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Document Release Date: 
July 18, 2012
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Publication Date: 
August 26, 1976
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/18 : LOC-HAK-553-1-4-2 IOP SECRET S~~iIVf ~ci~s~~p~ ~S ONLY '1"OP SECRET-SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODI'tWQRD 003210954 ~'~ 1t':\ti l l i N 1:'1's I lv August 26, 1976 ~~ MEMORANDUM FOR GENERAL SCOWCROFT FROM: SUBJECT: The Situation Room Eyena~ng Nates NSA review completed Pakistani Arms A reement with Narth Korea: Islamabad has negotiate an agreement to purchase 50 truck-mounted 122~mm multiple rocket launchers and 120 13d-mm field guns from Pyongyang. Delivery of the artillery is scheduled to begin ain October. The contract, agreed to TOP SE ~ET SE~T~q~E ~~ EYES NLY 0 TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE rnumT rrtc nn.,,:..,.,..... No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/18 : LOC-HAK-553-1-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/18 : LOC-HAK-553-1-4-2 1 ~. T.0 SEC~RE SE~S~~~E' E~~~~E ,YES 0 LY TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE CON?t'AINS CODEW4RD in principle during Prime Minister Bhutto's May visit to North Rorea, was concluded during the late June-early August visit of a Pakistani military procurement. team. The package includes ammunition, spare parts, and train- ing aids and is Pakistan's second arms agreement with Pyongyang. Islamabad purchased $25 million worth of ground equipment in 1972. The new materiel will enable Pakistan to replace much of the older American and British artillery pieces in the army i~ventory.~ The_Washington Star AP reports that Leon Jaworski says that on the day he ar- rived in Washington to discuss the job of Watergate prose- cutor, a possible U.S. Supreme Court appo3.ntment was dangled before him by General Haig. Haig was not im-- mediately available for comment. Roberta?I3ornig reports that more than Z5 years after it was first imposed, the Arab boycott against companies do3.ng business with Israel has become a scorching, if. low--key, political issue in~the U.S. While far from being highly visible, the boycott is the center of a mas- sive lobbying effort on Capitol Hill by giant corporations., Ford administration figures, and Jewish and 1~rab leaders. Jeremiah O'Leary reports that informed officials cred~:t China to a large extent for North Rorea's abrupt switch from almost paranoid aggressiveness to a sort of reasonable attitude toward the U.S. in the wake of the Panmurijon murders. It is not known whether the Soviet Union also had a hand in the apparent change in the posture of the Pyongyang regime but officials believe it is probable that Peking, at Washington's urgent request, had majar influence in the turn of events. James R. Dickenson reports that Jimmy Carter did not take the American Legion convention head-on l~fl percent by advocating across-the-board amnesty, but he might as well have. Carter has his faults, but stupidity is not one of them. He placed his bombshell near the end of his tent. As a result he delivered it after he had, been interrupted several times by applause for his defense of patriotism, his calls far strong defense and his criticism of the shabby treatment of Vietnam war veterans. Carter presented his proposal as one with which he knew many would disagree but p _ ey had the right to know ~\+~' CL~~I . ~r T'OP ~~ ~ TQP SECRET-SENSITIVE EYES 0 LY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/18 : LOC-HAK-553-1-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/18 : LOC-HAK-553-1-4-2 SEC . ar~~~i o cur ~~~~~ ~,Yra ONLY ~fOP TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE C?NTAINS C4DEWORD -3-- where he stood. And some Legionnaires credited hirn with at least having the guts to stand up and be counted on a controversial issue. Jim Browning reports that President Giscard has thrown Paris into political turmoa.i in an effort to assert his personal control over the French government. In accept- ing the resignation o~ Prime Minister Chirac yesterday and then appointing as his replacement a man known as a nonpolitical technocrat, Giscard offered what many commentators called a "declaration of war" on the Gaulla.st party led by Chirac. TOP SECAEi SE~'~IPINE ~xe4~sr?E EYES ONLY TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE CpNTA2NS CODEWaRD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/07/18 : LOC-HAK-553-1-4-2