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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 NZ.E_MURANDUM FC)R s ACTION December z6, 1874 HENRY A. KISSINGER. RICHARD T. KENNEDY Signing Statexnerit for the Foreign.Aid Authorization Bill The foreign aid authorization. has been received at the White House and will be forwardeet to the President far actis~n duxing the next 72 hours. As you know, the :Adrninistratzon was sta.ccessful a.n reaching acceptable compromises on ;the more onerous provisions of the bill. Nevertheless,'. there remain several damaging restrictions in the bi11 which must be taken .into account in recommending that the. 'resident sign ar veto the bill. These have been.cavered 5.n greater. detail in my separate mexnoranduxn to you of December 19 (NSC Action #-6229). In the event you decide to recamxnend that the President sign the bill, I believe it would assist our efforts in the future to issue a signing statement izx tivhieh the President ~vauld set forth; his strong concern on these several problez-n areas. Attached is such a draft signing statement for your consi- dexa.tion. Subject to your approval, l will forwardi~vith the bill package. which will be submitted to the President in the next day ar so. RECOMMENDATION; That you approve the `attached signing statement. Approve ~ Disapprove No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 MEMORANDUIvI~ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL AC ION December I9, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: BRENT SCC)WCROFT t FILUM: RTCHARD T . KENNEDYG~ s'' ` ~' SU$~'ECT: Foreifn Assistance Act Several provisions of the newly enacted Foreign Assistance Act present situations where U.S. interests will be jeopardized by xestrictians within ;the. Bill . Cambodian levels of aid, both in economic and. military assistance; restrictions an aid to Chile; the requirements placed an the intelligence com- munity to brief covert operations to six different Congressional committees, {Tab B), restrictions on P.L. 480, and the possibility an February 5th of a cut-off o# aid to Turkey represent major deficiencies. Many of the agencies concerned with the Foreign Assistance Act have concluded that the $ill is the best cornpramise that it was possible to attain in the Con- gressional environment that prevailed . Rather than face the deficiencies squarely, there, may be a tendency to gloss over the undesirable aspects, while noting the better portions of the Bill . These deficiencies Should be 'brought to the attention of the President to permit an objective analysis of the Act. g,E,COMMENDATTON That you sign the memorandum to the President at Tab A. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 ~.rr ~,ipiZANI]U~i `T'HE- W1-IITE HOUSE wnsxxxcrox MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PRFSIDENT FROM: HENRY A. KISSINGER SUBJECT: ' Foreign Aid $ill The Congi~~ess has now pa 5ev,era.1 sections of this a conduct of a logical farei value of. the bill. Paramount is the limitatio for Cambodia. The restri even when the authorized $ a clecisian to either abando situation in which a negotia seeking substanti~.l addition future. The ceiling on econ collapse of the country high b2~9 sed the 1974 ,Foreign Assistance Act. twill impose severe restrictions an the policy, and cast some doubt on the overall on both rnihitary and economic assistance tions on the amount of military assistance, 5 million drawdown is included, will force our objective of maintaining a military ed peace is possible in Cambodia, or of 1 relief froze the Congress in the near mic aid to Cambodia m.alces the economic likely within the next six months unless The total of military assistance, irz- there is additional- assistant chiding drawdown, is not ad ammunition and spare parts quote to provide minimum essential o the end of the fiscal year.' The bill retains the Senate 1 guage, regarding Chile, ,eliminating military assistance and redu ing economic assistance to $25 mihhioxz. This may be construed by the Chilean Gavernn:zent as U. S. rejection of their efforts to attain a close relationship,. and may well encourage the Soviet=egiipped Peruvians to ilitary adventurism. The Humphrey Amendment lizn' immediate and far-reaching of as sigg,ested toy the legislative be scxubbed, anal the programs to the token amounts already shi ting the use of P. L. 480 will have cts. If enforced in the .strictest manner story, the Indonesian program would r Chile and Korea would be restricted ed. The rexxiaining funds would only if Vietnam does not require cover the Middle Fast and Vietna the 100, 000 tans of rice allocated them.. (F'roj ections indicate that No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 No Objection o Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 the OVN will not require tki determined by the harvest i of the anticipated dry season develop in the Middle East ar amount, but any final decision will be January and February, and the results offensive). If any increased requirements Vietnarxa, there is no flexibility to respond mendznent. The actual language of the to the requirerzients under the axnendrrlent is rather loose, bu stricter interpretation was irate technically ignore the restricti viewed by many as flouting. the While some compromise was att the legislative history indicates that a ded. While it might be possible to s to a degree, this action would be ent of Congress. ned in the limitation on assistance to id was neither a wise or useful step Turkey, the impending cut-off of far the Congress to enact. Turke of U. S. security and political irate and even the threat of imposing th effect on our relations. if negatia our ability to usefully contribute to toward restoration of NATO harmo be significantly diminished. Finally, the bill prohibits any expe is, and should remain a key element ests in the eastern Mediterranean, cut-off cannot fail to have an immediate ons axe unsuccessful by February 5th, a Cyprus settlement, and to work iy in the eastern Mediterranean will iture of appropriated funds for non- covert actions -- unless ynu determine national security, and a description collection type foreign operations - that such operations are important t and scope of the operation is report four Agency oversight committees o of each house, and the Senate Forei ,Affairs Committees). Mr. Colby ha. pact of this portion of the bill in a se concern over the leaking of most sera of real danger to ,the United States. d to six committees of Congress ,(the For these xeasons, I have misgivings Armed Services and Appropriations Relations and House Foreign. expressed his concern on the im- arate letter, and 1 .feel that his itive material is valid and a mattex an assistance and. the Middle East, meet other requirements in humanitar' but the. deficiencies make eonsideratio to attain a bill. the compromises. and sure that most agency recommendation rather to offend those who have support attain what we have now. This is perfe of veto a necessity, The e#farts he political capital expended in- issue of whether the long-term effects a term advantages. will be to accept .the compromise d the Administration efforts to y valid, but tends the the bill may outweigh the shart- ~? No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 C~S~i 1 ~ AL fN"t'wLL-Ca~,,~iC~ r~CR?NC`! WASHfNG'CON~ D.G. 2o5i~a r P"' . ry P ',y The President The White HousE Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: This is to recai~~end a statement to be used in connection, with your approval of S. 3394, the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974 (attached).. ~~ Section-~''l of S. 3394 prohibits. any expenditure.of appropriated funds for non?-collection. type foreign oporations ("covert actions") unless and until the President finds that such operations are important to national security and a description and scope of the operation is repoxted to si.~. committees of Congress (the four Abency ovexs~ght committees of Armed Services and Appropriations of oath house and the Senat? Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs Committeos). The legislative history of this section is replete with references to the necessity of protecting the security df~,ths information involved, but na specific language e~.ists ixx~:sectinn 2~~safeguarding qr limiting access to the information. Moreover, 1-louse Mule XI, Clause 27(c) entitles all Members of the House to have access to all committee records, .and the lealcing of my testimony an covert activities in Chile before the Intelligence Subcornxraittee of the Houso Armed Services Committee is tracealale to this Rule. The attached statement is designed to enhance the prospect of working out suitable security arrangem.onts to protect the sensitive information covered by section ~f 5. 3394. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 No Objection to~Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 Thie re~on~mendation stems .rox~~ my concern ovex' our ability to protect the security of our activities so that we .can fulfill the Agency's statutory functions under youz direction.; The spllnterll~; of responsibility far oversight o# this ,A.gency within tl~e Congress as eviclenceG uy trail enactx~~ent, I am fearful will'orind pressure :or w~denina the Th4er.Ce far receipt of sensitive ?operational i.rfur:.~ation evan ,.urther. . er-Eloseci atatearae.>t ax, a:n appr opriat.: rav.s;.o.n of :i: cauldropa:ully slaw this L?er-dex-cy. ., .. . W. E,? Colby Director No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9 Recoxx~mencled Presidential Statement an Section ? 7.0# S. 3394 ,~.,~ a .;- Section~~,-7=~of S. 3394 limits the expenditure of appropriated funds for certain foreign intelligence activiti~s..,~broad by rEquiri:ng a prior finding by the President that the matters,undertaken are important to the national security and a report to congressional committees along with an appropriate description of the nature and. scope of such operations. It is recognized that in a Exec society such as ours, such activities xn.ust be rigidly controlled a:nd Z a:rn exerting. that control. I3ut, by their very .nature,. knowledge of them within the Executive and Legislative Branches must be limited i:rx a manner. to protect such inforrnatia:n. I have stressed to the Director of Central Intelligence the absolute necessity of maintaining the security o# such information. Y trust that the. congress in administering this .provision will cooperate fully in this endeavox. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2011/01/24 : LOC-HAK-57-5-13-9