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Document Release Date: 
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June 3, 1971
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/07/18: LOC-HAK-553-3-1-3 / BRIE NG PAPER ' ."OOC STVf 3, .1971 `PFIAB review completed MORI/CDF C05077604 ION-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/07/18: LOC-HAK-553-3-1-3 I MC UM Mks. THE PRESIDENT. NRY A, INOEA 0.) SU3 3ECTs Your Meeting with Your Foreign intelligence Advisory Board, 3s 3ti p. xna # Friday, .Yuue 4r,: 1971 .iY" $E {~INC'P C TM ~M1Y K AY I`IvF 1 Iy Ef dF 1 The Board would like to discuss with you the OMB/N$C study of the Intel gence Community, a suramary o whi .you have seen and generally approved. They wUl present to you some, of their concerns with respect to that study and their own conception of organizational ,arrangements that should be adopted for the overall improvement of our intelligence activities. There will be no press coverage.. O ,e Atkins w take a photograph at the be g of the meeting. The foiling members of the lard will be preaenta Admiral Anderson, Governor Nelson Rockefeller, Dr* William Baker, Mr., Gordon Gray, Dr. Edwin Land, Mr - Frank Lincoln, Mr. I` .nkih .Murphy,, Mr. i obe Murphy and Mr. Frank ft co*. .. CQNDtJCT OV..THE MEETING At the beginning of the meeting, you will wish to draw the Board's attention to the fact that you directed the 0M33/NSC study on our Intelligence Community with the view toward improving the overall intelligence product to both you and other governmental consumorl, to streamline operations with the view toward eliminating unnecessary duplication and excess costs, and to concentrate attention on both the allocation of resources for collection and the assessment and evaluation of the resulting product. You will not wish, to indicate to the PFIAB that you have taken a position on the study, but rather -cit their views. They have some reservations aboutth.e study Wand *v difficulties associated with adopting organi Tonal changes which No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/07/18: LOC-HAK-553-3-1-3 TOP SECRZTL'3XM would rewire legislative ? aeUon this point in the Administration I recommend that you mealy ask the Board for their comments on the i turfy l6nd any other organs tiox l recouu nendatic they might ,rat Anderson to rely to raise the icwaing topics -?~- De +Cienclea noted by the P ' in the OMB/N$C o> dy ,.-The a deeLrability of seeking .Congreatio .i cta on 00 any or ratio cha~ge~s. 1 The need for improved MUo intelligence in the Proposals for an alternate or zat a t arrangement to, include establishment a revitalized U. S. Intelligence rd with two subcomu-A ees, and the revltall do i of the Board o National Estimates. Measures fol- the impTovernaut of domestic intelligence tivit),eo sort of foreign intelligence. str d prole for tha Director of the National Security .galr? The desirabi tty Of having increased staff auppoir Tor the PE'IAB so that they can p vide better support for your. Note o You may not wish to make any commitment with respect to this item and suggest to the P 'IAB that yot w W consider their recommendations in this regard.) XA.LXINQ POINTS _ %t"Oramended talk n poinS for the. meeti aria at Tab A. Should you care to review it, the swa ry of the OMB/NSC study of the Intelligence Community is at Tab . .,To SEC T/BY1 MAN Rewrtn: HA, AMH:ids:6/ 3/71 No Objection No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/07/18: LOC-HAK-553-3-1-3 S `'T '&z4 cn q. PO1N Worm the PI'1AS raernbera that y oa .have convened the meetb g obtain their views on the OMB/ IC study which bad been p parod at your directLon. Ask the Board memba*> (Mndrsl ; eroou) for their tows on the 'renuitin, study. Notes It would be best ifyouavotd at thia tixxxaa giving the Board members any hint of your awn -views on the xce.eomm aaaiations o the study. You r aay with. ask the, individual' members of the Board to nlna'ify certain points a. AdmLra . Anderson's brte?ing ee At the cou usi . of the irnnee g, you will wish thank the members of the Board f6t their, most helpful analysis of the study and for their valuable counsel in posing a 1ter=te arrangements-4 Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/07/18: LOC-HAK-553-3-1-3