVIET NAVAL ACTIVITY "'II'I THE MEDX`LG- RP,ANtAN 17. loo rSoviet r xgo' ships have gone through the. IIOSporus southbound today;, and no additional cargo =hips .are expected to ?e4ter :Syrian or. Egyptiarv ports. within 'the next 12 ? hour'!:;. Two Soviet cargo sh;ir s are still in Latakia arid. seven- -a.n~luaing -a tarnker - are in Alexandria. ISo The pcssition cf Soviet cwaba`tants remain essentially unchanged. Two medium landing ships that: have. been cast of ?CYy us have apparently left to return .to * the Elark i4ea. Ian ;LST and the three anedium landing ships that went through tho Bosporus ye`s terday -are nor t~h- Cast of Cr'ete" probably h.eadianrc for thq northeast Cyprus ? area. Two addi.t.i(.,nai :).rSTs are clue to 1:eave the eastern Mediterranean within the :next couple of days. Independence s ou uh o . Cr ate . SOVIET POLITICAL ACTIVITY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 19. . Throe Soviet ships continue to trail .the USS 25X1 o Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 . ?2. A broadcast today can Moscow's "unofficial" ..Radio Peace and Progress . took 'a :distinctly dovis2i tone regarding Ithe war.' In the context of praise for Sac1at' :s proposals Wednesday regard3,ng a. peace settle men,t, it lamented the c tarter century of ..Arab-Israeli conflict th, t has "depleted the resources, of. both countries. " The broadcast went ` on .to note that 1history has demonstrated that armed.c:onr1kct is unable to erradicate the .sources Of the. Arab-Israeli conf l.tgt. Although Soviet comY-eintar- .es throughout' the.: ounf lict have restated Moscow's inter_ stc-in a sottlemenb of the war", they generally, have not- Stressed so. ;sharply the .futility of hosti1 i,tios . ..SAUDI ARABI& OIL. PRODUCTION CUT (SENSITIVE) Tits oral producing sta,tos have promise to mall sin oil. deliverieR to "friendly" countries that give Arabs ; "efi:ective material help," but no major industrial oouritry.presently. Sal.:ls into this category. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 Et. 'att. j~% ral~ ;:rar~~~ca~?i:g Ia ltd Cor 7.A-}a bent. mtturathly ~c~duction and applied it uniformly to all exporta, the -:impac : on 'the U17itad stater, Western Europe, Canada, and ,Japan. wou;id be as shown i.n ? the tabulation. '?? as ?.M__ Y_. _~__I_ T__..-..L United States West(crn Europe Japan Canada Decline (bLd) ]..60 OUO .,130, 000 230, 000. ' 15,000 tion in of Consume- the First Month 25X1-human ~'IdlJ7~,l'EEN-LEJ3~.I$Or1: 27. Tixe Israeli". 'boarder with Lebdnan is becoming moors active.. The: Israelis claairrt that: guerrilla hit--and- run actions are on the. increase, and the Lebanose have complained about: mo :Lar &r d arti3,1ery, :rounds from Israel' falling on Le3ban'usa terr:itory. This Lebanese complaint has been coriflrz i'ed ) X a UN observation post. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 that one is a US citi ze1~'. 29 The M bs "o seized the 13afxl Of America in Beirut caz1G3 nua to h;ld up to 40peop19 as hcastages wh.i.Le negotiations ? CQntl:riue With bank officia..s and Lebanese 09ficials. The tour --area demanding the. release ot: Pales- tinian gue :.lill.as'.. from LebanesE jails,. tha ? payment of a $4 million ransom., xt~d an airliner to g'iy ? th(3m to Algeria. The attackers, who si*y they are members irk the Socialist ? Revolutionary MOvelit:r t,say t ho ransOLt, money is destined to help the, Arab -war .eJfort. Bank of 'An Or.ica 1hecad carters has given.' k~er"rais:;ion to ~.ts Beirut 'manager" to negotiate a ransom payment, but fiaz refused another request from the raidets for foreigne;r3 to be sexit In from outside to use as- hostagc::s.' : Most. 6~1: t~h~; -hostages: being held -are believed ' tti be Lehanp.se.' but the: US ? ErAPta.ssy has J earned No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7 KUMNIT.-JORDZ N 32. Kuwaiti rinanice'Kinister Atig4. has reported that Kuwait is about to~ r cl.6ase ? to Jordan aprroximatel.Y $42 attatl,lion of. the tro~n Kuwaiti suhsi~;~yKuwait Is not, yznents or any &t.igi said, coritemplatirig retroactive P period be ore I April AL973. 3 4. Laa7tii.n { t rc, arci to the pct ssibili?ty of an ennergency UN General. ,ssdnbly se,sioaz necessitated by stalemate 'in the 5 :curity Council, oitte O'?apanese Foreign M1ini.stry offi?.,-ia1a bd1ieVe Japan should make, a statement in support of. thc. A :ab c.a,use The US I-inibassy in Tokyo cc.ltents that the. rest Of. the government also would be likely to ?fe-ol tha.? a: sedura supply pf ; Ptr?olcum should be tha -pri.ntary cotzcern o any Japan.cse?;vate in the UN No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/05: LOC-HAK-543-4-7-7