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Document Release Date: 
June 15, 2011
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Publication Date: 
March 26, 1974
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/06/15: LOC-HAK-545-19-2-4 ~" V I. Completely Outside the System hMEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/CODE WORD MEMORANDUM FOR GENERAL SCOWCROFT TER ZIMMERMAN SUBJECT: Response to Soviet MIRV Claim March 26, 1974 ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY Based on the information you provided Ben Huberman I sent off the attached cable to Jan Lodal late last night (Tab A). As I indicated to you on the phone, I can come. up with only one possible explanation for the Soviet claim that they have three MIRVs on their missiles. As you know, the Soviets have never distinguished between MRV and MIRV systems in their proposals. The same Soviet expression RGCIH (roughly "separating warhead") is used for both MRV and MIRVs. Moreover, they are currently engaged in extensive deployment of an existing MRV system with three warheads - the SS-11 Mod 3. I can only conclude that Brezhnev may somehow have been focused on this ongoing Soviet deployment program rather than their new MIRV ICBMs which are still in flight test. On the other hand as the cable says, the probability that all of the new MIRV ICBMs have only three RVs is estimated by CIA to be essentially zero. Thus the Soviet claim can only be the result of either honest confusion on the part of Brezhnev or an incredibly blatant Soviet attempt at deception that cannot possibly succeed. As you can well imagine, we would have gone off on a wild goose chase without your helpful excerpt from the reporting cable. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/CODE WORD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/06/15: LOC-HAK-545-19-2-4 o Declassification in Part 2011/06/15 : LOC-HAK 545-19-2-4 ; ~ ** 1 O~ P S E C R MAR ,74 'It IATI:bN ROOM //TO 4AK 1.!,/1 E .C R. El ..EYES ONI?v,_,t,ONTACNS CODE T **s **S: CO O'') 'WH4O773. "s B`J K.C T PATCH JAN , M. L;N AL (K r S4.NGER PARTY) PETE '1i`MMERMAN VOUR? INQUIRY ON SOVIET YARVS PRO?4 OUR PH7NE'J)YSCtfSSIf;H At4n cUBSEQI,IENT DISCUSSIONS ~'Nt"NG~,.OURSELVE;S I .TAKE YOU+~ QUESTION TO BE FSSENTIALLY, {SHAT IS YHELIKFLIHOf,,10' THnT NEW SOVIET ICRMS HAVE G.H#,'Y. N~R'E MiIRVS U QL0TE. f t "R A ?SwERs OISCUS$ IN MWIItE ` I b t T Rt B LIfiY IS' NE; .w ZFR -T. 1?l1 -INFORMAT'I'ON .SHOWS t.!-4AT THE THREE Nf= I C+3MS { SS X-170 : 004"T*v VEhfr:GI. .S. THE:3 ST INFORMATION AVAIL.A9LE. ON THE N' BE D ttF,.M'IRVS IS ON THE SS-X-1'9.. (NOTE: T'',E TWO MRV IC'iMS.' ft1?1LY ,DEPLOYED ? SS-9limO(1 4 AND SSw11 M~;O 3.- H V Al. S.COWCR OcT,'MCFARLANE,Rf:r A 4 SEC" C 'RECALLEI? f~SN tO4 7 R G (1 TQRt085/ :03Z TG fi'S .MAC 4" * +~+ + 0 P S E C R F T 4*** *S ,C;~PY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/06/15 : LOC-HAK-545-19-2-4 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/06/15: LOC-HAK-545-19-2-4 CONC,LUSI,{ N , WE 'CAN. FIND 'Nn' PL vXPLANATION 'FOR R, CT:'TALKIN'G